Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Today's Song: Killradio - Do you know

"do you know
what they say
do you know what they say
what they say about you"

So, Yestderday (Superbowl Sunday) Kevin came over and we watched the game. Wasn't anything special. But after we were lookin forward to "American Dad" a new cartoon from the makers of Family Guy. It was pretty funny. I'm lookin forward to more of the show. After that we watched the Myth Busters Marathon and it was awesome. I love that show.

After Kevin left i went and played on the computer. I was watching the streaming Videos that Winamp has. And i came across "Killradio" And i liked. The Do You Know video was interesting. The singer reminds me of Billy Talent lead singer in the way that he rocks out while he sings. You should check them out.

Today i had to close AGAIN. I hate closing. But it was ok cuz i worked with Vlad. And it wasn't bad because we were done at like 915...

So i start class tomorrow. 415 - 7. Well. I'm liking the whole not waking up early deal. But Dosn't leave alot of time to do something after school. OH WELL... I know that i'll be able to do this math so i'm so so worried about it. But the fact still remains that i am not at Uni and that sucks ass.

BTW> New Comic


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out my girls shelbee's blog

10:08 AM  

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