Thursday, February 03, 2005

"Girls only want guys with great Skills"

Today's Song: Jamiriquai - Canned Heat

"Dance nothing left for me to do but dance,
Off these bad times I'm going through just dance
Got canned heat in my heals tonight baby "

So, i worked tonight, It was ok cuz i only had to work till 9.... Oh wait Let's make Jeff call. So after geting really behind and going crazy, and haveing mark save my ass. Fat Sarah started giving me shit. That really pissed me off... Then Terry, A new guy. A hard worker. Was closing. So he starts to ask the other guys if they are closing. And they all said they were off at 8... Well fuck. So i turned out that i got to close tonight on top of having to call. What a piss off.

Came home, Showered. Then i decided to mellow out and re pack the bearings in my rear wheel. Not a terribly hard task, I've done it before. Pretty much disassemble. Clean. Re greese. Re assemble. Then ride. BUT NO FUCK YOU. As i go to take off my sheel the fucking skewer is bent to shit... So i try and strighten it without ruining the threads on it. That didn't work. I snapped the damn thing. So i pulled it out and took off my wheel. You can definatly feel that somethign is messed up in there, So i take it apart no trouble. Then i am looking at the berring race and i notice the big hole in the metel. GREAT, just what i wanted to see. So Tomorrow i am gonna go to Cochraine Cycle and get the ball rolling on that crap. It's hard for me to see so much of my hard earned money leave me so quickly....

Well while i was covered in greese i decided to rotate my bash gaurd, Because of all the grinds i hav worn it down a hell of alot more quickly. Then a re arranged the pins on my pedals (The pins on the gripper side of my grind pedal were all small and slippy)

Well, i got bored so i decided to change the voice mail message on my phone. Before it was: "Hey, I'm not here you know what to do" Boring. But now! it's a clip from Napolean Dynamite... I'm not gonna tell you because it'd ruin the surprise.

Frick i can see it now. I'm gonna get a bunch of calls and when i pick up people will be pissed that they didn't hear the message.

So The hunt for a Vday date isn't going well. I gotta say i thought it'd be easier...

Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Jeff go to my girl megan has a blog.


12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You going to watch the OC tonight? Its not the same without my own Seth watching it with me. Miss you


12:47 PM  

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