Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Only a Pilot?......I got TWO JOBS!

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Accidents

So.... Long time and no Bloggy Bloggy. You are not missing much at all.

Where to start? So i'm quitting the shit outta The Chalet. But i feel bad because Alex, the hardest worker there is getting fucked over because now he's stuck with a bunch of retards.....

So yesterday i went into Joey's Only for an interview and it was kick ass. I hate to say it but in the 20 min i spend with the manager from Joey's i liked her ALOT more then my manager at The Chalet.

So, School sucks ass. I have no friends. I'm lonely, And The Ex i think is havin more fun then me. You've herd the saying: The best revenge is living well.... From what i have herd it seems like she is living it up and havin a good time. Now i gotta say that make me feel even worse.... Guess i'm not that hard to get over.

So, you ever saw that commercial for Halls Fruit breezers? And it's the jamican guy and he is all like Hittin on the babes and asking what their BFs do and what not and one chic says: "He's a pilot" then that Jamican guy says in his funny acent: "Just a pilot?....I got TWO JOBS. I'm a fruit candy and i leave a cool taste sensation"..... hahaha funny shit.

ANYWAYS, i'm gonna go back into my little hole of dreperession.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Rock, Paper, Sisors

Today's Song: Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be They Name

So, Havn't blogged in a LONG time.... Sorry for that.

I've been goin to school and working and whatnot. Havn't been socializing much. The other day i went to dinner with Justin and Kevin then saw Resident Evil: Apcoliyse, It was a good movie. Kevin and I dropped off resume's at Joey's so we could get some good jobs, I have been seriopusly considdering quitting the Chalet but i havn't been able to put my foot down, So tomorrow i plan to quit.


Been thinking about Megan alot, I miss her. I really would like to see her, but i'm too scared to call her or anythimg. I wouldn't know what to say.

So Sean Tarnnizzel and i went to West Side skate park tonight around 3 int the AM and he had to get up at like 830 in the AM.... What a trooper. So we were playing around, and he says: " i think you should hit this grind". and it was a grind down a ledge with a QP under it (quite scary). So he says: " If you do it first i'll try it" so i thought: "If i break a boen or somethig i'll get to miss work" So i go first. I fall. But i came close to makinfg it so i go again and i landed it, It was soo easy. Sean takes a run up to checkhis speed. then goes for it and lands it first try!! So it was a successful night.

Now i'm gonna go to bed because i have to work at 11 GHEY... ANYWAYS... Anyone want to do anything tomorrow call my cellular telephone.

Good Night.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Hello? Anyone There?

Today's Song: Three Dog Night - One Is The Lonliest Number

Well?.... Where to start...

Lets go with My first day of school. I get up at 630 in the AM and i drag my lifeless body into the shower, you know the normal before school routine....but today i only had one thing on my mind (we'll get to that later)

So i catch my bus at 744 and i notice that i am the only kid on there old enough to grow facial hair...Witch make me feel nice and out of place. But once i get to dalhousie it's ok cuz there are so many people i just blend in. I take the c-train down to brentwood and catch my other bus which takes me to school. i arrive at school around 850.... Over an hour of me on the bus doing nothing but sitting there and listening to some tunes...Thinking

First day was Social 30, Nothing special the teacher is a nice lady and i expect it'll be alot better then it was in school.

Get off school take my bus back to brentwood, where i get a ride home.

So, the night before i called Megan after i was done work and asked to see if she wanted to do something. But nah, she was busy... But she said: "We need to talk about some things, Are you free around noon tomorrow?"... now i'm not the smartest person but you can pretty much tell what's gonna happen when your GF says "we need to talk" so i was all scared and it was all i was thinking about....SO this was was i was thinking about all night and all of my bus ride and all through school.

So i called Megan when i got home, and she came over and asked me to meet her outside....

I jumped on the bike and i started to ride a little bit before she came over.... I gotta say i was FRICKEN nervous.... You don't know how hard my heart was beating... I guess it was only compairable to when i asked her out (ironically enough). So she drives up and she gets out and i can tell by the look on her face i am getting canned.

So there was some akward talk. The i asked: "What's on your mind?". So she started saying what i knew she was gonna say. You see, While i was given all this time to think what she was gonna say when she told me "we need to talk" i imagined her saying something about because she wants to be a nurse and she is gonna be living and breathing "Nursing" i knew she was gonna say she couldn't have a BF and go to school. And unfortunatly i was right. We talked about it, She knows how i feel and i know how she feels. But i wish it were different. I told her that i still like her and that might make being friends akward, so i don't know how that will work out. So we left on good terms and i totally understand her reasons why, but that dosn't help me at all... I almost think it'd be easier to hate her, cuz then i'd just think "she's a bitch" and get over it.... But i still like her. But i don't want to see her. It's fucked.

But i'll always have Sarah there for me. When i got home the night when she told me "We need to talk" I said: "Sarah, i think Megan is gonna break up with me" then Sarah says: "well just listen to what she has to say" To whick i reply: "Well when your GF says we need to talk...She isn't gonna show you her koo new socks". So after We broke up i came online and and i tell Sarah what had happened She was all like: "Jeff are you ok?, You know it's ok to be sad. If you need someone to talk to you can call me!"

Well i gotta say Thank you Sarah, But i mean i know her reasons and i respect them. But it's just so depressing not to be with her anymore. i think to myself there is nothing i can do about it and it fucking sucks cuz i still like her. I dunno, it's something i'll just have to deal with.

That night at work was the ONLY night i wasn't in a big rush to get home, Because i had no one to get off work to go see.

Which bring me to my next point. Tonight i was at work and it was pretty busy and i thought: "I NEED to go to the bar tonight" and i was thinking... Eric will come, same with Dickie....OH WAIT... Eric is in waterloo and Dickie is back in the scoosh.


So As i am filled with this deep feeling of emptyness (thus the song...) i continue my work at the Chalet. I get off work and i head home thinking of how Lame my life has become. I gotta say i didn't expect losing all my close friends to be this devastating. So many night alone missing those people who i have gotten so close. I know Megan never ment to Choose this time especially to break up with me but i mean what a kick in the face... ANYWAYS.... I'm lonely with no friends and i get off work and my Father tell me that Sean Tarnizzel had called, I gotta say it lightened my mood 100%.

So i call him back and he wanted to go bikin and i was ALL FOR IT but then he was all like: "Ghey it's raining and wetness outside" so i fell back into my hole of depression... WHEN OUT OF NOWHERE HE PHONES BACK AND WANTS TO GO RIDING!!! Fuckin rights. So we went out and sessioned this bank by Wendy's (the one by COP) and the surrounding area. Then headed to this skate park that i had never been to and to which i have forgotten the name of, but it was fuckin fun, Sean and i were bustin out the grinds and whatnot and it was fun. I'm soo glad he called.

PS. I pray for the families and everyone affected by Tyler Zeer's unfortunate death. Our thought are with you.

Once a Trojan always a Trojan.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Over Too Soon

Today's Song: (I know it;s a repeat but the sound fits my mood)
Gary Jules - Mad Mad World

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places
Worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going no where
Going no where
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression
No expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow
No tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very very
Mad world
Mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen
Sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me
No one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what’s my lesson
Look right through me
Look right through me
And I find I kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very very
Mad world
Mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world

So many times i should have told you how i felt.
How i cared.

So many things i should have done.
Wanted to do.

So many regrets.
Lost oppertunities

Monday, September 06, 2004


Dude, i'll miss you. Swiss Chalet has been a worse place scince you left.

We only became friends this last couple months and i'm glad for it.

Your a good kid, and i know you'll go far.

Thank you

Saturday, September 04, 2004

The Woo

Today's Song: Gary Jules - Mad Mad World

Eric, All i can do is think of all those good (and bad) times we have had. Fuck, there are soo many.

You have been a good friend ever scince Elementary when i first moved to Calgary, I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything in the world.

All those convo's on MSN till the wee hours of the morning... As well as those that we have had at Timmy's.

Girls eh?

You have been my friend for soo long and i'm glad for it. I look forward to all the times to come.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Vanessa, I don't know what to say.

Thank you, for giving me your friendship.

I wish you the best of luck, and i'll always be a friend.

You will be missed.