Thursday, August 03, 2006

"Those Fat Native Goth Girls Are Making Fun Of My Name"

Today's Song: The Living End - We Want More

"You haven't earned it (You haven't earned it)
You don't deserve it (You don't deserve it)
Every dog has its day
So what are you gonna do when they take it away from you?"

So work is FUCKING BUSY... What does that mean? Jeffy will come in on his days off and work YAY.

The plan for tomorrow is. In the early AM go into SAIT and pay some touition. Then go into work and work till Dickie is off and then i'll help him move.

Tonight, Dickie and i hit up Wendy's for some.... YEs they are back.... The Delicious...WILD MOUNTAIN CHICKEN SANDWITCH! [Eric you jealous?] While enjoying them we made fun of this like 15 year old preppy kid with this riced up car. We wanted to fight them. So Dickie said that I'd take on the three or four guys and he'd beat up the three girls.

Then to Marble Slab Icecream place SOO GOOD. We got there right as it closed and we were eating right infront of the place and we laughed at the people who pulled on the locked door. Dickie would say in a loud Obnoxious voice: "MMMM THIS ICECREAM IS GOOOD". We laughed at their misfortune.

After Icecream we went back to myhouse and we decided we wanted to go to a movie, FORCED Sarah to come with.

We saw:
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Good movie, reminded me alot of wedding Crashers.

As we are walking through the Parking lot these Heavy-set Nativer girls run past Dickie and, i said: "Man, Your in the way" And one of them turns and says: "I'm in the way?". I reply: "No" and point,"Dickie is in the way". So the fattest one [i think she was the leader] Starts laughing and says: "Dickie?!" Sarah and i started laughing very hard. Then Dickie says:"Those Fat Native Goth Girls Are Making Fun Of My Name". And then we had a good laugh all around. Sarah got in her car and Drove off and It turns out Dickie parked right infront of them so they were yelling from inside their Van-of-darkness: "BYE DICKIE!" I look over at him and say: "Dude, Don't make eyecontact" And we didn't.

Lastnight we went to Dickie's place a had a look around


Thats all.



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