Sunday, July 24, 2005

"One JBC down, One JBC up"

Today's Song:The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)

I don't know, just listen to it

So, I've been working... Mostly Serving and/or hosting. And it's not that bad at all. I like it infact. So i work with pretty much all my friends and that pretty much the only reason that i am staying there, but it makes a difference.

Last night, We decided to go to Schanks for a change, We being Eric, Justing, Kevin, German Girl, Sarah, Dickie, Me. It was awesome. Two pitchers, and alot of shots. Then we went to Pee-Cup Wendy's and ate. Some of us ate a little TOO much. And we hung out there for a girl long time. After which we called it a night and went home.

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Thats the Itinerary for my Nova Scotia trip. Dickie got the tickets online with his credit card. I owe him $703.09. Thats alot of money. I'm really excited for this trip because i have never really been on my own to travel. Plus i'm going with a good friend. I'm gonna be staying with Dickie's family most of the time so that'll keep the cost down, But with all the beer we are gonna drink... Dang. I better get used to Alander Keith's [The pride of Nova Scotia].

~Good Night

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Today's Song: Rise Against - Torches

"I’m still waiting, yeah I’m still waiting"

>The day started out by goin to the shooting range with my dad. It was fun because we had the whole rifle bay to ourselfs. I moved a table out of the way and tried shooting from a prone position at 50 yards with the .22. We found a Silhouette target that hadn't been used, so we put it out at 50 and tried shooting at it standing up. I was happy with getting all ten shots in the head. After i was finished shooting the .22 i pulled out the Lee Enfield and shot 20 rounds with it. Some at 25 and 50 yards. I tried shooting while standing, and you can feel it move you.

Here is a vid of me shooting my Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1* Standing up[.303]

Dickie and Sarah came over, then we went to Badass Jack's so Sarah and Dickie could eat. Then back to my house where we watched some tv. After they left i went to Peeties with Sean and we ate some KFC and watched a BMX video.

Fun fun. So i can't wait for my body not to hurt anymore so i can go riding again.

~Good Night

Monday, July 18, 2005

Stampede Vol.2

Today's Song: Millencolin - Ray

"So shut your mouth now, big boy
I'm just myself, not your toy
It's in my nature to be changing
Now is it so hard to see
You can not make me to be
Someone who never will be changing?"

Went to the stampede with some kids. Here are the pics

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Today's Song: Colin Hay - Overkill

[This song was on my fav show Scrubs]
"I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
Of diving in too deep
And possibly the complications
Especially at night
I worry over situations that
I know will be alright
It's just overkill
Day after day it reappears
Night after night
My heartbeat shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away"

Sean and i went to COP on tuesday. It was goin great, Tried riding some new stuff, getting used to the bike again [hadn't been riding in ages].

So we take some runs that are perfectly swell. Ride the dirtjumps for a while it was all fine. Then half way down the trail, I ate shit off this bridge which is like 2.5 - 3 feet high. I came off a little drop too fast, didn't hit the brakes fast enough and went ass-over-tea-kettle. I landed straight on my head, got winded, Hurt my back and neck... and shattered my two front teeth.

Nothing like getting up from a fall and spitting out peices of your teeth. So i am lying there as sean comes up, tells some kid to go get a medic. He sees me spitting out teeth and asks what else is hurt. As soon as i tell him my neck and back, He asks me to move my arms and legs [being worried that i broke my back]. After seeing that i am bashed up but alive, we ride down to the medic station where i got checked out. Basically he asked be a bunch of questions and poked me and such. It was like when i would stand up normally it felt like i had a weight on my head. Now, i'm still really sore but alot better compaired to before. I couldn't move without being in alot of pain the day i did it.

I get home, Mom calls the dentist, i go and shower... VERY PAINFULL... at this point i am worried that i may have fractured vertebrae, so i find myself a couch and lay down. I get an oppointment for the dentist, get some x-rays done, basically saying that i shattered the fake teeth i had [i had root cannals done of my front four teeth so they are fake]. So there are posts glued into my skull that hold the crowns on, they are fine.

After a VERY restless night i go to my Dentist appointment today and i get Scrapped, Grinded, and drilled for three hours to get me some temporary teeth untill friday when i will get some replacements. So i got four needles worth of freezing... by the end it was wearing off and i was in alot of pain. Not only was i laying down the whole time hurting my back and neck, but my mouth was killing me.

I way very happy to get home and swallow a Tylonal 3.

Sarah was all worried about me, she was asking if i needed anything or if i wanted her to come take care of me [who dosn't like sympathy]. She came over later with Dickie and just hung out and watched TV.

On wed Some people who have never ridden COP and i had planned on going, But after i ate shit i was uber pissed that i wouldn't be able to make it. I was REALLY excited to go too. Now i have to wait for my fucking back and neck to get better before i can even think about going again. But i guess it wouldn't have worked out today anyways because there was this freakish storm with rain and hail right when we would have gone.

~Good Night

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Today's Song: Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight

"So here it is, your final lullaby:
So goodnight, goodnight.
You're embarrassing me,
you're embarrassing you.
So goodnight, goodnight.
Walk away from the door,
walk away from my life."

Eric comes into my room. "Wake up". I open my eyes wide enough to see a VERY cowboy asain standing in my doorway. We went to the Scenic Acres Stampede Breakfast. Two Pancakes, some Ham, and some Tang... For free. SWEET.

Then off to Lammles so i could get a cowboy hat... You need one for ten days of the year to show pride as a Calgarian. Got a nice cheap one. Then went hope for a powernap.

Woke up and off to work to serve for the first time. I had three tables, it wasn't bad, but i don't know the prices and options that come with each meal. But all in all it went fine.

Then i rushed home to change my fishy clothes. Ran to Dalhousie and took the train to the stampede where i met up with Dickie, Kev, Eric and the German girl who is visiting Canada Kate.

I got there in time to see Hot Hot Heat play on the coke stage. I enjoyed, but didn't know any of their songs [Besides the song of the day]. After that we went to the beer gardens to get drunk... But scince the concert ended at 11 and the beer gardens close at 12 we didn't get drunk... Well Everyone but Eric. Eric polished off his beer and was drunk. So again letting loose the Drunk Asain Cowboy.

Walked around the Stammede Grounds as everything is closing. So we decide to go to Buggs... But it was like last call when we got there so we decided not to. Walked to Dickie's drove to Timmy's. German girl thought it was odd that i had a BLT. Then off to Mike's where We played pool till late.

~Definatly a Good Night

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Today's Song: Nena 99 Luftballons


I don't know how to recount the past events of all the days that i havn't posted.

Today, Sean woke me up and we were gonna go to COP and ride a bit before we had to go work. But his bike is in peices. So he is allowed to rent a bike for free, but Mr. McFucktard had to be an asshole and gave Sean a shitty bike so we called it a day after two runs on the DJs.

Dropped my bike off at home, then to his house to pick up his and take it to bow. Bow = Too Expensive. Off to Opa in market mall to eat. then to visions and soundsaround so Sean can look for a new Deck for his car [last one got stolen].

Went to work... It was Kevin and i... then everyone else was new. I had to pretty much call and do take out aswell as frys and apps... Not koo. But on the plus. Dickie is comin to work there now. Woot.

After work, went to Super to see Eric and tell him to come over after work. Then dropped Kev off, and Dickie and i came to my house. I showered, kev came over, we watched some Scrubs [my fave show] then Eric came over later. I cannot remember what the hell we were watching on TV that was so great, but like two seconds after Dickie and Kev left Eric and i started watching 8mm.... What a fucked up movie. But it was good. Freaky, but good.

So the movie ends eric and i watch some teen titans then channel surf and that brings us to about 530 in the am. Eric goes home, and comes on MSN and tells me peeps are leaving for work.

So, i get advice from friends telling me to "Just go for her" because of whatever reason. But i mean, I don't see her that way. Or i'll get "Don't give up on her" But i doubt in a best case senario it could ever be. "Why?" i was asked. I do not know. The only answer was: "It's too fucked". So this leaves me looking all over for that special girl. Not going well so far. I know i have said this many a time before. No more highschool... So i do not see alot of girls. I want that someone who i can hold and share feelings for. You know, The one who is thinking about you throughout their day, the one who makes your day when you can hold them close. Ugh. Secret admirer, You there? This is your time to shine. Shine on me.

~Lonely Night

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Good Day

Today's Song: U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday

"How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long...
cause tonight...we can be as one

So, Tonight at work... Wasn't bad at all. Not busy, not stressfull. Just fine.

After work [got off at 9 a nice change] Dickie picked me up, went to my house, i made him dinner from Joey's and we watched some TV. Then Eric and Jamie took us to Darti's and there we saw a bunch of kids from Highschool. It was fun.

Then after Dickie Eric and i went to Denny's.

A fun day.

~Good Night

Friday, July 01, 2005

Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1*

Today's Song: Europe - The Final Count Down

"It's the final countdown..."
It's not the lyrics that are awesome[they are] but the best part is the beat to the song, sounds like it should be in a nintendo game

What did i do today?....

First, i mowed the lawn, then the new couches got delivered so i had to arrange them, then went and got the LE, then went shooting, then ate, then came home, then went to the movie with Dickie and kev, then went to timmys

War of the worlds was sweet i really enjoyed:
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Now to the part that i love the most... My Lee Enfield No.4 Mk1*

This is the whole Rilfe:
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Here is the Mag and the action open:
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The Bayonet on the Rifle:
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Close up of the bayonet:
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A Quarter and a .303 bullet:
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A target at 25yrds:
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Target at 50yrds:
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I love this gun. I cannot wait to shoot it again.

~Good Night