Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mr.Miyagi < Hatori Hanzo

Today's Song: Distillers - City Of Angels

"They say this is the city
The city of angels
All i see is dead wings"

Um, i got a 93 on that Presentation that i was Stressing over.

I got a Tetanus shot so limbs don't fall off. But my foot feels alot better.

Dickie got a new 2000 Honda Accord named: Hatori Hanzo [sword maker from Kill Bill vol. 2] and it is sweet. All leather inside butt warmers in the seats and a nice roomy backseat, it's a four door.

HOLY SHIT... Just saw a ad for Philly Cheasesteak sandwitches at McDonald's.


Went to FATS on sat. it's a bar in kensington. it was an ok place, but there were alot of stupid people there so we left.

Sunday i went to the shooting range and shot groups that were under two inches. So i was pretty stoked about that.

Tonight i went to the dentist, he had to stop working for a while so i'd stop bleeding... i feel like i got punched in the face.

Goodbye Mr.Miyagi Hello Hatori Hanzo


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Today's Song: Rise Against - Give It All

"Break through the undertow, your hands I can't seem to find,
pollution burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I

stop my struggling, then I float to the surface,
fill my lungs with air, then let it out

So you know that big presentation i had for today? Right... Well only half the class presented and i was in the half that has to wait till tomorrow. FUCK.

Then things got better...

So Dickie had the day off and he car was getting looked at at that place on the corner. So we walk from his place to the garage, and we go through the hole in the fence that Dickie's bro crashed into with his truck before he sold it. And i am looking in the ground for any peice of yellow Sunshine. and i'm not looking where i am going and i step on a nail. it went through my shoe through my sock and into my foot.

Dickie being the Sympathizing type said: "Walk it off princess".

Then he made me walk around looking at cars that he might want to buy.

Went and saw V for Vendetta.... Kinda fell asleep in it soo not to clear on some parts but what i did see ran on at times:
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Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy St.Patrick's Day

Today's Song: Rise Against - Paper Wings

"I can't tell if you're laughing
Between each smile there's a tear in your eye
There's a train leaving town in an hour
It's not waiting for you and neither am I"

I didn't go to school on friday. So instead i slept till 1pm and then went shooting with my Dad. I was shooting at 50 yards with the Lee Enfield and i had some ok groups nothing special... Hopefully they will improve when i get some new Glasses.

Fridat Night we went to Kate's house to drink till we were irish. After a sixer of Boss beer [$6] and a mickey of vodka i felt pretty irish. We had some pretty good laughs playing socialbles. I have no idea when we went to bed. We woke up around noon and headed home. All with great hangovers. Dickie went to work and i went to bed.

Didn't do anything tonight.

Tomorrow i have to do a pretty big presentation and my group is getting annoyed with eachother. Yep.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Today's Song: Polysics - I MY ME MINE

Music Video

Shit i missed Scrubs DAMNIT

here is a WORKING pic of my Shopping bag project
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And here are the Before and After picks of the 1911 with wood grips:
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Monday, March 13, 2006

Can You Bring Over Some Napkins?

Today's Song: Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot

"I predict a riot, I predict a riot
I predict a riot, I predict a riot"


I did something last night that i never thought i would ever do...


Kevin made me go up and sing Abba - Dancing Queen. So today in class we had an animation assignment and here it is:


The highlight of the other night would have to be when Kev asked some random girl for napkins.

Today, i went to the secondcup in kensington where Kate works, to meet Kev for lunch. After we ate i had a Super good Mocha that Kate made me. GOOD. After looking in the comic book shop i headed back to school.

So after going back to class and doing nothing i came home and worked on a project and here it is:


It's a shopping bag design for my Uber Store.



Monday, March 06, 2006


Today's Song: Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

"Where are we?
what the hell is going on?
the dust has only
just begun to form
Crop circles in the carpet
Sinking feeling"

Nothing exciting to report... OR IS THERE!!!!

No, no there isn't. All i did today was learn a new way to code in flash, by having all the action script on one frame.


I was pretty happy with it because i was worlking ahead of the teacher and i was getting it to work.

The fruit of my labours


Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Story Of A Sore Shoulder

Today's Song: Kaiser Chiefs - Oh My God

"Oh my god I can't believe it
I've never been this far away from home"

Frick, it's been too long without a post. Can't say that i have been too busy to do it because even Eric "M.I.A" Woo came out of hiding to make some posts. SOO where did i leave off?

Play list, Some 3d work ok.

I'd have to say the most noteworthy events were. Movies and Buying/Shooting Guns.

I guess i'll start with Movies:
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Freedomland> Bad because for the whole movie i couldn't figure out whether the main character was retarded or not. And the two highlights were: A: Crazy Retard lady screaming for twenty min and B: when someone's Cellphone rang in the theater. I rather take "Night Vitamins" then see this again.

Running Scared> Good because it there were many gun and gun fights. Definatly see it and you will not be disapointed. There were some parts i thought: "NO FUCKING WAY?!" go see it and you'll understand.

UltraViolet> Good because any fan of Equilibrim will enjoy[which i am] but alot of the points that Sandra pointed out in Justing's Blog are worth a look. For me, i was annoyed at how so SO SOO many of the close up face shots had a uber blur on them... Who the hell knows why. It annoyed me. A funny point i noticed is that, it's set in the future and they have all these wicked inventions, and this tracking device the use is "accurate to 100M".... to me with all these Ultra inventions they have it seems pretty low-tech.

Monday, went to the shooting range with Dad and Dickie. Dickie was holding his freashly issued Firearms License. So we were blasting away in the pistol bay and then we go to switch to the rifle bay when Dickie takes a look at this $80 rifle. A sporterized SMLE No1 MkIII. So it wasn't a hard choice. Dickie whipped out his credit card and bought it. Because the government place where they do the gun stuff was closed. he'd have to pick it up on Monday.

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Picked it up and took it home, with a good clean it looked/felt like a new gun.

Thursday, I got off school early, Dickie got off work early so went to the gun shop by Spolumbo's. Dickie was looking for a pump action shotty with a not-to-long barrel with a good price. while looking around i finally found some wood 1911 grips. Well for $200 Dickie got this Ithaca model 37 featherweight:
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Friday, went to kensington to a pub to welcome Kate back.

Today [Saturday], went to the shooting range with Dickie to test his new guns. AWESOME. I'm in love with his shotty it's a 2 and 3/4 inch with a nice rubber buttplate. We shot some buckshot and slugs and it was soo sweet. i can't wait to try some skeet shooting. We also shot his Lee Enfield. as you can see it dosn't have all the wood and such, so it's lighter and i expected more kick... What i got was a sore shoulder. Mind you that i have a simmilar gun chambered to the same round and both have wood stocks with metal buttplates and mine fell nice, his hurt. I mean you might as well have been punching me in the shoulder, because it felt like it... and i only took 5 shots. I put on the grips fo my 1911 and they look awesome. i'll post some pics later [forgot the cam at home today]
