Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bailey Macarone

Today's Song: Mark Mothersbaugh - Ping Island-Lightning Strike Rescue Op

[No's Techno]

Friggen Dog.

So i am sitting here in my underwear relaxing watching some Band Of Brothers, when my sister asks: "Do you know where Bailey [the dog] is?" i reply: "no". So we procede to search the house for this dog. No luck. So i go to look in the backyard, call his name... nothing. So i walk to the corner of the house still in my skippies... and the fuckin gate is open. So i run up the side of the house to the driveway yelling: "Bailey". Nothing

I considder going back inside to put pants on. and continuing the search but i thougth i herd a jingle of his tags. I turn around and see something move in the neighbours bushes. I call again. And i see this long curly haired dog trot around to me with a smug look opn his face.

What a dick.



Blogger Kim said...

Hahaha that's awesome!

6:04 PM  

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