Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I like to move it, move it

Today's Song: Rise Against - Blood to Bleed

"Within my bones this resonates
Boiling blood will circulate
Could you tell me again what you did this for?"

I went to the Sheesh cafe the other day with Sean and Peetie. It was pretty sweet. Sheesh is fruit flavored tabacco. It's kinda like smoking a fruit-to-go. Nice relaxin atmosphere, Definatly sweet after ghey work. And to make it all sweeter... We saw C-rad. and some of his gay friends. But he didn't introduce us because he is ashmed of us straight kids.

Last night i saw Madagascar with Sarah and Eric:

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It was pretty funny and i enjoyed the Lemurs the most. Thus the title of today's Blog. In the end credits they have the animals dancing and what not, and i think i am a some-what of an athourity on the subject on Naploean Dynamite... WELL... I swear the Geraffe was doing the Napolean dance... i laughed soo hard.

Tonight, i worked with Peetie and Chris. Peetie was an awesome kid and stayed a bit after his shift so as to help me out, because management thinks it's ok to make me close by myself. FUCK THAT.

Oh, We had a drunk guy come in and pass out at a table tonight. that must have been the highlight.

~Good Night.


Blogger Justin said...

You saw C-Rad at the Mediterranean Cafe?!

4:48 AM  
Blogger Gumbi said...

Nah, he was walking past outside on the stree and we ran out to see him

7:07 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

So Jeff...guess what?!?! You are comming to Schanks on Friday night for my birthday. I don't care what you are doing....even if you have to work you can come after you are done. Ok?!? Good!

6:12 PM  

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