Saturday, December 24, 2005


Today's Song: Bjork - Army Of Me

"And if you complain once more
You'll meet an army of me"

yesterday Dad and i went shooting. We tried our first reloaded shots. Holy frick were they accurate. I mean the best shooting i have done with my Lee Enfield easily.

Here are the my targets:
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There are 5 shots here. The first is circled in red. It's way off because i wasn't aiming when i shot it. My dad and i were scared that our bullets would blow up. So he made me shoot first. So i shot it while i was hiding. The four others are just beautiful. I was loading one at a time. My dad was looking theough a spotting scope and calling them out to me. I thought the second shot when i got a bullseye was a fluke. So i loaded another and boom it was right on top of the other. And so was the next. I was floored by how accurate these were. I mean i can cover those four shots with a quarter. I was drooling over these loads.

So next went to Eric's and hung out there with justing for a while untill we decided to pla some DoD. I swear we played that game for like 5 hours. Then we played some iSketch for another 3 or 4 hours. Again Everything was Nazi/Hitler related. And thats half the fun. Some random said: "Can you stop with all the Nazi stuff it's discusting" My reply: "Your discusting" We finished playing that around like 430 or 5.

Today i didn't do anything. I organized a bunch my music on my eyePawd. That took maybe an hour or two. Then i watched like 20 min of Forest Gump, i wanted to see the whole thing but NO WORRIES it was on TBS and they will spam that movie all weekend so i'll catch it later.

So i'm sitting her watching Jimmy Walker host an elimidate Christmas Special... and it shows a bunch of clips of all these people making out. Then a clip of some girl asling a little puppy fo a kis and the effin lady let the dog lick her mouth... i don't mean just her lips i mean her teeth and like the inside of her mouth. I'm not gonna lie to you i'm having a hard time not vomiting on the keyboard. I love my dog and everything but shit i draw the line at making out with a pet....

thats about all.



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