Tuesday, January 31, 2006

January 30 1986

Today's Song: Protest The Hero - Blindfolds Aside

" We woke up as men but tonight we'll sleep as killers
As we break the cryptic morning with a bullet and a prayer
The steel never seemed more cold and agile than now"

20 years ago Little baby Jeffrey A. Macarone was born unto this world.

Today was awesome, Everyone was uber nice between making fun of my dunken state on Sat. I got some cake and some cupcakes from friends it was awesome.

Next Sat the Family [that includes Dickie] are gonna go to Olive Garden. So i'm pretty excited about that. and hopefully My Free money will come and Dickie's firearms licence will get here so we can go gun shopping.


I'm not a teenager anymore.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Bday Bash

Today's Song: Gary Jules - Mad World

"And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world
Mad world"

SO, saturday comes around and i'm all uber excited for the party tonight.

First think saturday morning Jon calls me at like 1030 and says he's ready to film. Sweet. so i told him i'd be down in a little bit. then rolled over and went back to sleep. When he called again i actually got up and started down.

We film most of our scenes with Jon's Dog Riley. And everything went well.

So i had some time to kill between 5 when Dickie got off work and 730 when the party started. So i came home and edited the video we shot. it looks awesome.

SO... it's party time and we head over to Buggs.

Bunch of people were already there and even more came after i was fucked. Some people i didn't even see because i was already in the bathroom puking. i was later told that there was like over 20 or so people there and each had bought me a drink. and pretty much the whole bar came in to make fun of me or pour beer on me.

After dickie carried me out of the bathroom, we made it to Dalhousie i slept on a bus stop bench. then when we actually got to Dickie's house i fell asleep on the bathroom floor. then dickie woke me up at like 8 because he had to go wo work. so he dropped me off and i was heaving as i was trying to unlock the door.

Now i went to bed right away. My rents were hangin out in the other room and passed my room where i was like 19 times. So then i got a call around like 6 from my dad asking where i was. I told him i was downstairs in my room with a wicked hangover. He was surprised and laughed.

I'm writing this to you with a brain that is two sizes too big for my head.

One Day


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Buritto Grenade

Today's Song: The Seatbelts - Tank!

"I think it's time to blow this scene,
Get everybody stuff together.
Ok, three, two, one, Let's Jam"

So... I voted for the first time in my life on the 23rd. It was koo, It made me feel like a responcible Canadian Citizen.

Like i mentioned in the Which Song To Choose?! post, i'ven been working on it like crazy and it's going great. We have chosen our song: The Seatbelts - Tank! Definatly check it out. I'm not a big jazz fan, But this song rawks my world. Here are some pics of my storyboards so far:
Notes and Timeline:
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Storyboard pg1:
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Storyboard pg2:
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Storyboard pg3:
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i also booked a Video camera for this weekend so we'll start shooting as soon as possible. Don't be surprised if you get a frantic phone call from me asking you to be in the film.

Here is a pic of the poster we made in one of my Classes:
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Humm. I'm like an HTML fiend. That is definatly a class i look forward to. Once i learn some more css and whatnot i might attempt to edit this template.

So tonight i got off school and went to the shooting range with Dickie and DW. AWESOME time. DW was in the Canadian Reserves so he has experince with Rifles [full autos too] so he had fun shooting the handguns.

After shooting we went to Taco Bell. Had the not-so friendly service of a 50 year old man. I had 3 half pound burritos and fries supreme. I thought i was going to explode in a refried bean catastrophe. DW got some steak thing added to his oder that he didn't pay for... So we did the same thing anyone would do. We threw it at the front door and drove off.

The other day i was watchinf some investigative thing about how the US Military outsources to security companies and the problems that creates. So it was telling about this one group of security personel who were under manned and under informed. They were attacked and killed and the terrorists had videotaped the attack. It was horrifying to think that we human can act like that to eachother. I was thinking. Put aside all the religious diffrences... and you are still human. How can you do that to another person? It's totally fucked up. And so it made mt thin that all that chaos is OVER THERE. but in the US there is plenty of things to be delt with here too. Hurricane dammage/Survivors and economy problems resulting.... So before i went to bed i had the nice sinking feeling that this world is one fucked up place.

On a happier note...

In 4 days i will have lived in this fucked up world for 20 years! To celebrate this we are goin to Bugs on sat. Be there, it'll be uber fun.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bailey / BF1942

Today's Song: The Hives - See Through My Head

"I'm not so easily lead
You always end up losing 'cause you got a see-through head
You got a head
Gets you ahead
You got a head
A see-through head full of.."

So i was just bummin around the house today. and So i go upstairs to see what there is to eat. I realize that no one is home. I mean frick they just up and leave with out letting their youngest child know where they went. So i grabbed the cam and took some pics of the Dog.

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Once Dickie was off work he came over and i showed them to him... THEN i remembered the Sick Pervert he is:

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After hiding the camera we played some BF. I killed a guy with the plane.... No like shooting or Bombing him, i went so close to the ground i clipped him with the wing or something. I was pretty happy about that.

There were other funny shots like Dickie shooting me while parachuting down... Not with a rifle... With a Flak Gun. It was a good time.

A friend of mine lent me the Clone High DVDs and so i'm watching all of those and lovin it. it's a funny show check it out.

Tomorrow i'm goin over to a friends house to Bake a Cake... For school. I dunno how to explain. We have the project where we have to make an instrucional, interactive Flash thing. but we also have to have all sorts of storyboards and group goals and stuff so it's like an actual project that we are doing for a client. FUN...

8 Days



Thursday, January 19, 2006


Today's SongS:

1. Daft Punk - Aerodynamic (3:27)
2. The Mars Volta - Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of) (7:30)
3. The Music - Bleed From Within (6:28)
4. The Hives - See Through Head (2:21)
5. Various - Green Hornet / Al Hirt (2:18)
6. The Music - I Need Love (3:46)
7. My Chemical Romance - Thank You For The Venom (3:43)
8. Rock - My Chemical Romance - Hang 'Em High (2:47)
9. The Hives - Antidote (2:29)
10. Bush X - Machinehead (4:18)
11. Millencolin - Ray (2:52)
12. Protest the Hero - Protest the Hero - Blindfolds Aside (5:00)
13. Rise Against - Give It All (2:49)
14. Rise Against - Paper Wings (3:43)
15. The Music - Take The Long Road And Walk It (4:53)
16. The Seatbelts - Tank! (3:30)

So in my Video class today we get the assignment of making a music video to the song of our choice. SWEET!!


Our idea is going to be, A guy wakes up late for work and then he rushes to work through downtown and there are all sorts of obstaciles in his way. Halarity insues.

So we need a Fast paced song with some breaks in the tempo. Maybe not too techno.

11 Days


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dan "Mini Jug" Dickie

Today's Song: BushX - Glycerine

"don't let the days go by
could have been easier on you
I coudn't change though I wanted to
could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me
don't let the days go by

School has been fun. Glad to see all the kids again. It looks like i will have some fun projects coming up.

Dickie was gonna stay over friday night so we could go to the gun show early. So we go outside and we see that Dickie's window is Smashed. The driver side window is completly gone. But nothing is stolen. So that was a piss off. Dickie left to go take care of that while my dad and i went to the gun show.

Nothign amazing at the show, I mean i drooled over a bunch of stuff like: Socom 16, M-16, M1Garand, and some beautiful over-under shotguns. We picked up a .303 bandoleer for $3 so that was koo. Otherwise nothing jumped out at me. All the Lee Enfields i saw had been sporterized for hunting so they don't look as good.

It's been a while scince we got another gun so i am trying to sell my dad the idea of a M-14, M-16, Or taking a Lee Enfield with shitty wood and remaking it into a L42A1 So that could be another possibility.

Anyways. Lastnight was fuckin Awesome. Dickie annual drunk night was last night. He got Smashed. Like his car window. He had i think like 4-6 Mini Jugs of Rum and Coke. I had 2 or 3 pitchers of beer. Needless to say we were stumblin on the way home. A bunch of kids came out too. Mike Evan Justing Rob Kevin It was a good time.

I had to take down the Christmas tree today. that was less then fun putting it back up on the over head shelf in the garage.

Heather got me Vol. 5 - 7 of Hellsing. Finished them in 3 days i loved them. hopefully i can get the Bleach books from my rents.

15 Days.
Thats that.


Monday, January 09, 2006

First Day Back/21 Days

Today's Song: The Polyphonic Spree - Reach For The Sun

"You don’t see me fly into the red – one more you’re nuts
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the SUN!"

YAYA back to school... Oh wait... i have to do work and stuff... Dang.

ANYWAYS, it was good to see all the kidds i missed oer the break. Everyone all decked out in their new garb it was fun.

So mainly today was just go over what the class is about then we were done. SO we had one assignment given out and funny story. It's due on my Birthday...

Um.. i dunno, i was thinking about it tonight and i don't think i'll have to lug my two whole textbooks around anymore.... because i rarely if ever used them first semester.

Shit i dunno what to talk about. Ask me something. and i'll give you a detailed post catered to your question.



Thursday, January 05, 2006

25 Days

Today's Song: Daft Punk - Robot Rock

"Not sure if there are even any lyrics to this song"

So long time with out a post. I am sorry about that.

twenty-five days from now i'l be turning Twenty years old. Holy crap i'm starting to feel old.

Heather was in for the holidays and she left yesterday. But before she left i bought her lunch and i told her what i wanted for my bday.

I'm askin for:
Hellsing vol. 5,6,7
Bleach vol. 1 - 10
The Longest Day

I'm all excited because i've be wanting the Hellsing books forever.

I was playin around with my computer the other day and i decided to move one of the LEDs and now it looks pretty sweet. It was pretty simple aswell. I'll post a pic later [no cam laying around]

Lastnight Dickie came over and we hooked his laptop up to my TV and watched some Jet Li kicking some ass. But then i fell asleep.

So i got into bed at like 830 and i woke up at like 7 something. I'm not gonna lie to you i have the most fucked up sleep schedual. It's gonna be a pain in the ass tryin to get it back for school.

Speaking of school. I start on monday.... I'll be glad to see everyone again. The only downer is that i have some 8am classes. Shit.

My schedual:
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Ugh. Thats early.

So i was reading the comics the other day and i came across this. And anyone who knows Eric would think of him after reading this.

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