Friday, March 18, 2005


Today's Song: Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man

"Those bods are being bad
You better take a stand
You gonna wake up that thing in your hand
You're looking all around
There is trouble to be found
Make sure when you find it you get to say it loud
Gotta code three
Need back up
Bring me
My bright pink fluro jacket"

Woke up at 4... Because it was my day off. Went to see Hostage with Kelsey at 740. But first it was to Quiznos for soem dinnah. While waiting for Kelsey i ran into Sara, We chatted and whatnot.

Then off to the movie, Enjoyed it the second time around. Then when leaving the theater we ran into some kids we know, I plyed football with them. and it was like a half hour till they were gonna go see Hostage, So we went into a theater to see another movie... Robots:

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Not bad, If was funny. Definatly LOVED the dance scene at the end.

After the Movie, went to Timmy's then walked Kelsey home.

Lookin forward to schanks tomorrow.

BTW> New Comic

~Good Night


Blogger Kim said...

Schanks is definately gonna be a good time!!!! I'm so excited!

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stereogram rock d video iz wkd fcuk dey jus rule!

9:41 AM  

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