Saturday, February 12, 2005

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Today's Song: AFI - Girls Not Grey

"I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Swim in the calm tonight
This art does drown"

Work was CRAZY tonight, I mean literally non-stop orders. First off i come in get changed and i am already "In the shit" (As they say in Full Metal Jacket). There were at least 30 orders up for take out alone. I was working Fries and apps. So i have 2 fryers with 2 baskets in each. I would have all four baskets full of fries, with more orders coming in, and stuff like Clam strips, Popcorn Shrimp, Onionrings, Calimari... I had a huge line up. Wasn't overly difficult job. But i think i muct have made like 300lbs of fries tonight.

On top of that, I singed the hair on my arm... These fryers have the wonder feature of having the exaust ports (which sometimes have small flames shooting out) pointed at me while i am pouring fries into a basket... I'm glad i didn't have to close.

After work Candice and i went and saw Boogeyman.
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I gotta say that i actually got scared in some parts. Well done. I didn't expect the 7th Heaven actor to do so well. I thought that Mat camden took on the boogeyman so well.

So, i was thinking tonight, How far is too far and/or who can dictate what goes into my Blog?

As i was pondering this. The obvious abswer is that I am the only one that controls what goes into this here Blog. But there are things that affect what i put in. Social values and the way i was brought up. I think i write down pretty much anything that i am feeling or whatever. But i mean i do follow a code of conduct of sorts. I don't mention names in certin situations. But i mean when i name the people i went drinkin with or whaterver seems innocent enough?

But then how am i sopost to know if that person is/is not comfortable with their name or story partaining to them on the internet? Written concent? Nah, Blogs are informal righ? I mean it is just me sitting here telling you, Whoever it might be, What i did and what i felt.

If we look back at My First Blog We see that i mention that i just want to have a place to put my opinion. So, Does that mean that if you donot like what i say you can Hate me?

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire

Well, then this quote sparks the questions about Racism and hate crimes. I wonder how many people would defend someone saying something about killing minorities or something like that. But i guess that the principal behind this is that Defend free speach for everyone.

Thats enough thinking for one night...


Blogger Justin said...

I don't think there is a limit to what you can write in your blog, as long as you don't mention names, then it's all fair game. It is YOUR blog. And wouldn't it defeat the purpose of a blog otherwise?

BTW, you asshole, you're giving away the movie to viewers! WE DON'T KNOW THE BOOGEYMAN EXISTS! AAAIIIIEEEEEE!

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're uncomfortable with people knowing what you did, don't do it.



11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you know it ill hurt someone than keep those comments to yourself

12:42 AM  
Blogger E said...

The point shouldn't be "if you know it'll hurt someone than keep those comments to yourself". It should be that if you know that it could hurt someone, decide whether you're willing to do so.

Face the consequences and face the freedoms of expression. Say what you want to say. Say what others don't want you to say.

12:56 AM  

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