Thursday, August 31, 2006

3rd Semester

Today's Song: Daft Punk - Human After All

"We are human... after all
Much in common. After all

So i started school at 8am monday morning. Fuck it's early.

Anywho it's awesome to see all the kids i missed seeing over the summer.

Classes are going well so far, They are reviewing stuff from last year which i NEED because i never did anyhing on the comp over the summer.

I dunno really what to post about. Because i don't really go out because i have to get up fuckin early.

I saw Beerfest Last Night:
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Fucking Hilarious, after the movie i wanted to go on a bender and play drinking games and hit the beer bong.

Maybe i'll get wasted this long weekend? That'd be sweet.


I see Justing alot because he works on campus. He's koo.

BBQ Tomorrow... Maybe i'll have a few... not too many...


Sunday, August 27, 2006

"Are You Responcible For This Head Blood"

Today's Song: Fergie - London Bridge

"How come every time you come around,
My London, London bridge want to go down like,
London, London, London wanna go down like,
London, London, London we going down likeā€¦"

On thurs Dad Dickie and i went to the shooting range. I was effin sweet. Dickie got some .410 shotgun shells. Those are effin fun. So i put a can of beer at 100yards and i was trying to shoot it with my new scope. But with all the shooting the scope had shifted and lost it's zero. So as i was getting mad trying to hit the fucker. i shot all my Ammo. Dickie gave me a round and said if i miss i have to drink the beer. So i line up. Slow my breathing. Slowly pull the trigger. Then BOOM. Once i regain my Sight picture i realized i fucking missed. So i walked 100yards of shame and grabbed it. Once we were done i had to drink it. The top was covered in dirt and it was warm and fomey[i had shaken it up for better affect when i hit it]. So the top is crusty... the only way left into it is through the side... SHOTGUN IT...pun intended. i put a hole in it and i crack it open and start going on this monstrosity. I finished it. On the way to the garbage can the throw out the can i puked up some foam. Then i heaved again and some more came up. I don't think my dad was too impressed. But Dickie enjoyed it. On the way home i realized this was the first time i puked this summer and i wasn't even drunk.

I had a hard time picking the song of the day today. But i rembered that this song came on the radio After a coworker and i had been discussing the Black Eyed Peas [I was saying which BEP member reminded me a staff member-I was the Mohawk Guy] We just started blasting the song because no one was in the store and it was a good time.

So i wasn't doing anything so i went out back while Mike had a smoke break and i noticed some kids setting up a shopping cart to ride down the hill. This one kid climbs in and rides it down. I am thinking he is gonna fall on the grass. No me keeps going to the end of the hill where there is a curb. Now i KNOW he is gonna eat shit. No he just bumps down it and keeps going. I'll give credit where credit is due. So i clapped for this amazing feat.

I go back inside and tell some other people at the front of the store. I turn to go back out back and i notice some commotion. I head back there and i hear screaming and crying. I look at the back door and see this kid holding his head with blood running down his face.

I go and grab some paper towels for him, Other people got a towel with some ice in it. Someone called an ambulance. I gave one of his friends my cell to call their parents. The ambulance took less than 5 min. The kid asked me: "Am i gonna die?!" I laughed and said no. While we were waiting the kid said: "I'm in soo much trouble... Promise not to tell that i was riding in a shopping cart!"

That made me laugh. So then i went for lunch.

The rest of the day was boring and uneventful.

After work i ate some dinnah and rode the old Bicycle. After work tomorrow Corey [friend from school] are gonna hit up some COP, so that'll be fun.

I'm kinda hungry so i think i will go grab some snacks.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lee Enfield Enforcer

Today's Song: Michael Jackson - They Dont Care About Us

"Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Chew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me hike me
Dont you black or
white me!"

Went to a little shindig last night, Got drunk. Watching Rob throw a phonebook at some guy's nuts. And saw a shitload of rabbits on my way home.

So Dad and i decided to make it happen with this Enforcer deal. Dad comes in at the crack of 11 and wakes me up. And then we head up to Wholesale Sports where they have a B-Square Lee Enfield Scope Mount. The main thing i was looking for was that i didn't want to drill and tap my rifle because if you fuck that up then the gun is useless. So this mount just bolts on with existing holes. Really simple, Remove the rear sight and the extractor screw. Put on the base assemble with provided hardware, Tighten, install scope. AND BLAST AWAY!!!!

Also while at Wholesale i got a Tasco Scope THIS THING IS BADASS. After i installed everything. Took some pics. Them my mom asked why i didn't go shooting. So my Dad and i look at eachother and then run and get the gear together and head to The Edge, Surprisingly they were closed due to lack of staff.

So we went to the other range that we are Members of Calgary District Target Shooters Association. It's a 100 yard rifle range, 25 yard pistol range. and shotgun and archery too. I go down and put up a target at 100yards. I take a few shots go down and check the shots... NOTHING. i didn't even hit paper. I go back and take some more shots trying to see if i am way off to oneside or the other. Still nothing. So my Dad grabs a big peice of cardboard with no holes in it and puts it up at 50yards with a target in all the corners and tells me to shoot at the top left. BOOM. I shoot and the impact is two feet down and 1 foot to the right of the bullseye. No fucking wonder i wasn't hitting shit at 100yards. So within like 4 shots i am within an inch of the bull. I start shooting out at 100 again and i'm a few inches out so we dial it in some more. By the time we left [40 or 50 shots later] i have under 2 inch groups at 100yards. It was getting dark so we called it a night.

I'm Super happy with the Scope and Mount. All i need now is:
Hopefully i can get all of that for what's left of my ralph check.

Lee Enfield L42A1 Enforcer

Ralph Check $400.00
No.4 Mk.1 $85.00
Scope $99.95
ScopeMount -$79.99
Money Left $135.06



Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm Gloria, Gloria Ravard. You Must Be So Pleased To Meet Me

Today's Song: Moneen - Don't Ever Tell Locke What He Can't Do

"He's trying to say we can't
Yes I can!
And you can't have all that you want
Yes I can!
And when your wrong I'm still not right"

SO where to start?

Went up to schanks [a bit late] because there was a little shindig before we go back to school. It was mainly alot of HS people, which was cool to catch up.

I have bought Skates and a Stick... so i will be skating this winter. I have had offers from people to who want to see me fall and break my ass.

I DLed Firefox the other day. This thing is pretty badass. It has all the stuff i loved from netscape [which i was using before] but has MORE to love. Definatly Check it out.

As the summer is dwindling off, i have asked to stay on at Sports Traders in the winter while i am going to school. They said yea they'd take me. So they are gonna teach me to sharpen skates.

The Fringe Festival was awesome. Sarah Kate and i hit it up around 11 - 1130. They were still kinda setting up. So we grabbed some lunch and when we were finished there were performers. They were awesome. Some were soo funny and some were really talented.

All three of us got to be involved with a show. The have parts to get the crowd involved. Sarah was first, She had to dress up and act with a bunch of other people and sing and dance. It was awesome. Kate was next and she got to throw a FLAMING torch to a jugler who had like 3 going at the same time. I'm not gonna lie to you that i was scared because as you may know Kate has long hair and there was a breeze that day. I pictured her hair going up in flames and i was soo scared. And lastly i got chosed because of my hip glasses... There was a banana dangling from a tall pole and a guy was standing on another guys shoulders and i had to put a box under the Bananna for them to stand on. I know it wasn't as cool as Kates or Sarahs... but still I have hip glasses.

Sarah had to go to a family dinner, after she was picked up Kate and i saw a bit of Dr,Draw play. He has an Electric Violin and it was good music so Kate and i split the cost of a CD. We went to Safeway to grab some foods and then header back to her place to eat.

It was an awesome time, and i hope to go again before it's over.

So i found some bubbles the other day and i chased my dog around, and he started jumping up trying to attack them and bite them. So i took a vid and put it on You Tube for your Pleasure.

Bailey Attacking Bubbles:


Friday, August 11, 2006

RARE Steak Sandwitch

Today's Song: Moneen - Accidents Are On Purpose

"I'm not sure what's worse
The waiting or the waiting room
"You're next sir" becomes a cruel taunt to you
recycled air, the smell of sleep and disinfectant
Your god is a two door elevator"

Dickie owed me Foods for helping him move. So Dickie my Sis and i went to The Last Straw to get some Steak Sandys. I asked for Medium... I got rare... I can't complain because Dickie was paying for it and it still tasted good.

Kate and i are gonnna go to the Fringe festival on sunday. I'm pretty excited because i love watching street performers and such. So i'm looking forward to it alot.

My Dad and i had a long talking about getting som new stuff for our guns. Dad wants to get a kick ass stock from tapco
I'm pretty stoked about it. And i want to get the scope mount, Wood, Bi-pod and stuff for my Lee Enfield Enforcer [L39A1/L42A1]. Also because dickie is kinda tapped right now i might get my holster course with my dad.

I have made up my mind that i am gonna learn to skate this winter. And probably play some pond hockey. So working at a sports store helps keep the price down.

That is it.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Shotgun Ballad of Dickie Bobby

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Accidents

"Do they even cure you
Or is it just to humour us before we die
If only we could heal ourselves
We wouldn't.. need to be hooked up to these machines"

Went and saw Talladega Nights with Dickie and my sis
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It was halarious and very enjoyable. Do see it.

On the way the the theater there was a crazy storm. The lightening was lighting everything so it looked like daylight. The bolts were going across the sky and it looked awesome. Wish i had pics.

I was told to upload vids of Dickie shooting stuff so here it is:
Dickie 1
Dickie 2
Dickie 3



Tuesday, August 08, 2006

OLIVE GARDEN / Warped-update

Today's Song: Neverending White Lights - The Grace

Your not coming back for me,
these things they will never be
I'm so used to being wrong,
so put me where I belong

So yesterday i was told to Suit up and get pretty for a trip to Olive Garden to Celebrate Dickie's New Place.

Everyone looked Dashing in their formal wear. Sorry no pics...

We get there and it's an hour wait. Oh well, so we sit in the bar and have a drink and chat it up while we wait. Ceasers, Balinis, and some fruity thing Sandra had... i dunno... I had a Keiths.

Our server was new so it was a bit of a train wreck... We got our waters about mid entree. ANYWHO. Salad and Breadsticks were delious as always. Then for my main i had The Italian Feast. a choice of three delicous dishes all on one plate. Fettucini Alfredo, Chicken Parmigiana, and Cheese Ravioli. SOO GOOD, I'm surprised i finished it. For desert i had Chocolate Gelato and a Cherry Italian Soda.

My food tally:
5 or 6 breadsticks
4 or 5 bowels of Salad
1 Tour Of Italy
1 Chocolate Gelato
Super Stuffed Jeffrey

Kate also picked out a tastey white wine for us which i enjoyed. I realy enjoyed getting all dressed up and going out to a nice meal, i hope to do it soon.

Norinco 1911
No.4 Mk.1*

Barspin 180 to Rollback Barspin Back


Bottle Fight that i was talking about:

Just to show how crazy it got... I was about 20 feet infront of this guy. Rise Against - State Of The Union

Thursday, August 03, 2006

"Those Fat Native Goth Girls Are Making Fun Of My Name"

Today's Song: The Living End - We Want More

"You haven't earned it (You haven't earned it)
You don't deserve it (You don't deserve it)
Every dog has its day
So what are you gonna do when they take it away from you?"

So work is FUCKING BUSY... What does that mean? Jeffy will come in on his days off and work YAY.

The plan for tomorrow is. In the early AM go into SAIT and pay some touition. Then go into work and work till Dickie is off and then i'll help him move.

Tonight, Dickie and i hit up Wendy's for some.... YEs they are back.... The Delicious...WILD MOUNTAIN CHICKEN SANDWITCH! [Eric you jealous?] While enjoying them we made fun of this like 15 year old preppy kid with this riced up car. We wanted to fight them. So Dickie said that I'd take on the three or four guys and he'd beat up the three girls.

Then to Marble Slab Icecream place SOO GOOD. We got there right as it closed and we were eating right infront of the place and we laughed at the people who pulled on the locked door. Dickie would say in a loud Obnoxious voice: "MMMM THIS ICECREAM IS GOOOD". We laughed at their misfortune.

After Icecream we went back to myhouse and we decided we wanted to go to a movie, FORCED Sarah to come with.

We saw:
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Good movie, reminded me alot of wedding Crashers.

As we are walking through the Parking lot these Heavy-set Nativer girls run past Dickie and, i said: "Man, Your in the way" And one of them turns and says: "I'm in the way?". I reply: "No" and point,"Dickie is in the way". So the fattest one [i think she was the leader] Starts laughing and says: "Dickie?!" Sarah and i started laughing very hard. Then Dickie says:"Those Fat Native Goth Girls Are Making Fun Of My Name". And then we had a good laugh all around. Sarah got in her car and Drove off and It turns out Dickie parked right infront of them so they were yelling from inside their Van-of-darkness: "BYE DICKIE!" I look over at him and say: "Dude, Don't make eyecontact" And we didn't.

Lastnight we went to Dickie's place a had a look around


Thats all.
