Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ich Bin Müde

Today's Song: The Mars Volta - Televators

Aaron got the job at EA games, so it was time to go to Schanks and get intoxicated. Justin and i closed. he gave me a ride home... So he NEEDED to try out the BB gun. I think he enjoyed it. Actually i know he did because he wouldn't put the damn thing down... He threatened to shoot me when i tried to take it away.

After almost being shot a few times i chuged some Jager and took a shower to get ready for schanks. Hoped out of the shower drank some Jager, got dressed, drank some Jager, then went to the bar.

I was all excited because i was thinkin: "Sweet ass now i won't spend so much at the bar tonight"... I dunno how it happened... but i still spend $60. It was awesome because Mason and Rob were there along with Geoff and fiencee Nicole Justin and Kevin. Rob just got back fomr the dominican and had a crap load of cigars and we smoked some... Sweet. Mason and i played some Silent Scope... I gotta say, Beer helps me play pool, but beer plus snipering = i miss alot... so mason pretty muched owned the game. After schanks Kevin and i hooked up with Rob again, and Paul came and picked us up and we went to Denny's where that awesome server who is on crack served us. She was. As always, Very entertaining. Then Paul and Rob left... for a good 20 - 30 min. We payed the bill, then we called it a night.

I am tired... so so much sleepy or lack of energy. But worn out. Worn out from the same old routine. I say this in light of the past few weeks. I have been schedualed at work to close for soo fucking long now. I have past the state of annoyance or anger... Now it's just numb... Numb to the fact that i have to do the same old shit every fucking day. Same faces. Same tasks. Same unfulfilled feelings. It seems that my body is going through the motions of work, but my mind is a million miles away - "A body at work, and a mind on vacation." - I hate to say this, but i have really been looking forward to going away for xmas. I feel the need to get away. To leave all of this and just put it out of my head. But i don't want to leave because some of the old clic is coming back. Which in it's self is a mixed blessing. I mean i have been missing these kids for a long time now, and i can't wait to see them. But how is it going to be when we all get together? Soo many things have changed... We will be minus one Dickie because he's gonna be with his family in the Scoosch. Vanessa, She is a strong independand person, i don't think she will have changed much. Eric, I gotta say that i feel distant from him. And i check his Blog regularly. I almost feel as though he has a totally new life and has forgotten/given up our friendship. But i know this isn't true because i know the kid is up to his ass with work and just dosn't have enough hours in the day for everything. I think he needs the xmas break more then anyone... I'm sure my Family would be glad to take him in my place. Sarah, I have tried to still hang out and have fun. But with work, school, track and whatnot it's hard to stay close. I have to plan somethign with her like a week ahead. I miss finishing work with nothing to do and knowing that everyone is stiiing in someone's house hanging out. I need not mention any akwardness with past relationships. Because it seems like everyone was affected in some way.... Frick, I'd say Everyone was... Dickie and Vanessa split up. But the won't affect Vanessa's trip back to Cow-Town. Eric and Sarah, tried... but nothing really became of it. Megan and i... I don't know how to discribe it.... Ended too soon? I guess thats the best way to describe my feelings about it. Now we... "We" as in The clic... are all good friends and nothing will change that. But i mean you will not be able to get around some akwardness. Speaking personally... Megan said she wanted to be friends... I know that is said in every break up. but i mean i honestly tried. Last night i found myself talking to her as if nothing bad had happened between us. It was nice. But then i wondered to myself... What was she thinking about... was she thinking about me at all?... This made me remember one of Vanessa's great speacks she gave me about thinking too much about little things and over annalizing things... so i put it out of my mind. I miss everyone, and i'm excited for the chance to get together.

Seasons Greetings (Keeping it kosher)


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