Monday, August 29, 2005

I R Home/ SAIT/ Congrats Dickie

Today's Song: Oasis - Lyla

"Call for me to set me free
Lift me up and take me where I stand"

So Firstly, I AM HOME. Nova Scotia was awesome. A Huge thanks to the Dickie Family for feeding me and lettinhg me stay with them.

On my trip i went to Turo [where Dickie's rents live], Halifax, Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Muncton, Amhurst, Denmark [name of town in NS], Bible hill, Peggys Cove, Rushdons Beach. All these places were awesome.

YES i did Crab Battle! While i was down there:
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Um. I dunno, I went to the Citidel when i was in Halifax. The Citadel is an old fort that was used to gaurd the harbour. When we crossed the harbour on a ferry i saw some Submarines and some Naval Ships. I also saw Theodore the Tugboat a life sized version. When walking down the waterfront we saw some koo and some not so koo Buskers. We ate some hotdogs and a bever tail for Desert.

Next day, we went to Peggy's Cove. It was SOO beautiful there. There were are huge boulders all over the place left by the glaciers, which make for an incredible view. We parked and walked down to a little inlet, the tide was going out so we took off our shoes and waded in. THIS is where I Crab Battled. Dickie was a little girl and ran away from them.

Next day we went to Amherst, and Munton in New Brunswick. In Amherst, we tried looking for the Hall of Fame because a Friend at work had a relitive on there and she wanted a picture of it. So we stopped and asked for directions, No one had even herd of it untill i went into a gas station to buy batteris for my camera and she told us to go down some road which didn't help at all. We went to a Zoo there and went along Magnetic Hill [which we couldn't find because of these fucking confusing signs]. Then we went to Down Town Mucton and ate some FUCKING AMAZING Wraps. I swear it was the best wrap of my life, i mean my mouth is watering just typing about it.

Next day, we slept in and hung around Turo. Some of Dickie's friends took us to see 40 Year Old Virgin. It was FUCKING Halarious. HIGHLY Recomended. After the movie we went to Timmy's... The ONLY thing open after 9pm. It seemed like the whole town turned off at 9.

Next day, Went to the beach. It was soo fun, Warm water and nice weather. Beautiful. On the way home Papa Dickie got us some lobsters to eat.
My Dinner:
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It was good, It was the first meal i ate using hammers and vice-grips.

Next day, Woke up at 4am and went to the airport to go home. I pretty much spend all morning on a plane. I went from Halifax to Toronto, then to Calgary. Reading or listening to my ipod it wasn't bad. Except for the dumb lady next to me who dropped her damn pear on me. What a Slut.

So, from when i got to the Calgary airport, to the end of myfirst day in NS... i used all my Camera's memory... a total of 152 pics... So i got a cable for my cam and i DLed them all to Dickie's laptop. SO besides the few i have right now On my Photo Bucket, There are MORE coming back with Dickie on the 31st.

ANYWAYS, I got back on the 27th. Fly all moning, Land in Clagary. I ran into a kid i havn't seen scince Highschool. then i go down stair hug my Family grab my luggage and they took me to lunch.

Came home, un packed a bit, then went to shoppers and chatted to Eric and made plans to go to Dinner. After dinner we took Eri'c bro Ian to a party. Then Eric and i went to Kim's party. So we get there a bit late... so everyone was wasted. and like a hour later 2 people are puking, Some kis i don't know, and Amy. And Amy is like passed out unconcious puking all over the place, Mostly the bed the floor and herself. So a friend of her's changes her clothes, and then we carry her outside where she sleeps some more untill Kim's mom call's Amy's parents to come get their mess of a child. That was our cue to exit.

So Eric's bro Ian had called Eric and i to invite us to the party he was at and so we decided to go and hang out. We sat around outside talking and jokin around with some koo people i had never met before, but it was really fun. At about 330 in the am i got home and went to bed.

Sunday, the day before my first day at school... I did nothing. I didn't get dressed untill like 3pm. Then i helped my rents unload some groceries. Emo mike wanted to go biking around so we went to the school by me and i landed a 180 to roll back off a curb. Then we called it a night. went home did some more nothing, got my shit in order for school and went to bed.

This mornign was weird. I woke up at like 845... i looked at my clock said WTF? and went back to sleep till like ten, then i got up showered and such and left for school at like 11. Took the train from Dalhousie and got to school at 1125. My first class is at noon, so i go and find my classes, and sit and do nothign for a while. First class, pretty much just explaining some stuff about the course. So i got out of class an hour early, i got to the bookstore because i had the wrong book for that class. I go and look for it, and buy it. then i ate some lunch. The second class was koo, we played with a program i have never used before and we were told what our first assignment would be.

My classes look like fun and seem pretty interesting. The teachers seem nice and thats good. I know a kid in my class and he gave me a ride home today so i'm glad i know someone.

Tomorrow i'm gonna be eating lunch with Kim in the study hall and that'll be fun.


~Good Month


Blogger Kim said...

that was an awesome post!!! I'm glad you had fun in NS and break tomorrow will be fun!

8:55 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Man whenever you say "emo Mike" I think you're talkign to me. but then you say 'Bike' right after it and I'm like "Oh.. haha.. Right." Thats my story.. I missed you!

11:39 PM  
Blogger E said...

Once again, Jeff. Congrats you big slut. I hope more people drop pears on you and you kick their asses.

Those were indeed fun parties.

Mike: So you read blogs but you don't update your own... you slut.

PS: I work at SUPER Drug Mart... but not for long! Woooot.

1:04 AM  

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