Monday, September 26, 2005

Skoo Work

Today's Song: The White Stripes - Blue Orchid

"You got a reaction
You got a reaction, didn't you?
You took a white orchid
You took a white orchid turned it blue"

So... Worked on some school crap this weekend... yea, it was awesome putting eight hours on a saturday morning to do some school stuff.

Um... What else exciting happened today?... Oh yea. DICKIE IS GONNA BE A COP. Congrats Dickie. The whole Macarone family is proud of you.

Wing night Monday: So we went to Kilkany's and someone had forgotten their ID, then we went up to BP's. Sat in the restraunt... but moved to the lounge for some drink specials. No IDs so back to the restraunt. There we hung out for a good long time. Dickie showed up later and told me the good news.

While waiting for our food, Vicky drew these for me:
Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

In class we were given a assignment to make a poster for a show or someother event,as well as a t-shirt, and postcard. before that class was done i finished the t-Shirt:
Free Image Hosting at

After BP's Dickie and i went to Joey's where he told everyone the good news and i baught him dinner. then we hung out at my house and my parents offered to take him to Olive Garden [it's where we go to Celebrate anything and everything] I'm lookin forward to that.

[Man, this is nothing near chronilogical order]

~Good Night

Sunday, September 25, 2005

BURST...Scoot Scoot

Today's Song: Tiger Army - Rose of the Devil's Garden

" There is a rose in the Devil's garden
In shadow it grows alone
Many things are dangerous now
In this garden we call home"

Up? School... School...And some School.

So, it turs out that Post Secondary is alot of work... Today (sat) Our group went in and worked on our project. We started at 9 and went to like 4. So we are MOSTLY done. I was working on this KICK ASS animation that i am pretty proud of... Turns out that we couldn't get it to work at all so it kinda works but not like i wanted it to. Ah well. Check it out Here

I know it's nothing link on Newgrounds or Ebaums. but it's the best i have done.

After working on it for a while i came home and watched some Burst Angel. Then went to milly. We first stopped at Joey Tomatoe's by O'Clare for some Bursts and some foods.

Milly was fun. Peetie brought a scooter so we were playing on that for a long time.

It was alot of fun.

~Good Night

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Today's Song: The Music - Bleeding From Within

"I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding from within
I'm bleeding, You're bleeding from within
I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding from within
I'm bleeding"

Well, I applogize for not posting in like a week. School takes up alot of my time. So... Thats that.

Um, Let's see... Staurday i went to a gun show with my dad. I was looking for a beautiful colt 1911. But alas, There was nothing that great there, either it was not the model that i wanted or it was HUGLY expensive. So not 1911 just yet. So other things on the shopping list for my Lee Enfield were:
Better condition Magazine

And surprisingly enough we found all of that stuff. The mag makes the gun look soo much better. The oiler came with a shitty pull-through... But i had one already that bwas in WAY better condition. But the best thing was that the kit i got at the show had The oiler as well as the Wire Gause the is used on the pull through to clean the barrel. Mind you thast i don't plan on using this stuff on my rifle, but i want it because it is came with the gun when it was issued in 1945. With the sling and the new mag on it looks even more beautiful.

Saturday night i went to Milly with Sean and i was rickin the Rigid fork. I was doin some sweet tables. I was also playin in the clover bowel. That trifflin bitch Sean was givin me a hard time for everything i did untill the end of the night when i was crossin the street and i put my front wheel on the curb and slid my backtire along the curb and then popped it on to the curb. It's a really simple kinda koo lookin. And after all the stuff i was riding all night and landing smoothly... That was the ONLY thing he gave me props for. I don't know why i'm his friend.

Um... Sunday. I have no idea what i did at all.

Today, Monday. After an AMAZING four hours of class it was WING NIGHT MONDAY. So i ate 35 wings, 4 beers i paid $10... Why so little? Because Carlie had forgotten to pay for her drinks on Frothy Friday so she said she'd pay for wings tonight, Which was fine by me.

Dickie came and hung out for a little bit but it was gettin late so we all wen our seperate ways. Dickie and i came back to my house and hung out before goin to see Lord of War.

Lord Of War:
Image Hosted by

AWESOME, i really enjopyed it and it was super entertaining. I really thingk you all should see it.

I have the biggest tooth ache, It's right at the back on the right side. I'm pretty worried that it means i'll have to get my wisdom teeth out.

~Good Night

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Wings, Guns, Mexicans, And Motzart

Today's Song: Presidents Of The United States Of America - Mach 5

"Oh my goodness...
It's the most buitiful
Little thing I've ever seen in my life
It's blue on the outside
And creamy on the interior
I can't bring myself to smash it
So I take it for a ride on a
Sunny summer Sunday afternoon
I'm riding with the top down
Riding with the top down
Riding with the top down
Hell I blew the top right off my car!"

I have always like the Presidents. One of the first tapes i had ever owned was one of theirs.

Anyways. Today in class were given a pjoject to make in flash:

Assignment 1

Weight: 2.5%


Monday, October 3 (Noon)-GroupA

Submit: a source Flash file titled with your last name. EG: Gerald Flim would submit a file called “flim.fla�.


Create 5 scenes in Flash and use the internal drawing tools to create the following items. Name all layers.

Scene 1: A human face

Scene 2: A landscape

Scene 3: An object (cell phone, ball )

Scene 4: An animal

Scene 5: you decide

So, it's really easy. Basically all i have to do it draw the said above in Flash with no animations. But i am an over achiever so i put some VERY basic animations. I don't want to waste so much time on animating that i'll fall behind.

Here is what i have Done So Far

So, after school we went for some Wings. I had 20 wings for $3.40. It was delicious. Then came home and hung out for a short while. Dickie came over and we watched Once Upon Time In Mexico. Awesome movie, on of my faves. Tomorrow Dickie and i play to watch The Passion Of The Christ.

Now i'm watching some show on Motzart and it's pretty interesting. I'm gonna have lunch with Kim tomorrow, that'll be good. Yep.

~Good Nigh

Monday, September 12, 2005

Rock Band, Rockin Roman Candles, Rock Lobster

Today's Song: B-52's - Rock Lobster

"We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster"

I dunno where to start. Um, When we went to Milly it was sweet. I didn't land anythign gnar-core. but i did grind the knuckle ledge again, only after eating shit a few times. It didn't matter cuz the kids i was with thought i was a trooper for getting up again and trying it right after i fell a few times.

FROTHY FRIDAYS. Thats the tradition we have started in my class. We just go out for a few beers after school. We went to Kilkeny's and i had some AWESOME nachoes for a decent price. Frothy Friday's are always fun because you can just let loose and have fun and get to know the kids [except that i noticed that i was the youngest at the table this time]. So last FF we invited this one girl who didn't have cash or time to come with so we made her promise to come this week, Which she did. But she lives in Okatokes and has to get a ride home all the time. So she had to leave right quick. She gets up says her goodbyes and whatnot and as she gets out of earshot, we look at eachother and say: "Did she leave any money for the tab?" as we laugh about it and figure it's a whopping $2.50 each to pay for her drinks she calls and applogizes for leaving and promises to buy us wings on monday. It's all good. I plan on giving her a hardtime about it tomorrow.

We all get to brentwood and go our seperate ways where Dickie picks me up at brentwood, and we listen to some more of Kev's Techno. I pretty much have no idea what we did that night... Probably because i fell asleep for most of it. We watched some Scrubs on my Comp, i was in bed and fell asleep. Dickie called Lauren over and i think i remember seeing her but then i went back to sleep. Yep.

Next day, went shooting with Papa Macarone. Then Sara called and we went to Market mall so she could run some errands. After that she had to go to some Party and she kindly dropped me off at Dickie's. Dickie and i went to Subway ate dinner, then grabbed Platoon and watched it at my house. Good movie, reminds me of Full Metal Jacket. Dickie had to work early the next morning so he headed home.

Sunay, Woke up around 10, didn't get out of bed till like noon, didn't get dressed till like 8. Why get dressed so late in the day? Because i was goin to Milly. On the way there Tarnizzle had the B-52's blastin the Rock Lobster. Milly was the hot spot tonight. There was a band playin there, all sorts of perople everywhere. People were shooting Roman candles which was sweet. Surprisingly only one cop car tonight. Landed two new tricks tonight, Alley-oop, and an Air to Fast plant type of deal.. Tarnizzle learns some crappy no foot can-can thing... No biggie. Definatly a good session.

~Good Night

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jeff In Drag?

Today's Song: Benny Benassi - Satisfaction

"Push me
And then just touch me
Till I can get my satisfaction
Satisfaction, satisfaction,
satisfaction, satisfaction"

Eric left early this mornin, But last night Dickie Eric and i were hangin out. We went to DQ, then after we smoked a cuban Cigar i got in Nova Scotia.

Let me explain about the Techno song. When we dropped Eric off he had given us a CD that he wanted us to give to Kev because he forgot it in the Lead Sled. So i throw it into Dickie's CD player and it's all this crazy techno.

Tonight when Dickie was done Dinner he came over and we decided to go get desert at Joey's and see Transporter 2:
Image Hosted by

I liked it. Not as much SWEET driving as in the first but i enjoyed it.

So on the way up to Joey's the song of the day played. It's like 6:30min.

Today in class the librarian was showing us how to use the library's online database. VERY interesting stuff. So i logged on to MSN Web Messanger and talked to Eric and Justing for a bit. Then we had some dumb research crap to do. Once that was done, i drew a picture of the kid next to me [Mike Poon], after he saw it he drew a picture of me in a dress. I told him it was awesome and that i wanted it so i could post it on here.

Jeff in Drag:
Free Image Hosting at

I'm not gonna lie to you it pretty much made my day.

Once class was done i ran into Liz chatted her up for a bit. Then on my merry way home.

Some kids in my class are gonna go down to Milly tomorrow on our three hour break. I'm UBER excited for it. I brought the bike into the basement to tune it up a bit. So it occured to me that while in class i'm gonna hve to lock that bad boy up right? I usually use some old MTB chain and use the chain tool to take it apart and such, but it's pretty weak and such, so i went and found an old bike lock that was kickin around the house. Hell if i knew the combo. In less then 20 min i had cracked the code. I was all sorts of proud of myself. I'm gonna be rockin the double locks Woot!

~Good Night

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Today's Song: The Distillers - Beat My Heart Out

"Baby you make my heart beat faster
Baby you make my heart beat faster
I know let alone to rust alone
You're making me
I had to run the damage is done
I give it up
There is nothing left take the rest
You're draining me"

Howdy, It's been a little while. Lets see.

On friday class finished pretty early so i worked on my project with my group for a bit. Went and got some lunch and then went to the gate for a beer.

Saturday, I forgot that i had to work so i showed up a half hour late. It wasn't busy. Got off an hour early then i went to a surprise party for Brennen, got a balloon poodle from Duke the clown. YES there was a clown at his 19th birthday. Eric and i stayed there for an hour then picked up Mike and went to his house to hang out.

Sunday. Uh... Went shooting with my dad. It was awesome, i shot up some water bottles and some clays.

Today. Went to the mall with Dickie and i got a new hat and a shirt. They are neat. I twisted Dickie's arm into goin to the shooting range with me. And after today he was glad i did. We went out there, had the place to ourselves, and we shot like 580 rounds of .22 and like 30 rounds of .303. We shot some water bottles, balloons, Clays, Shotgun shells, old car disc breaks, glass bottles, and alot of other crap. But the really awesome stuff came towards the end when we decided to shoot some quarters, from fifty yards. So we shoot one each, Hell if we can find them. So we set up another two. We go downrange and start looking, I found Dickies it was like 20-30 feet from where he shot it. Mine is still M.I.A. All i have left is a twoonie. Thats too expensive for a shot. Dickie looks in his car and finds me a quarter. So i cut a shotgun shell down to hold the quarter, we put it in a box so it won't go anywhere. I take my first shot. I hit something, so i unload the gun and go check it out. No hit. So i set the quarter up again. Load the gun and fire. I see something bounce around, i unload the gun and go down there. YES i hit it. I pick it up and it was hot. I hit it pretty close to center. I mean frick, I hit a Quarter from 50 yards away. Sweet.

Here is the Quarter:
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After shooting i went to Dinner with Eric Sandra Dickie and Justing. it was good. Then Eric and Dickie came over and hung out.

~GREAT Night

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Today's Song: Killradio - Burning the water brown

"Burning the water brown, it will come to break you down
Burning the water brown and in its depths you will drown"

Pics.... I filled up one fuckin account putting them on. There are 249 in all. Here is what is up right now:

Nova Scotia Pics

I'm too tired to post more.

~Good Night