Thursday, December 02, 2004

Get Well Soon Peetie

Today's Song: The Hives - Two-Timeing Touch And Broken Bones

So, a few days ago i had a few bad days in a row. And i was feeling shitty, So i decide that i need a little trim... I go and i tell her what i want and snip snip.. Not bad. but when i got home i noticed that the retard forgot to cut a huge portion of hair. It really pissed me off... What a fuck-tard

My dad started with some schooling. Class wasn't bad, I actually partisipated... The teacher was reading some article some guy wrote about how Pres. Bush was doing good things for Canada. She read it and asked if anyone had something to say about it. In the article it said something about scince 9/11 Canada and the US have beefed up scurity on the border. So my comment was: "The US didn't act all friendly when we beefed up security, The accused us of letting the terrorists in and then allowing them to move into the US." I was happy with my comment because the teacher agreed with me.

After that we had a test, It was fricken long, But it's good bacause as soon as we are done we can go home. I was done around 11. I catch my bus to brentwood and as i walk onto the platform the train comes (KICK ASS) and i walk to the door and Guess who is stepping off the train?.... Megan. It was Crazy, We said like four words cuz i had to jump on the train, It wasn't akward. But i felt like a dumbass, because i was talking and i was standing at the door and it started closing on me and crap and it was just plain embarassing.

After that i went to KFC for some DVD movie deal... Your get a movie with come Chicken... And there is this one movie i have been looking ALL over for and they had it as one of their movies. So i was all excited, and i go to to pick it out and the lady says: "We only have these two left" So i look.. and it is this Chic flick and National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon I.... WOW... Emilio Estevez and Samuel L. Jackson's best work i'm sure....

After that i was HELLA bored, So i decided to costomize my comp... Not like make it faster or have more memory...
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All i did was draw on it, I think it looks kick ass

So Sean Peatie and i hit up Milly, It was fun, I have some pics:

The Tree i fell into
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Me hitting the New Gring (Sorry for the shitty quality... it a movie still, and it's fricken night out)
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When we were a Milly tonight Peetie bailed and broke his ankle. It was fucking scarry. We were at the Box jump and he did a 360 and it was sooo smooth and he went to try it again, and he got 270 then put his foot down and busted it. I mean i wasn't hurt at all and it was fucking scarry. Sean called the ambulance while i help peeties leg. The EMS were there in like 5 min, once they showed up Peter calmed down and was taken to Foothills.

Get Well soon


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