Saturday, April 23, 2005

Woocome Back.

Today's Song: Rise Against - Swing Life Away

"If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand"

I got up at the crack of noon to go to lunch with Vanessa. I really glad i got to spend some one on one time with her.

We went to lunch at Denny's and as we were seated at our table, the server asks: "What would you like to drink? BEER?" I looked at Vanessa and she returned the same look. I mean i'm all for a good brew... But it was noon... Who starts drinking that early

After lunch, it was back home for a power nap, then went to Eric's with Sandra, Justing, Mike, And Vanessa. But fucking Eric didn't show up. Then we went to Huskey for some Sluprees. Then back to Eric's.... Still no Eric. So as the time flys by, I had to go to work.... I ask Justing for a ride. He said no.... Then 5 min later i ask again... No... Then finally at 450 he drives me. Ah well, no one gave me any shit. Today wasn't soo bad, i had to close... but at least we got done right at ten.

Then off to eric's once again. This time he was there and we hung out. He's a spiffy kid.

So i wanted to make a phone call today, but i seem to have lost my cordless phone. There is this "Page" button you hit it and the handset will beep so you can find it. Well i hit this thing a million times and i went all over my house looking for it. Well, after thinging about it, i think i might have unintentionally thrown it out. You see my trash is right by where my phone it. I'm not gonna lie to you that i am MORE then a little pissed about this.

~Good Night


Blogger Justin said...

You're lucky you got a ride at all. Bitch.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

ahahaha poor jeff lost his phone! Don't be mad. Just go buy a new one.

12:50 AM  

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