Friday, November 26, 2004

"Don't really care about what happens to me, I just wanna live"

Today's Song: Good Charlotte - I just wannna Live

Beautie, Only a three and a half hour shift tonight. Can you even call that work? All i was thinkin about was goin ridin tonight with Sean Tarnizzel and Peetie. I bet some of you nice folks are thinking: "But Jeff... It's cold and there is some snow out there". Yes Tis true, But it was worth it. So we got to Milly around 10, and there are like 4 people besides us three there, 20 min later we have the WHOLE place to ourselves. So we are grinding anything and everything. I hit that sketchy new grind again and it was awesome, but there was ice all over it so i was too scared to try it again. Out of like 10 tries of grinding the funbox and then hopping on to this ledge and then bar-spinning off i FINALLY landed it a whopping total of TWICE!...

So when we first get there i said: "Hey guys check this out!". And i just came way too fast up to this grind and i slipped and fell into a tree... Yes Laugh it up.. But think. Milly is all Concrete and there is ONE fucking tree in the whole place and i have to hit it... And to make thing even funner... It was a pine tree.

I was havin fun just hitting the pyramid and doin some Flatties I was told they were lookin good, that made me happy.

After riding till like 130 we headed over to the BEST pizza place in Calgary. Delicious.

Tomorrow is Friday. I've been looking forward to it all week. Not only do i not have work, But i'm goin to lunch with a bunch of hotties. We are headin to New Dynasty in Crowfoot, Your welcome to tag along.

Man, it seems as of late my life is just work, bitching about work, biking, and bragging about bikin...

Well, That was my day today. Hope you Enjoyed it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff you are really a cool kid. Biking is awesome, and soo much fun. You know how much I really enjoy biking. haha That's not cool though that you hit that tree. Try to avoid it next time. Anyways, figured I would give you a post this time. I really do actually read all of your posts though.


9:11 AM  
Blogger E said...

Hotties? But I'm not there...

lol jk.

I can't remember where that one tree is, is it the one by the foot-high uhh, rail I guess. More like a small wall with coping on the top lol.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Expressions said...

hey jeff
ahahah nice bail into a tree lol its ok your a dundrapheliac(someone who makes love to trees) lol jk jk oh hey tip of the day from jeff racecar spelt backwards is racecare lol


1:01 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

New Dynasty?! Yuck! Did you see that Mike Huynh kid there?

1:45 AM  

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