Monday, February 14, 2005

Shop Till You Drop/ RUBBA' GLOVES

Today's Song: Killradio - Penis Envy

Today was shopping day.

I got up around 2, Because the phone rang. I picked up. It was Kelsey, She told me to wake my ass up because we had to go shoppin.

a quick shower and change and we are off. We felt like we needed some energy for this adventure, So we made a quick stop at the food court for some Pizza. First to Old navy where i got a pair of Jeans. Then to HMV where they didn't have my Killradio CD, But i saw Jordan. Kelsey got some Movies. Then to Zellers, the old workplace of Some Fine people. Such as Eric Woo and Sarah Caine. There i got a pair of Dickies pants. Then to Below the belt because Kelsey wanted to get some pants as well. I got to sit there in the middle of the women's section holding her purse and wait... I felt akward. After that we went to PLAY where i did something that i hadn't done in like 5 or 6 years... i bought a CD

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Killradio, I like. Funny CD cover.
After we were done shopping we went to Starbucks, Got a FREE cinnimon Bun at Cinizoe. and that was it.

So today i ran into a few friends like Jordan, Kevin, and Jerry.

On the way home we saw an old man picking his nose.

All 'n all, a successful day

~Night all.

BTW> As of yet i still have no Vday date... I feel like a failure. i don't want to be around my self.


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