Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Jeff = Chicken Shit

Today's Song: Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself

This morning Dickie called and said he'd bring over a application and take me over to Swiss Chalet to drop it off. So the manager took my application and said that it looked good....Mind you IF i'm getting this job it's purly because Dickie is saying that i'm useful and not retarded. The manager was busy today and said he'd call me tomorrow for an interview. Then Dickie took me out to lunch, if i was a chic i'd do him...JK Thanks Dickie.

I gotta say that i feel terribly bad for a friend of mine that was dumped, i feel for you man...

All day today i have been all excited about tonight, because at along last i FINALLY took that special girl out (Crowd Cheers). This is the part of the story where the title comes into affect...

Everything started out great, We saw Dodge Ball (Wicked Funny) and then we headed to Montanna's for some desert. We talked and laughed and it was awesome to be around her. But i am kicking myself for not "Making a move"..I swear as soon as i looked into her eyes i knew i wasn't gonna be able to. There is just something about her that makes me weak in the knees, I can barley form sentences around her, i'm soo scared that i'm gonna say something stupid. And yet again i have no idea how she feels about me...Shit ... I'm useless. I soo wanted to put my arm around her in the movie and everything, i wanted to tell her about my blog... But one i look her in the eyes i just fall apart. I swear i should just tell her to read this damn blog so that way she can know how i feel with out me having to attempt to tell her to her face. I'm sure if she read this then it'd either start a relationship or shoot it down before anything became of it.... So i'm sure YOU know who you are because i have talked about you in most all of my Blogs...and if you are reading this i beg you to please tell me how you feel because i need to know, but i am too scared to ask.

Thus we come to the conclusion the Jeff = Chicken Shit

I encourage anyone reading this to PLEASE help me...please leave a comment...

Yours Truly,

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Today's Song: The Seatbeltts - Tank!

Last night was So funny, It was Movie Night Monday, This means on Monday we pick out a movie that we think will scare the shit out of Sarah...And i think we succeded. It was awesome because Sarah was walking down the drive way to her car and i grab her and yell:"BLAIR WITCH", and i swear she jumped like 3 feet into the air and screamed soo loud, it was Priceless. The only downer was that Special Someone i ALWAYS talk about at the end of my Blogs was not able to come...Well i guess it seems her life revolves around other things then me...

Today i got up and went in to the old High school to pick up my report card....SHIT...I hoped for better marks, but i can't expect higher marks for the little effort i put forth.

I was reading Eric's Blog and it made me think...We are all goin our seperate way after the summer is through, I will miss all my friends greatly, Even if we weren't the best of friends and we were just friends in classes i will miss you, because you were a friend and you brought something special to my life, and for that i truly thank you. If any of you are in the Lethbridge area I invite you to call me up. I hope anyone reading this that feels that we were friends will try and keep in contact with me.

On a happier note...Robo, Corey (Robo's cousin) and i headed up to COP to have a session on the DJs and as it turns out Because of the World Cup races being held at COP in the next week or so...the whole park is closed, so thats pretty gay, (but gives me an idea for an interesting Date :) ). After having our hearts broken from the lack of riding, we went for some BBQin at Robo's and it was quite the Yum. Corey was feeling a bit shaggy so Robo decided to cut his hair...hahaha...And i gotta say, Watching Robo cut hair is practly a spectator sport, because he was getting all into it. Yes, Robo cut his hair into a Mullet before buzzing it. My faverite part was when Robo was cleaning it up and you hear: "BUZZ...Opps" from Robo...hahaha, it was fun. After Corey's stylish haircut we decided to hit the Mini Golf course, that was alot of fun, mind you i did terrible. On one hole you have to jump your ball over a little water hazard, so Corey says: "You gotta Gap it", and he nails the ball and it goes flying and hits off a rock and bounces 50 feet in the air...hahaha, man that was a good shot.

(Now for the love life)

So, i'm waiting here...hoping that once She gets home from baseball she'll call me back and be willing to go out to a movie (Dodge Ball) with me. If she agrees to go, i'm trying to think of how i can make a move with out looking like a geek...The thing that makes this whole situation better is the fact that i have NO CLUE how she feels about me, But being the guy i am, i will still bravly go forth and win her heart...I hope.

Monday, June 28, 2004


Todays's song: 99 Luft Ballons - Nena

Sorry to all of you Jeffrey Macarone Fans (Mom) I have been kinda busy as of late...but i am here to update you on what i have been doing the last couple of days.

Mike, I mentioned him in a previous post,Had fun at the LAN...We played Diablo II for like....Shit i dunno but it was a freaking long time. Mind you it was fun reading the shit all of the asshole i was playing with were writing about me and what not...But hey the LAN was fun

After LANing, i went home and slept...and then Slept...Then went to Justin K's B-day at Brewster's. I came late so by the time my food got there everyone was done, But it was koo to see a bunch of people who i havn't seen scince school ended, After Brewsters them little hooligans went to Tequilla's and had a grand time. After getting home My sis and i Rented some movies. I watched Windtalkers, It was an interesting movie, kinda pulled at the old heart strings...but it was good...Except for using the wrong type of Thompson. After that i watched SNL: Best of Mike Mayers. That was halarious. I highly recomend renting it.

That brings us to today, Well yesterday because i am posting this at 5:48am righ now...Fuck, who stays up at this time to update a blog?.... Someone who is dedicated to their fans i guess...I have no life...haha

So there i am having a nice little sleep and i am rudely awoken but the ringing of the telephone, and who is it that was calling? It was my pal Robo calling to say that we should have a BBQ at Bowness Park. Man that was fun, we called up a nice little gang of people and we headed down. We had some delicious half cooked E-coli Bergers cooked by our very own Justin K. We played some some Sweet ass Ultimate Frisbee, and watched Megan chug a liter of coke, and also watch half of it come out of her nose. While playing ultimate some eight year old hooligans came and wrecked our little fire pit area. Those kids stole our cups and they started playing with our axe. Man they were annoying. Those little Fucktards destroyed my frisbee. To those of you who know me, know that i loved that Frisbee and i was greatly saddened by the lack of respect that some people have for anothers property. To the parents of those kids: Get your kids a fucking leash...I know when i was their age my mom would have beat the shit out of me for playing with fire, playing with an axe, and messing around with other people shit...Learn parent you morons...You don't deserve to pro-create.

1337 Frisbee, You were the best and you will be missed by all who threw you. Rest In Peace, Love Jeff

I'm soo glad that some old friends from Jr.High came down and hung out it was really good to see them and catch up a little. Jamie, Jocelyn, Caitlyn, and Emily It was awesome seeing you guys.

After the BBQ We headed up to Mike's and hung out there it was awesome...Perfect for Summer... Chillin with some friends watching some Band Of Brothers, Spinning Sarah on a Chair, Loosing at some pool, I promised Dickie that i'd kiss his GF infront of him so if you see me with a black eye or something then you'll know how i got it...and jumping on the tramp. So there i am all excited to jump on Mike's tramp, So i think to my self: " Jeff, You know what would impress everyone?...If you did a front flip on the tramp!"... So i figure Shit thats a good idea, so i proceed to try the Difficult manouver and while upside down my stupid glasses fly off and i land beautifully with out a clue where they went. Fuck i'm a moron....So like an hour later with flashlights out and everyone looking (cuz it was dark by then), Eric spotted them in a bush. I told him that i loved him and that i owed him big time. and to this he replys "come to Tequilla" and a reply "Shit"... You see i have no want to go to Tequilla, i much rather go to a bar or a pub and hang out with some friends. But i get told over and over again "Macarone don't be a pussy come to Tequilla" - Robo "Jeff, it's soo fun, You can like dance with hot chics" - Robo..."Macarone Are you gay?..No?... Then come to Tequilla" - Robo....So as you might have guessed Robo reallly wants me to check it out, But i can not dance and i hate to dance...SO i am not expecting to have a lot of fun. Mind you i only dance half decent is when i have had a large amount of beer, But as it turns out, i am taking a break from drinking because of a bad experince ( I puked like a mofo) SO it'll be good...Can't wait to read that post eh? Woot.

SO to fallow with tradition ( Always talking about girls at the end of my blogs) Just to keep it the same so anyone just reading these to see how i am doing with the opposite sex you can skip the top BS and read the last paragraph.

I'm soo happy because the girl i have been chasing after came to the BBQ, mind you she was one of two girls and was sourounded by a bunch of Guys... But i hope she had fun. She and i got to spend some time alone together, we were just talking and throwing rocks in the water, i taught her to skips rocks...It's all in the hips. I plan to FINALLY take her out on that date i have been bitching about for ever, I think i have mentioned it in like EVERY Blog so far. So Expect to hear about that in the Near future. All i have to say is that she is Beautiful and soo fun to be around...Enough said...

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Plate Fight

This is a funny Quote inspired by Dickie:

Plate Fight

Rule number one You do not talk about Plate Fight

Rule number two You do not talk about Plate Fight

Friday, June 25, 2004

LAN 15 teh 1337!

Today's Song: Raffi - Bananna Phone

So, Yesterday and today i have been LANnig it up (LAN = Local Area Network) Witch means, we bring over our computers to the Woo household and play games for a couple of days untill we can't stand each other.

In the morning yesterday, Robo and SEAN TARNIZZEL treated me to some good biking up at the Church in nrocky ridge. When i first got to Robo's house He was BBQin' up a storm it was goood!. Mind you i dripped most of it onto the deck haha.

One of the highlights must have been seeing SEAN TARNIZZEL drive up holding a pitcher of water, When he gets out he said "Dudes it's hard to drive holding a thing of water" haha. Cheers SEAN!

After biking i went and watched "Love Actually" at Sarah's house. It was a total Chic Flick, and there was some Nudity ( :) ).

So Sarah and i are sitting there watching this movie when all of a sudden there is some nudity and Sarah's mom come downstairs and said: "WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING!" and Sarah replys in a scared and frightened voice: "Nothing mom, you can't see anything!". Hahaha, i gotta say at the moment it was quite akward but hey, it's one of those things you can look back on and laugh about. The best part was that this happened more then once...Her sister had to cover up the smut Sarah made me watch because it was soo graphic..

N0w 1n d4y 2 0f teh LAN...We just finished a great meal at Montanna's and with our Eric replacement (Ian) we had an awesome time, watching Justin get his birthday hat and a birthday song and the whole bit. Hahaha it was soo funny.

So this whole LAN has been full of problems, Computers taking 30 min to load a map and people falling asleep while waiting, not being able to run games cuz your comp is a n00b. On the whole it's been alot of fun. BNut thats not all, tonight will be full of Frags and n00bs getting pnw3d, because Mike, A friend that is coming back from the land down under JUST FOR THIS LAN!!

I would like to thank the whole Woo Family for opening your house to a bunch of loud geeky teenagers, Thank You.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Pics of the Mediums

When i got home after the Math test i took a little power nap and then Went to COP with Robo, Kris, And Peetie. We took some Awesome pics...But cuz this is MY Blog you only get to see MY pics. Thanks for the Wicked Pics guys

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Done High School!

Todays Song: The Cranberries - Zombie

YES Finally done high school. Bring on the Babes and the beer!...Oh wait, I'm in the REAL world now eh?...Bring on the University and the job. I gotta say, the idea of being in the REAL world now kinda scares me. Being on my own and having to fend for myself is gonna be scary. I'm just worried that we will get all caught up in our University lives and forget all of our friends that we had through high school. I promise all of you guys that i will try as hard as i can to stay in touch and we will definatly stay friends.

Today i had to wite both my Social 30 and my pure math 30. Social wasn't bad so i'm not to worried about it. But the math was not too fun. After leaving the gym where we wrote it i felt like my mind had just been raped. There was alot of crap i'm not too sure of but i'm praying that all went well, but you never know.My Heart goes to a friend of mine who wrote a the math test with me today and he's not feelin too confident about it.

So after i finished social Dickie invited me over for a BBQ and treated me to a steak, and it was F-in good. So on the rid over to Diekies he tells me to Invite the Lovely lady i have been chasing after over. So to shut him up i called her and she said she wanted to come over...I was all like WTF, Thats f-in wicked. I like hangin out with her, and like i always say, i can't wait to take her out, It's soo lame, this weekend she is away so i have to wait EVEN longer to take her out. But she is worth the wait

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Today's Song: The Ataris - Boys of Summer

Today i wrote my Science 30 diploma, and it wasn't terribly hard, the two things that screwed me up were some questions about the sounds stupid but they were talking about the right ventricle and i didn't know if it was my right or what. The other was a question about how much energy the sun puts out in a day, i was all like WTF...Alot?...but i finally found some info in the data booklet that helped out, so i was all proud of myself for doing that. I finished the test just after the first hour and was glad to get my ass out of there.

So, i am sitting here sipping on a slurpee pondering what one ponders while sitting infront of their computer on a tuesday night sipping on a slurpee, and it occurs to me...Tomorrow is my last day of high school...Holy shit, quickest three years of my life. and i start to think about all the good time i've had, Throwing my lunch into the FAR garbage can, Finding some good fastion in the lost and found, Some DAMN good frisbee, AND of course Girl watching...Witch i must say took up alot of my three years at Bowness.

It seems like just yesterday that i was taking the field my first year of seinor football for the City Championship title (We Won Woot!). And again this year in Div 1 and showing what Bowness football is all about and making to to Cities once again (we lost :( ) But all of these events will forever be imotilised as some of the best years i have had. I hope for anyone reading this that they have had as much fun as i have had cuz it was a fucking blast. I want to thank all of my friends for Being themselves and for making high school a shit load of fun.

As I do alot, i was thinking about Girls...Well one in particular...And because of the shitty timing Diplomas and whatnot we have had to delay our date, and it's soo bummin me out. Mind you, i did have a Vert enjoyable convo with her on the phone for a good long while. I just can't wait till i can take her out and just have some fun with her.

I would like to wish all my readers (my mom) a very good night

Monday, June 21, 2004

Yay Mediums

Today's song: Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out

Today Robo and i went to COP to do some biking. Beautiful day out perfect for a ride, and today i FINALLY hit the Medium dirt jumps. Mind you Robo didn't have to threaten not to drive me home to get me to try them.

As i was progressing i'd hit the first, then the first and second and so on... but when it came to the third, i didn't have enough speed, so i tryed to ditch my bike in the air (bad idea) When i came down i landed on my back wheel, I nutted my self pretty good, Sorry ladies...No babies... As it went i cleaned them three or four times and i was happy.

When i was walking up the hill to take another run i see this one guy eat it pretty hard (literally) when he went down his face when into the dirt. He hopped right back up spitting out dirt and he laughed about it. When we got to the top his friend said "haha, Man you look Forign"...hahaha that was definatly the highlight of the trip.

Girls eh?

What you may not realize, is that we are playing by THEIR rules...So from personal experince...Sit back...and Woo

Jeff Macarone

Well for anyone who dosn't know me, I am Jeff Macarone and i am 18 years old currently trying desperatly to finish highschool to get into the University Of Lethbridge, I plan to Major in New media.

So Wish me luck as I still have my Science 30 part B (June 22nd), Social and Math 30 (June 23rd).
The only exam i am worries about is my Math... The rest i know i can pull off. and to add insult to injury...if i donot pass math then i can kiss university in the fall good bye. FYI...By the time i get my Diploma marks...all chance of summerschool will be over.

I got the Idea for this Blog action from my Pal Mr. Eric Woo ( Check him out...He gets into some Wacky adventures) I like the idea of putting my thoughts out there even if i am typing and no one reads them, i guess it is because i need to express myself....and what the shit, wht not have a Blog to Help out..