Monday, September 12, 2005

Rock Band, Rockin Roman Candles, Rock Lobster

Today's Song: B-52's - Rock Lobster

"We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster"

I dunno where to start. Um, When we went to Milly it was sweet. I didn't land anythign gnar-core. but i did grind the knuckle ledge again, only after eating shit a few times. It didn't matter cuz the kids i was with thought i was a trooper for getting up again and trying it right after i fell a few times.

FROTHY FRIDAYS. Thats the tradition we have started in my class. We just go out for a few beers after school. We went to Kilkeny's and i had some AWESOME nachoes for a decent price. Frothy Friday's are always fun because you can just let loose and have fun and get to know the kids [except that i noticed that i was the youngest at the table this time]. So last FF we invited this one girl who didn't have cash or time to come with so we made her promise to come this week, Which she did. But she lives in Okatokes and has to get a ride home all the time. So she had to leave right quick. She gets up says her goodbyes and whatnot and as she gets out of earshot, we look at eachother and say: "Did she leave any money for the tab?" as we laugh about it and figure it's a whopping $2.50 each to pay for her drinks she calls and applogizes for leaving and promises to buy us wings on monday. It's all good. I plan on giving her a hardtime about it tomorrow.

We all get to brentwood and go our seperate ways where Dickie picks me up at brentwood, and we listen to some more of Kev's Techno. I pretty much have no idea what we did that night... Probably because i fell asleep for most of it. We watched some Scrubs on my Comp, i was in bed and fell asleep. Dickie called Lauren over and i think i remember seeing her but then i went back to sleep. Yep.

Next day, went shooting with Papa Macarone. Then Sara called and we went to Market mall so she could run some errands. After that she had to go to some Party and she kindly dropped me off at Dickie's. Dickie and i went to Subway ate dinner, then grabbed Platoon and watched it at my house. Good movie, reminds me of Full Metal Jacket. Dickie had to work early the next morning so he headed home.

Sunay, Woke up around 10, didn't get out of bed till like noon, didn't get dressed till like 8. Why get dressed so late in the day? Because i was goin to Milly. On the way there Tarnizzle had the B-52's blastin the Rock Lobster. Milly was the hot spot tonight. There was a band playin there, all sorts of perople everywhere. People were shooting Roman candles which was sweet. Surprisingly only one cop car tonight. Landed two new tricks tonight, Alley-oop, and an Air to Fast plant type of deal.. Tarnizzle learns some crappy no foot can-can thing... No biggie. Definatly a good session.

~Good Night


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