Sunday, November 28, 2004

Yummy Swedish Mango Vodka

Today's Song: My Chemical Romance - You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

So, Lets start off where the last post ended... New Dynasty was delicious. It's a buffet right? So that means eat as much as you possibly can with out dying. So it ended up just Sarah and anyone who knows Sarah will know that she will barely finish anything you put infront of her. So i was disapointed in her when she only ate one plate....

After that i hung out at Sarah's and we called Vanessa and Eric. It was awesome to talk to those two, They are some good kids. I wish them the best of luck.

So i came home and i nad nothign planned and no one whated to go riding so i went to Rogers to get some Movies. My dad got The Day after tomorrow. Not a bad movie, It was enjoyable. Then i bought the movie Formula 51:
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Action/Adventure and Crime/Gangster
1 hr. 32 min. Samuel L. Jackson stars in this action-packed comedy as Elmo McElroy, an American master chemist who heads to England to set up his last big deal, the introduction of a new designer drug to the European underworld. Elmo’s plan to set up a quick score goes comically awry when he gets stuck in Liverpool with an unlikely escort (Robert Carlyle) and becomes entangled in a bizarre web of double-dealing and double-crosses

Awesome movie, Check it out.

So then that brings us to today... Well scince i stayed up all night watching movie, i slept a little late today... till about 3 in the pm... So i had time ti get ready and go to work... I had to close so it was lame, but i got out like 15 min after the place closed.

Then Kevin Justin Mike and i went drinkin. We are some cheap kids so we decide to pregame. we head over to the liquer store. We have no idea what to get so, we see some Mango Vodka.... Sounds decent right? WRONG... We went to Mac's and got some pop to mix it with and not to bad at first... but then it took a turn for the worst. It started to taste like mango ass. So by then it's 1230 and we are at Schanks so we hide our un finished drinks and go inside. We take like ten steps inside and i see Amy sittin at a table and she's all like "WHAT'S UP", then we take another ten steps and i see Jamie Car. what a koo kid. Then we sit down... and i gotta say that mango shit was not sitting right. I mean because i didn't wake up till i had to go to work and then only ate like 2 fish at work then came out drinkin... Wasn't good. So i am feeling like i am gonna die. So i walk to the bathroom and i see some feet sticking out from the stall... and i know this is a bad omen. I step into another stall. and i puked. So then i come back to the table and They all laughed at me saying that i was worst then Eric and whatnot. I dunno, i'll just say it was cuz i hadn't eaten anything.

So we continue hangin out and shootin the shit, then after eating some platter, i had a shot of Chartruse and a Broken Down Golf Cart. We left for Timmy's So we grabbed our lod drinks of Mango Ass Vodka and they didn't taste any better. So i threw mine away. and Justin Kevina and Mike keep drinkin theirs. We head into timmy's and i got my sandwitch hotchocolate and donut combo. Sooo good. We continue on our trip home and we walk through the back parking lot of The Chalet. So i go and try the door... and my code still works, but the door was bolted. So Justin poured his drink into the ash tray, and we keep walking. Then i notice some signs sitting there, they are behind some stupis railings, and they have a huge cement thing one the bottem. so i lift one over the railing and it was FUCKING heavy and i gave up on it. So they laughed at me for thinking it was soo heavy. So Mike grabs one lifts it up and starts to run... hahaha... he got like four steps then kinda dropped it and then tripped over it... hahaha, his shoe even fell off. (I told you mike i was gonna put that into the Blog)

So we crossed the street ands Justin and Kevin went their way home and Mike and i went ours... Mike and i find these koo stick thing so we took them and were playing with them when i cell rings and i answer to hear: "You guys are soo fucking loud we can hear you over at the intersection!" so i laughed and told them to fuck off, and then i informed then of our koo discovery. Then Kevin says: "Jeff, Hit mike in the leg with your stick". So i did. And we all had a good laugh.

Then i walked home and it was fun.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i had fun living it.


Blogger E said...

Son of a bitch, I miss a fucking lot of fun.

5:02 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

That mango shit was shit. It was like a mango had diarrhea, mixed it with his own puke (yes, that mango is a he), and then shit in it again.

I never touched mine after we went into Schanks. I just carried it around to throw it at some shit.

And haha that was great, you guys where REALLY fucking loud. And I could hear you hitting Mike in the leg, well him going "AAUGGHH"

1:00 AM  

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