Friday, February 18, 2005

Happy Sarah Day

Today's Song: Rise Against - Give it all (It rocks my world.)

"Rock bottoms where we live
And still we dig these trenches,
To bury ourselves in them, backs breaking under tension"

So, After i got home from bikin with Sean, and blogging. I went about throwing some WORKING brakes on the bike. Done and done. Minus the fact that the cable hit my foot then i pedal... Minor annoyance. But they work.

Working Brakes:
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Here you can see how close the cable is to the pedal:
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So, with the bike workin and whatnot i went to bed. Woke up around 3:30 or so, Called Sarah to wish her a Happy Bday, She was glad i called. Then she went to eat.

I don't know that to say? I'm bored and wish the fucking snow would go away so i could ride.

Can't wait for Dickie to come back. We plan to Ignore Lauren, Eat at The Chalet, Drink, and go shooting. Well maybe go drinking AFTER shooting... The other way could be dangerous.


~Good Night


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