Saturday, October 22, 2005

Norinco 1911A1

Today's Song: Papa Roach - Last Resort

"Chances are that I might
Mutilation outta sight
And I'm contemplating suicide"

So, I saw Domino the other night...

Didn't like it. There were some pretty stupid parts and some fricken dumb.

The other night i went up to crowfoot and rode for a little bit with Emo Mike and hit friends Robert. Here are some Pics:
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So lastnight My dad calls me upstairs. So i wonder what it is i am getting in trouble for or what i did wrong. As i sit on the couch i notice that one of the gun clothes is right beside me. I was confused because it shouldn't have been there. As i am feeling around i come across something. I pick it up. IT"S A FUCKING 1911. It's a Norinco 1911, a copy of a Colt1911.
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So today after a pretty good day at school, Papa Macarone and i went shooting. And i think i love that gun. So much fun. only put 50 rounds through it today.

Well, thats that.

~Good Night

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I am fucking tired of this shit. JUST FUCK OFF. Seriously why do you need to put that shit on my blog, It's just stupid. Do not post on here anymore, it's old.

007: Jeffrey Under Pressure

Today's Song: Gorillaz - M1A1

Thousand miles an hour.
Gorillaz got the bass drum.
Gorillaz say I want some, some.

La la la la la la la la la HEY!"

So when i was thinkin about it toay. All i do is school. Nothing exciting anymore. I mean, it's got to be a year scince i was running from Rent-a-cops, Staying at Timmy's till 4 or 5 in the am, or even drinkin till i didn't make sence anymore.

But alas there is hope. Wing Night Mondays. Today's was especially eventful because a few of us got drunk, and i was well deserved. 40 wings 3 bears 3 shots of jager. I was good, Plus being there with a bunch of koo kids from school made it good too.

I got some marks back.

90%: Play with layers, opacity, vectormasks, Gradients, and Breakthrough Text.
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88% This was to work on our drawing skills.

So thats that.

On thursday i have a three hour break so Dickie and i are gonna go Downtown and look at a gun shop because he is planning on getting his Firearms Licence.

I moved my PS2 into my room so i can play some 007: Agent Under Fire while chatting and the like. So i'm all about the 007 right now thus the title.

~Good Night

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Posty Post

Today's Song: OZone - Numa numa

"Allo, salut, sint yel, un hydook,
she teraw, youbeera mah, primesh der, vericheera,"

So i am totally neglection this here blog, Not nearly as bad as say... Eric.... But none-the-less.

Nothign new at school. I handed in a 1200 word essay that was killing me to write. Now it's out of my hands.

Um, Friday night Nothing really happened... I think Dickie and i just nhung out here.

Saturday Dickie and i went shooting and it was a friggen blast [pun intended]. I shot this bottle of Tag spray and it kinda blew up, it was awesome. Dickie shot a can of pop and it exploded awesomely. He also hit a dime at 50 yards. I also hit one, but fuck if we could find it.

After Dickie and kev came and hung out. When they left Jamie Jocelyn and Jocelyn's BF came over for a bit.

Sunday. TURKEY!!! My mom made a delicious dinner. And some awesome deserts. SOO GOOD. I also tried cutting my hair again, and it worked out fine. Sunday was uber fun because after our huge meal we watched some good TV and just hung out.

Monday, Today. Didn't do much in the AM... Pretty much stayed in bed, watched some Much music Video on trial. Friggen love that show, it's always funny. Once Dickie was done his second Turkey dinner we went to Starbucks and had some coffees ran into Amy and Joanne, hung out and talked with them for a while. Then went and got Kevin and saw:

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I liked it. Definatly not lieing about the violence.

Awesome long weekend.

~Good Night

Monday, October 03, 2005

Minus One Hacky Sack

Today's Song: Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To

" Well do ya, do ya, do ya wanna
Well do ya, do ya, do ya wanna
Wanna go where I never let you before"

Frick, I never post anymore. I applogize for that. I cannot say that i have been too busy to post. It's just that there is nothing really exciting to post about. It's all the same old thing of School and school work.

Anyways. Friday was the FacultyMixer. Both classes of first years and second years came to the gate and we all started to drink. AND DRINK WE DID. I can think of a few kids who are gonna be a little embarassed come monday morning.

So to my experince. A pitcher of beer and like 15 shots, i had a nice drunk on. Most everyone left and so a few of us go and sit near a window. Everyone wants to go play hacky sack, so i take it out and we start playing. I loose focus on the hacky and focus on a hot chic. Two seconds later i hear that it's up on some vent thing. So i boost my friend up to get it, he cant find it. So here comes the bouncers. They start asking why i was boosting my friend up and why something is "broken". To tell the truth i didn't see anything broken. But i herd thst some light was broken... which i doubt. ANYWAYS. i was asked to leave. Earlier that night i saw some guy get THROWN out by the bouncer and i was not interested in being thrown out, so i walked out 15 mon or so later everyone else comes out. I wanted to hang out some more. but i lost track of everyone and so i started to head home.

I called Dickie he was at Harry's with Kev, Rob Jerry and Chase. So i head up there drink two more beers. Then we decide to go to Notts to finish the night. Blah Blah Blah, Rob gets WASTED and he walks home. So i had an awesome night, Minus one Hacky Sack.

~Good Night