Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Turk Turkleton

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Pic Post

LONG awaited Pics from the outdoor Range. Vids will be along shortly.

Eric/Justing Shooting

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Jeffrey Macarone... Bike Technician

Today's Song: REM - Losing My Religion

"That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try"

So i had to go find a job... and yesterday i updated my Resume and went out to find myself a job.

Mom and Dad had been suguesting all these lame places with their help wanted signs. I didn't want to go back to working in a restraunt. Didn't want to do Manual labour. I don't have the skills or the porfolio for a Media job. So i went with a my hobby. i was going to try and get something to do with bikes. So some major places would need me to have uber training [i have taken a basic maintencce course] and experince which i don't have per se...

So i choose Sport Mart and Sports Traders both in crowfoot. I go in and drop off a resume and application at Sport Mart and they said they'd get back to me within the week.

I go to Sports Traders and I drop off a resume and the owner of the store gives me a interview right away. And Hires me. He asked if i could start working that day. I really didn't want to so i said i couldn't. So i'd start at open tomorrow.

They open at 10 which isn't to bad. So i started today and i was thinking this is my first job a friend hasn't gotten me. So i was nervous about not knowing anyone. Turns out that i work with a guy i went to Highschool with. So i got there early and was waiting a bit. After doing your pretty standard opening stuff i went to work. The first bike had something wrong with the gears. And i was having alot of trouble so one of the managers came and looked at it and got mad at it and helped me fix it. The rest of the day was smooth. I'd ask where tools were or what procedures to follow. Everyone i worked with today was super nice and helpful.

Seven hours later i had finished my first day.was done. i went to Burger king for some foods and then came home and slept.

I was woken up at ten by a drunken Sarah... After that i couldn't go back to sleep so i watched some Family guy and stuff on TV.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Time Capsule

Today's Song: Billy Talent - Devil In A Midnight Mass

" Whisper, whisper, don't make a sound.
Your bed is made and it's in the ground"

So i don't have a job... Everyone else works.... so that leaves me with alot of "Jeff Time".

What have i been doing to fill my time? Well i will DL a movie and then stay up all night watching. Like last night i finished DLing Hotel Rwanda and Saved! so when they were done around 2 in the am and i watched both.

Both good movies. Check them out. As well as Good Night and Good Luck. Mom rented that the other day and it was interesting.

So i came into my room and sat down at the comp the TV was on and it was on Teletoon. Station X was on... To tell the truth i have never watched a whole episode of that show but the parts that i have seen were interesting. So as i sit down i hear something about Hot or Not and this reminds me of when Eric and i had put our pics on there and were checking them out in hichschool. We'd look through the pics and pick out some unusual or freakishly ugly people and send them to each other and we had a good laugh.

About my Pics....
Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

So i average out to 6.63 being hotter than 62.3% of guys.

Woot, i guess that puts me in the minority of attractive people.

Because of my abundance of free time i think i will start reading some books. I don't read alot but i had started reading Shake Hands With The Devil by: LGen. Romeo Dallaire, It's about the peacekeeping mission in Rwanda. My rents were watching some stuff on TV about the bible Leonard DiVinci and the DiVinci code. So they told me the book was good and pointed me to the shelf where it was. While looking for it i came across a WWII book: The Road To War by:Richard Overy and Andrew Wheatcroft. Hopefully i can finish these before summer is done. Or even Finish them...

I havn't gone biking in forever.... If you want to go let me know.


Saturday, May 06, 2006

So i'm Alive

Today's Song: Chuch Norris - Eyes Of A Ranger

"In the eyes of a ranger,
The unsuspected stranger
Had better know the truth of wrong from right,
Cuz the eyes of a ranger are upon you,
Any wrong you do he's gonna see,
When youre in Texas look behind you,
Cuz that's where the rangers are gonna be"

So, now that school is over i have pretty much fallen off the face of the earth.

On thurs of the last week of school we had to hand in the music video. and i we had done all the cutting the day before, all it needed was the music. so we saved and called it a night.

The next day i try and open the files but they are Corrupted. So i quickly re edit it and then i go to export it. It says it's gonna take like 4 hours. FUCK THAT. Dickie Eric Justing and i had planned on going to the range after i was done school so i had to leave. I would have gotten my group members to baby sit it but i couldn't get ahold of them. So when i finally get ahold of one of them he says he can't because he's working on another project... So i pretty much tell him that i'm leaving and he better take care of it. To put it mildly i was furious.

So i left school took the train and met up with the guys at Heritage [it's by the edge so i could pick up my guns] and we were off. LONG story short... It was awesome. Dickie is a 12 guage Lumber Jack. Here are Eric's Pics

So the flames didnt make it past round one. that sucks. It was a blast hangin out with everyone drinking.

Joined a new shooting range. It's outdoor and awesome. Now i can finally shoot past 50 yards. The other day i was shooting at 100 yards, i had 4 inch groups with the iron sights.

Then on the pistol range i was shooting at multipul targets. IT WAS AWESOME. Now i'm really jazzed to get my holster course.

So i don't have a job... So if anyone needs a Media Designer let me know.
