Sunday, May 29, 2005

Jeff the Alcy

Today's Song: Moist - Tangerine

"Tangerine the bullet made you
justifies the one who saves you
laid him here and love to see him waste away"

Well i think the title is definatly fitting of my week.

It's been dunk one night sober one, then drunk the next. But the good thing is that i have spend about the same on two trips to Notts as to one trip to Schanks.

Last night, i had to close with The Semi Autistic kid... Everyone wanted to go early and dumb-fuck Manager said: "SURE, Let's fuck jeff over!" So I was alone making orders till 9. Finally it died, so i could get some cleaning done. I just sent Chris to dish while i was cleaning the whole place. At the end of the night one of the servers asked how it was closing with him i said: "Not too bad, because i had him on dish. But he'd ask me stupid stuff. Like if i wanted him to clean the c-vap, i reply No do dish. Then he'd ask if i wanted him to take the garbage out, NO Do Dish."

I got out just before 1030 surprisingly. Went home and showered, then Kim picked me up and went to Kilkany's with Amy, Kim, Tyler, Some other girl who i cannot remember who i was discussing strippers with. Then a little later a bunch of people from Bowness came in and i chatted them up for a while, It was good seein some fimiliar Faces.

So after havin 2 more pints [total of like 6 or so] i shared a cab with some kids and went home.

The other day i told Justing that i had posted, he was surprised becase i don't post that often. That made me think about what kinda stuff i was posting about. It's always been Blah blah blah i went to work/school it was ghey... the end... Nothing really interesting. When i look at other people's Blogs they are talking about deeper things. I think i might have lost sight of why i made this Blog. Because for an "Emo" Kid i don't emote alot on here anymore.

When i look back, i think the most of my emoting was done over a girl, But seeing as how there are not girls that are interested in my right now.... i guess i cannot talk about it. But then there is always talking about how i still feel about some girls.... then i am running the risk of pushing them away, scaring them off, and pretty much ruining any chance there "Might" have been.

I mean, how can you express how you feel over the interweb when the person you DON'T want to know the "Nitty-gritty" of it is a Viewer?

I Guess i am holding back on you Blogger patrons in that sence. Maybe it's for the best because now i can have some actual VERBAL Conversations. I know this has happened many a time before, and i have even had a post about when i tell a story that someone has already posted about.

What else haven't i shared with you?

Oh yes, My Post Secondary Chaos....
I applied at SAIT and UofL I havn't herd much from UofL because i need to send my final marks into them. SAIT on the other hand...

I got past the inital selection, so they invited us who made it past in for some apitude testing and such, as well as to give us our Interview time. The tests weren't all that hard, There were four parts, mechanical reasoning, Sequential something-er-rather, Spatial reasoning, and something about language skills.

First test was a bunch of pullys, belts and drive shafts and you had to say which way someting was turning, or which shaft was going faster because of diffrent sized pullys.

Second, There would be 4 boxes with some sort of pattern and you'd have to pick the next in the sequence.... It was fucked.

Third, There were pictures of 3-D shapes in diffrent positions and they would give you a picture of the shape unfolded [think of taking apart a cube, folding on each edge]. They would have some sides shaded or have a design on it and you'd have to choose which of the 3-D imiges the 2-D was.

Fourth, there would be a bunch of sentences and they would either have one mistake in grammer spelling or punctuation, or no mistakes, and you'd go through and pick them out.

This was all find and dandy... But the interview was hell. I have a portfolio of my crap, and i bring it in trying to sound confident as they ask me questions about whatever. I ask what type of work we'll be doing first year, the mention Flash will be one of them. And when i show them my work.... I didn't show one one my friggin Flash animations... So after the 20 min of hell... i wasn't feeling too stoked about it.

I get a letter from SAIT the other day telling me that i am on a waiting list.... So that means... If there are 10 people in line above me.... and for some reason those ten people choose not to go, I'm in. FUCK... I don't have a back up plan... and the thing that pisses me off is that i know i am perfect for this program.


Blogger Kim said...

I wish you good luck in getting into either SAIT or the UofL. Either would be pretty cool. Definately SAIT, then we could be SAIT buddies. hahahaha

8:16 PM  

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