Friday, July 28, 2006

Da Vinci Code

Today's Song: The Living End - Wake Up

"Suicidal education
It got sold to our generation
Wake up to the manipulation
Wake up to the situation
Suicidal education

So wed and thurs i weas up in the LB helping to paint my sister's place. It was sooo fucking hot there i can't believe it. It was like 25Degrees at 1030....

So i got back today around 5. Ate some dinnah and just vegged infront of the TV.

So while i was out there i finished reading the Da Vinci Code. Effin sweet book, i really enjoyed reading it.

Yea, thats about it.


Saturday, July 22, 2006


Today's Song: Rise Against - State Of The Union

" State of the union address,
reads war torn country still a mess
the words: power, death, and distorted truth
are read between the lines of the red, white, and blue"

So Dad and i moved heathers crap. That was fun.

Then that night i slept at Dickies so we could leave for Warped tour early...

Turns out that early was 1030... So after Dickie got his McGriddles we were off to Pick up Kev and Kate. So we pick them up and head over to Race City and get stuck in traffic for an hour. then we parked like 15 min away and walked in.


So first we watched Less Than Jake. They were funny and i liked the Sax and trombone. Then it was Anti Flag, The Casualties, Underoath.

For Alexisonfire i wanted to be close to the stage so i stood close to the stage way before they were done setting up. Dickie Kev and Kate went and sat on a hill way behind the crowd.

So i was right up in the crowd, and it was awesome knowing the words to the songs. So for the last song i went up in a pit and jumped around. that was awesome. except it wasn't on a main stage so it was all dusty when people started to go crazy. Kate said she saw dust clouds.

Then we went back to the main stage for AFI Dickie and i were in the crowd for this one. Kev and Kate were a little farther behind us. They played a couple of songs that i liked.

NOFX was next but i wanted to get a good place for Rise Against so i walked up for a better place. Stupid Dickie got scared and ran away. So as i was standing there i look around and i see Steven Potter and Bill. So i run over to where they are and we are chattin waiting for ther show to start and people start throwing empty plastic bottles, then everyone at the front [where i was] threw them back... They went on for like 15 min. Kate has a vid of it which i will try and get. So now i am like 20 feet from the stage and they come out and the crowd when nuts!. So they start playing and Steve asks me to lift him up so he can crowd surf... after that i didn't see him anymore. So now the crowd is going crazy and i am no longer in the spot i started out at and i'm jumping aroung and singing along to the songs It was awesome. Excpet for the crowd surfing people that fell on my head... and the sweat shirtless goys that were touching me...

Otherwise AWESOME.

So then we have a huge walk back to Dickie's car... I am soaked with sweat [not all of it was mine...] and Dickie was using the clean shirt i had gotten to cover up his delicate neck so that he wouldn't get burnt. That asshole. So once we got to his car i changed shirts.

The drive home was WAY quicker... Probably cuz Dickie used the shoulder as a passing lane. Once we got to Kev and Kates place they let me have a quick shower, THAT was awesome. I was so dirty and i felt discusting.

After that pit stop we grabbed some foods at BPs. I drank like 8 rootbeers. I was super thirsty.

Food was good.

Concerts were AWESOME.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Today's Song: Presidents Of The United States Of America - Volcano

" When the mountain... becomes a fountain
Of white hot lava... molten magma
Super sonic... plate techtonics
Stero phonic... lava and tonic
The boom is bionic"

Today was my day off and what did i do with it? Why of course i went in to work for a few hours.

I worked on like 5 or 6 bikes and then went home. I went in today because i have two days off and i didn't want to be over loaded with work when i came in on friday.

BTW> i keep forgetting to mention this. I FIXED DARR MAQBOUL's BIKE!!!!

If you are from Calgary or have lived here in the past 5 years or so you'll know that every Calgarian will trust his or her weather to Darr. Any who... i never got to see him i just fixed said bike.

So this morning i woke up. because i wasn't technically working today i figured i'd come in when i wanted and leave when i wanted. Firstly i wanted to go to Bowcycle and get my wheel built. [I was in Lethbridge on Sunday because i was helping the sis move. Lethbridge is hella boring so i wanted to ride the skate park but i was there less than an hour and my hub died] Last night i took the wheel apart and got it ready to take in today. I walk up and talk to one guy he brings out some over priced parts that i need. Then i say i want them to build my wheel [hahha, Queen - Bicycle just came on] So the guy points me in the direction of the service counter. I tell him what i want. He says the prices of the work... which are obscene. And i head out.

Dad and i go the a oil change place juse down the street and i get a call from my Mom saying that Bow just called about my rim which i had JUST dropped off. So i go back over there and the guy says i have a flatspot on my rim and he won't build on it. FUCK. so he suggests that i take a look at their pre-built wheels. The thing that pisses me off is that my old rim was beautiful. Never went out of true and was strong as fuck. So now i have to go ahead woith some wheel i have i don't know alot about. So i'll have my bike back together sometime Friday.

Then my Dad and i grabbed some lunch at Tony Roma's it was really good.

Then to work.

What does tomorrow have in store for me? I get to go to Lethbridge with my parents and move my sister's furniture and paint her place. What is my sister going to be doing? Staying at home not working and "looking after the dog". eff that.

So come 7am tomorrow morn i will be on the road to Lethbridge. yay.

So alond with moving a bunch of Heather's crap back home she gave me the old VCR. [the one we have had scince i was a little kid in Montreal that she took with her to University] So i hook it up to my TV and i gotta say that i am pretty darn excited. Looking at a bunch of the movie titles i have lined up are bringing a bunch of memories back.

Movie titles:
Dumbo, Superman Cartoon, Ninja Turtles Cartoon, Robin Hood Cartoon, The Rescuers, and the two i am most excited for: The football tape of us winning City Championships, and The grade nine trip to greece.

Any who. I'm gonna watch The Rescuers first.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Give Her The Stick.... DON'T GIVE HER THE STICK

Today's Song:Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There

"You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there."

So i wake up around noon. I look over on the TV and i had fallen asleep watching Scrubs. And waking up to your fav show isn't bad. I stay in bed for a few episodes untill i am hungry enough to get out of bed. I eat. Then shower. And it's off to work. I don't remember working too hard. but around like 8 or so i call Dickie and see what the plan is. Marshmellows at his GF's Firepit.

So they pick me up from work. We are sitting fireside for a few hours and jus shootin' the shit and having a great time. There were many a scrubs reference and quotes from out fav movie. But the quote of the night goes to Dickie.

I was holding a peice of fire wood, it was pretty small. And i was hitting people and things with said peice of wood. Then Megan says: "Give me the Stick" and with out missing a beat Dickie says: " DON'T GIVE HER THE STICK". We [except for megan] were laughing sooo hard. For those of you who don't know or want to see this classic again See It Here. It was effin Halarious.

After getting home i had finished DLing Signs. So all alone in the dark basement i started watching it... I'm not saying i was afraid. I'll say i was at a hightened alertness. It was a good movie and i enjoyed it.

After that i needed to wind down with some walker Texas Ranger. But for the longest time i was looking for some of the TV show Episodes and i couldn't find ANY. So the only thing i did find was Walker Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire. It pretty much looked like a Made for TV Movie. But it still had all the Norris Goodness. But the only thing i didn't like was that Trivette was in it for like 3 seconds. I'm not gonna lie to you, while watching this movie i was caressing my 1911 and taking it apart and putting it together.

Then scrubs till i fell asleep.

I woke up and did pretty much the same thing...

At work i was too excited about going to the Stampede so i didn't do any work really. After work i went to Dalhousie and caught the train to the Stampede park. It was FUCKIN busy but i got a seat and read a bunch of the DaVinci Code.

I get off the train wait 15 - 20min in line just to get in and it's already 10 it was SUPER FUCKING BUSY because OLP was onn the coke stage. I finally get it and there is no chance i am gonna finde Justing Kevin kate or Mark in these mass. The thing that struck me as retarded was that there was a barracade that said: "Congested Area-Concert In Progress" I was thinking that MOVING YOUR FUCKING FENCE would help clear up a path for people to move. So i ended up running into the round up center and popping out some doors on the other side of said wall-of-stupidity and watched maybe three quarters of the concert. I'm not a huge OLP fan but it wasn't bad.

After Concert we looked around and found some tools that someone had dropped during the concert. Mark took those. Then we looked at the CF-18 i think? That was pretty bad ass.

Then it was like 11 or so. Justing headed home. We wanted to get some beers and the beer gardens are just too much of a hastle so we talked to some bar that Kate really likes. We got some food. But the waitress was dumb and didn't take kev's order and by the time the waitress came back the kitchen was closed. So we shared. We stayed there till like 2. Then we took the train home. Wasn't as busy as the stampede station. but it was still full.

I get to Dalhousie at like 230 and i realize... i hadn't though of how i was gonna get from the train station to my bed. SO i walked. mostly because i didn't want to pay the $20 - $40 for a cab.

I arrive home at 4 in the am and my feet are killing me. But on the plus side i guess i worked off all the beer i drank.

Once i sat down at the comp i went down my list of fell bloggers and read the most recent posts and Eric's made me think.

So i commented:

Gumbi said...

Hey E-Rock

Read Shake Hands With The Devil by LGen. Romeo Dallaire It's about the peacekeeping mission in Rwanda which he lead. It definatly made me think, and it's a REALLY good read. I'd also say watch Hotel Rwanda which is about the same topic and over laps with the book.

And after posting that i thought that i should recomend this to everyone who reads my blog aswell.


Friday, July 07, 2006

Shooting Vids

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's Not A Unicorn...It's A Horse With A Sword On It's Head

Today's Song: Rise Against - Chamber The Cartridge

"And so we carry on each day,
As in our lives were not so real,
Every breath that we take we only suffocate"

So i'm watching Kenny vs. Spenny, an effin halarious show.

So looking back on todays event we have shooting, Stuffed Animal Murders, Effin stupid wild life, a Bday Party, a delicious steak sandwitch, and some crazy weather to top it all off.

I get a call at 11 and it's Dickie saying he's on his way over. I say koo and go back to sleep. Once Dickie gets here we take all the shooting gear and get it ready. Lauren was on her way over. So once we get there, there is this asshole guy there and hes shooting a fucking bow and arrow. FUCK THAT SHIT. So we go to a diffrent shooting area and start shooting at random things. We didn't shoot the toaster like i had wanted because the range we were shooting as was alot cleaner.

Dickie was showing Lauren how to shoot one of the rifles and i notice out of the corner of my eye something moving. I look and there Bambi is walking down the range... Like i mean right down the middle. So none of us know how to butcher a deer we don't shoot at it. But this guy is hungry and is just snacking on all the grass he sees. I took a shot about 25yards from where he was and he didn't even look up. After a little while he walked away.

After we finished with the rifles we took out Dickie's shotgun and blasted some Stuffed animals. This was effin sweet. It was kinda morbid blowing stuffing out of a teddybears head. So then we tossed them up and shot them. I'll have some vids of tha ast soon as i can.

After shooting Lauren went to prepair her party and so Dickie and i went and had lunch at The Last Straw, Some Delicious Steak sandwitches. They were on special for like $6.50 and keiths was like $3 something. So i'll definatly be hitting that up again.

As we were eating there was a huge thunderstorm and it was raining and hailing pretty hard. Dickie hid his car under the roof of a gas bar. Once the hail stopped.

We went for desert and we got some DQ blizzards. As we were leaving i jumped in a puddle to get Dickie wet... turns out that i was the only one who got wet.

Back at my house i noticed that the neighbours had put a bunch of topsoil down on the side of the house and the rain had carried it all into our yard. So my Father was not pleased about this.

After dawning my newly made Unicorn Tee Shirt and letting Dickie borrow my Baby Blue suit we went to Laurens party. So we were playing some card games and this one kid who i think was gay started yelling profanities and it was halarious. So after a little while at the party Dickie and i go to pick up Lauren's GF and surprise her so we head out and we see these kids walking down the middle of the road. So i feel it is my duty as a concerned Citizen to yell shit at them. Ye pick up Holly and head back. We were on the look out for the kids again and again i yell shit at them. We dropped the GF off. and Dickie had plans with his GF so i didn't want to stick around at that party so Dickie was gonna drop me off. But he was still wearing the baby blue suit so he changed in the middle of the street. It was gross.

Then i came home ate some Nachos and blogged the shit outta the interweb.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bike Bike Bang Bang

Today's Song: Billy Talent - Red Flag

"Cast off the Grudge that kills the pain,
The red flag waving never meant the same,
The kids of tomorrow don't need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday."

So... Dad and i went to the shooting range the other day. I got a little bit of a burn but the next day it went away.

Any who... Here is a SWEET Vid Video.

So i went to COP the other day and it was effin sweet. I didn't pay for a lift ticket so i just played in the stunt park and on the DJs. There were a bunch of ramps and such from a skate park and i took one box that had a rounded top and grinded it. Because it was curved i didn't have to hop on to it. all i had to do was lift my front wheel on to it and then i was grinding. It was awesome. Then on the DJs i got them pretty much down. and i was tricking off them too which made me happy for it being my first time out.

The only downer was the billions of Mosquitos. it was horrible. It was the worest i had ever seen. i had like literally 6 or 10 on me all the time. In one swat i'd get like four. So now i am iching all over...
