Monday, February 21, 2005


Today's Song: Dave Mathews Band - Two Step

"Hey, my love, you came to me like wine comes to this mouth
Grown tired of water all the time
You quench my heart and you quench my mind "

Didn't work. Woke up early (for me) around noon or so. Played on the comp. Watched some Indianna Jones movies with my mom. Played iSketch with Eric.

Went to a Shindig at Jamie's. Would have been funner if a) I was drinking b) I knew more then two people there.

So Sean called around 1130, and said he wanted to hit up Milly. Damn Rights son. So i left, Walked home gor changed and went to Milly. It was goin awesome ay Milly. Takin pics and vids and whatnot.

X-Up out of the Bathtub:
Free Image Hosting at

So blah blah blah, More riding. Then this very drunk girl about our age came up and asked for the time. It was like 230. she's like: "Oh's late". So then she stumbles over to a place about 25 - 30 feet away, and Kinda ducks behind a corner. Sean and i were discussing how drunk she was. Then Sean says: "Holy fuck, her pants are down". I'm like WTF? And then i see her and her pants are up. So then we decide to ask her if she's ok or if she needs some money for a cab or something. And we see this puddle where she is standing... And she was on the phone and says: "Nah, thanks i'm half wya to getting a ride already"... Then she drops her smokes into the puddle... (I try and hold back laughter) She says: "Aw Shit" Picks them up and wipes them off on her pants. You see, This puddle was obviously Piss... I'm sorry but When a fucking drunk girl takes a piss in the middle of Milly and then drops her smokes in it and picks them up and wipes it on her pants, I find it funny/sad. What has happened to today's Youth?

I dunno

ANYWAYS. We go to the spot to get a vid of some 180 to rollback action. And i try one, didn't land it. Then ride back to try again. But on the way back i tried a barspin off a curb (A simple trick i have landed many times). SO....I fell and almost lost my left nut. The wheel landed 90 degrees and i went over the handle bars. and i put my hand down, on the gravely road, and then the end of the bars hit my theigh like 2inches below my testicles. My hand was cut up and bleeding... No Biggie. Hit my elbow pretty hard and it's swollen. And i ripped a good pair of pants from where the bars stabbed me. When i looked i saw it was a cicular cut. But it's gonna be brused like a MOFO. But when i took my pants off when i got home there was blood on my pants and on my boxers. My nuts are intacted and unscathed.

When i told Justin this story he said

"boo hoo, my pussy hurts!"

No.... "Boo Hoo I almost lost the ability
to procreate!"

So after receving no simpathy aswell as getting made fun of by Justin. I think i'll take it easy for a little while. I mean i was about 2 inches from not being able to make babies...

~Good Night...


Blogger E said...


That's all I have to say.


12:38 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

That bike almost did mankind a favour.

4:46 PM  

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