Monday, August 30, 2004


Today's Song: Story Of The Year - Until the Day i die

So lets see, Today i worked a double shift GHEY...., 11-3/4-11 it was not busy at all in the morning and i spend most of the time talking to Megan on the phone, She's feeling under the wether right now so the drugs are there to comfort her, while i try to make her feel better.

So the odd thing was that on my time off work i spent it at The Chalet eatin some delecious food with Jamie , Eric, Justin, And Ian (The OTHER Woo / Medium Bro) So that was good and fun. And because i had to use Debet card i picked up the tab, So let's see what those Freeloading kids owe me...

$15.49 + $1.08 = $16.57......Justin
$7.69 + $$0.53 = $8.22 ......Ian
$9.48 + $0.66 = $10.14 ......Jamie
$10.48 + $0.73 = $11.21 ......Eric
$10.48 + $0.73 = $11.21 ......ME
Total: $57.35

(I have the bill if you wanna check forsure)

The second shift was BUSY and i was fucking tired so i just wanted to die. but i'm just glad it's done.

So i get oof work and call The Woo and see what's up and he says: "I think we are sopost to call Megan" so we did and We went to watch some Movie action at her house. So after watchin some movie and FINALLY getting Eric to make the Baby on the deep frier nosie we her Dickie talk about diffrent codes that Cops have with their sirens, and he says: " Code Brown!, Gotta poo gotta poo gotta poo".........LMAO. As well as eric speaking some french: " OH Ho HUH..... Baby Le POP" hahaha.

So Eric and i are bored and don't want to go home so we brain storm and we realize that it's no contest....We goin to Timmy's! We walk in as wee some old school mates hangin about Tina, Jenna, Brett, and Lauran. We grabbed some hot chcolate and start chattin away when Heather comes in and says hello and talks a bit about her Europe trip (I'm Jelous as hell). So after bitching about: Work, School, Girls, Money,Life, Family, Girls, and Girls. We decided to call her a night and we header home.

So i walk inside the house no lights are on and i still have my shoes on and i walk to the hall to turn on the light and i step on something soft (Dog Toy?) So i flip on the light and look down.....

I had just stepped in a pile of dog shit....BAD KARMA

So doing what any normal, responcible person would do, i took off my shoes and left them by the dog shit and left them there for someone else to clean up.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Still Alive!

Today's Song: Josh Groban - You Raise me up

So Got back from camping today.

Let's see. We got rained, so we set up our site super quick, Still raining. So we go inside the tent and start drinking (Whatelse can you do?) So Dickie gets super wasted and is about to pass out so we go to bed (At 9:30). We wake up nice and early, and get down to some breakfast...And we notice that the cooler had oddly turned into a heater and so all our food went bad...So my Bacon and Eggs breakfast went into the garbage. Vanessa saved our lives by frying up some lunch meat, Werd! it was good. Then we tried to get a fire goin...Still raining mind you. No luck. So we retreat to the tent for a power nap. Then we we came out tried to get a fire goin AGAIN and no luck. so we hung out in the tent some more, then The Lovely Vanessa made us some Dinner.... Fried Lunch Meat AGAIN!... I gotta say that this no cooler action wasn't good, because the meat wasn't soo good this time around. But a little after Dinnner we did the only thing to do....DRINK. So after we all felt a bit sick we stopped drinking and The Woo and i vowed to get a fire going. AND WE FUCKING DID!....

So Between Dickie telling me how i was gonna get mawled by a bear in his dream (He said he was disapointed in me because it was only a small one and i could have taken him) and almost getting sick a couple times, it was a fucking fun trip!

So as we are packing everything up for our ride home we look up and it's not raining, and it's nice and sunny...What Luck!...

Camping Pics

Jeff In A Field!

Woot to Eric for the Pics!

Monday, August 23, 2004

World: 2....Jeff:0

Today's Song: The Hives - Walk idiot Walk

Sorry there kids, Havn't Blogged in a while and i'm sorry for that. I haven't been doing much at all really, Just the same old routine.... Stay up late, Sleep all day, work and stay up late. I hope i make alot of money.

Where to start? Let's see.... Ah yes, It has come to many of our attention that many of our friends are getting geared up to go to University/Post Secondary, Good luck to you all. and i envy you with all my heart.

Recently i have found out because of my failing Pure Math 30 i didn't make the min requirments for University Of Lethbridge. What a fucking downer. So alot of my friends are lucky enough to be going away to university, Eric is goin to Waterloo, Sarah is goin to Alabama, Dickie and Vanessa are goin out to the EAST Cost. I envy you all, as happy as i am for all of you to be moving on and persuing something you belive in, i feels soo far behind, So left out.... I mean it's nobody's fault but myown for failing Math. But being around everyone excitedly talking about plans and courses and moving away from home. It makes me feel so stupid to thing that all these people finished high school so easily and are well on their way to making something of their lives.

I was at Chinook Collage the other day signing up to take Math again, Don't get me wrong i passed high school, but my Social and Math grades weren't University standard. It makes me sick to think that i have to spend the next year or so goin through high school courses again while so many are out there making something of themselves. Then i thought: "Fuck Jeff, Your just gonna have to grit your teeth and take this one." I wanna go to University and i'm willing to go head first into this to get there, But to think that next year Lethbridge could be changing their min requirments makes me loose all faith and want to give up and die.

I havn't Blogged in a long time but THIS is what has been on my mind the whole time. It fucking scares me to think that if i don't succeed, Don't make the requirments AGAIN that i'll be doing this again. Wasting years of my life just to get to where my peers were a year or so ago. Someone told me, "Don't worry about it. There is no set path and you'll catch up in a year". That you for the support, but It's the feeling i get when ever i am around my friends..... I have to RE-DO High School classes, All of you have done these classes and passed without care or worry. I feel so stupid because i am so far behind. The only way to make myself feel better is not to think about it. That won't last for long...

I guess a HUGE positive is that i'm staying in Clagary longer, This is Awesome because Megan is going to UofC and i'll get to be around her. I know some people will know how it feels to have feelings for someone and realize down the road that you'll have to part for university and whatnot. But i count myself among the lucky, because i won't have to deal with that. I knew that when i started going out with Megan that "One Day" would come when i'd have to leave for Uni. We never talked about what would happen how wel felt about it or anything. And i mean i avoided the subject as much as i could. Mind you I don't think i have told Megan how happy i am because i won't have to have that hanging over my head.

This makes me think that i should tell her how lucky i am, and how happy i am to be her BF.

BTW> Megan was busy tonight and i called her and told her when she gets a chance to call me (Midnight).... Not a big deal, but i went out tonight to hang out with Jamie Jocelyn and Eric to watch some movie. I insisted that we should watch at my house because it won't matter how late we are there. But Jamie won the bid because she has popcorn and pizza pops. So i wasn't home at midnight (No Celly bacuse it's a POS) and Megan called and she thinks she woke up my mom... Witch i doubt because she normaly stays up as late as i do. But because i said i would be there and i wasn't she has every reason to be mad... I hope i can talk to her tomorrow and tell her how sorry i am.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I Feel Like I Am 80

Today's Song: Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

So, around 2 - 230 in the AM this morning i decided that for the trip to Milly i should DEFINATLY fix this whole No-back-brake Situation. So i ventured out to the garage and i start tinkerin around with the mofo, and to my surprise and disapointment i realze that the fucking brake is broken, I MEAN FUCKED.... Peices are all broken and rattlin around in there. Not Good. So i take my fron caliper off and throw her in the back and Presto, I'm riding again. Mind you it's interesting running a Hayes brake off an Avid adapter but HEY it stops me....Well Slows me down.

Anyways head down to Milly around noon and it was fun, busted out the grinds and fastplants and what not... OH SAY WHAT!?........I GOT PICS!!!

Pic 1: Grind on the Funbox Ledge

Pic 2: Fast Plat on the barrier thing


Incase any of you Fans out there are wondering, YES i do have some video of me riding and i'd be flattered to send it to you.

So the reason i feel like i'm 80 is because i am sore and busted up. I mean i fell alot today. So after an excruciating shower, I went to go see Collateral with Megan. It's a good movie, Action Comedy it's good. Go see it!

Saturday, August 14, 2004


Just got home from Jocelyn's..... Drunk/tired.... i will Blog tomorrow

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Uneventful Day

Today's Song: The Seatbelts - Tank!

So, i got up, ate, then went back to bed... Then got up again, Picked up my wheels from the shop (woot). BUT OH WAIT....Shit the Brake pads i got when i dropped them off didn't fit SO i can't ride just yet. So tomorrow i'll head down there return the ones i got and hope they have something i can use.

After that i took a little power nap, because it was DEFINATLY too hot out for me to go mow the lawn. So an hour or so later, i went out and mowed the lawn. The things that piss me off are the fact that there is all sorts of shit in the way, trees, flowerbeds, benches, SOO annoying. The fact the the POS electrical mower that i have to use won't cut the grass makes me mad too. So there i am almost done and then i notice the fucking mower is alot harder to push for some reasong and i look at one of the wheels and it's practiclying falling off. What a pain in the ass.

Then i think i just came inside and played on the comp, watched some TV. Untill my and the Sis went to see Anchorman, Frickin funny even the second time i've seen it. BTW> I got this sweet ass independant movie called Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, It's a koo movie definatly check it out.

So around 10, Megan got off work. So we had plans to do something and i was lucky enough to decide on what to do....YAY... So being the imaginative kid that i am i suguested that we grab a movie and some snacks and watch it at my house. Kill Bill vol.2 was tonights selection, A good pick i must say. I've seen it before and it's a good movie. Definatly to be seen WITH Kill Bill vol.1.

So, i walked Megan to her car and scince i have tomorrow off i asked if she wanted to do something when i found out she is off AGAIN for the weekend.... (shitty)

So i came back inside i start chatting to Vanessa and i tell her how i wanted to kiss megan during the movie, but i mean...When people are getting all cut up on the TV dosn't seem to make for a good atmosphere, you know?

Here is part of the convo:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Today durning the movie i wanted to lean over and kiss her, but then i was thinking, She'll miss some of the movie, and like how do i pick a good time in KILL BILL to kiss my GF...

heaven wait for those who run says:
my goodness ur as bad as eric why overanalyze so much, dont things feel staged when u think about them so much, like if u spend so much time planning stuff does ever even happen, or in the way youve planned?

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Shit no

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Asking Megan how she feels about me on your Cell in the parking lot at Swiss Chalet

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Never saw that one coming

heaven wait for those who run says:
lol yea

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Or asking her out in the road infront of my house

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Well, i was gonna do it, but the ONLY thing that stopped me was: The current sene never seemed like one you'd kiss someone two, you know?

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
"Hey Megan *Smooch*"

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Dosn't seem to work

heaven wait for those who run says:
lol i still think that you think too much

Well Vanessa your Definatly right.... As people are being shot and during a romantic Kung-Fu scene, is as good a time as any right?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Wow, I'm Boring

Today's Song: Presidents Of The United States Of America - Naked and Famous

So, the whole gang(Megan, Sarah, Vanessa, Dickie, Eric and i) headed up to BP's to hang out. So we do the normal...Bitch about work and whatnot, then get on to other topics. But tonight was diffrent, Noticably so, I mean pretty much the whole time was spent talking about work. I mean it's bound to happen, Eric and Sarah are co-worker, So are Vanessa and Megan, Dickie and i aswell. But shit. Is this what it means to be part of the real world? All you have is your job? Fuck.... I mean yea i'm right there with the rest of them when it comes to bitching about my job, but i am totally down for other things being discussed. It's always awesome to get together with everyone after work. But it seemed that was the only topic., And i spaced out for a long time then came back to reality and everyone was still goin on about work.. I'd have to say the highlight of the evening was talking about some adventures in school over the years.

The thought of me becoming boring and only having work to talk about scares me. I like being able to come on here and Blog about some Stupid or odd adventure i've had. But tonight was soo "Blah". Work this and work that.... i think i need to get out more.

SO, Megan was driving Eric Sarah and i home, and as i was getting dropped off i was thinking: "I ALWAYS kiss megan before i leave, and we have never kissed infront of people, And Eric and Sarah are right there." Mind you i'm the type of person who gets uncomfertable around other kissing and whatnot infront of me. SO it was kinda an akward situation for me, and i was tossing it back and forth weather or not to kiss her.... But then i thought about it....

FUCK... She's a babe, i'd be stupid to pass up a chance to kiss her

So i "went in" for the kiss and she followed and it wasn't weird at all.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Update #2

So went to Denny's... Saw the waitress that Eric sexually harassed, we told her that eric had just gotten out of jail abd she got all super scared and shit, it was wicked.

Went to Justin's watched some koo Flash animations. Then i started playing with his katanna..... we went into his backyard to chop the shit out of some Apples and he left Kevin and i alone in his backyard with the katanna.....BAD IDEA. So I chopped the shit out of one of his trees, it was fucking halarious. then we went to a park and chopped the shit out of a tree there that was fun..... thus SAMURAI PRUNING was born!

Then went back to his house, had a shot of some Death liquer. then grabed an egg each and went on the drive home. So, Kevin missed his target, i hit a car.... and Justin.... He's a good kid... a tad slow.... He thre his...Hit the inside of the car just a little, so the egg broke before it hit the car. I have never laughed soo hard before in my life, it was awesome.

World: 1...Jeff: 0

Today's Song: Blink 182 - Stockholm Syndrome

So, Went to see The Village with Megan on Thurs, Meh...i was disapointed with the movie. I had hoped for soo much more. Ah well, i had good company to talk about how it could have been better.

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like everyone is out to get you?.... Thats been my week. I mean i don't want to offend anyone with this post, people are going to have days where they are gonna be in a shitty mood. The last couple of days have seemed like everyone is coming down on me. I hate to bitch like this.... But i mean what else is a Blog for right?

So it seems as of late i've just been saying the right things to push peoples buttons. Like i'll ask someone a innocent question and i'll somehow piss them off and it'll start an arguement. Or i'll tell someone how i feel and i'm just trying to get things off my chest and then i'll get their oppinion and i disagree and then it'll start another arguement, Or i'll make a stupid comment (which happends ALOT) and people will jump down my throat about it. I mean with strangers i couldn't care less but this is happening with the people i care about, My friends and i mean I'm sure they don't know that they are doing it, because they are totally not the kind of people to just look for a way to hurt someone's feelings. But i mean it just feels like i've been singled out and it's the worst feeling.

If anyone is reading this and is offended please don't be. I totally don't hold it against you and i'm not trying to bitch you out.

All i can think of is how can i make myself feel better....MY BIKE.... But shit, at the moment right now it's awaiting some tuning. See, i know how to true wheels and repack bearings but when i took off my front wheel the axle was soo off center and it didn't spin....NOT GOOD. Mind you i'm not the easiest person on my bike, i ride hard. but i'm thinking i'll get some pros to fix her up for me so it'll be golden.

I can't wait to head down to Milly again because i'm soo happy with the new tricks i learned. Please contact me if you'd like to header down to Milly for a demo, I'm a bit of a show-off.

I'm thinking as soon as i can ride again i'll be able to take my mind off anything negative and everything will be soo much better, and the fact that i can FINALLY see Megan again. I gotta say, That girl is on my mind soo often.

Now i go to Denny's with Justin and Kevin....

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Burnt Out

Today's Song: Silverchair - Cemetery

So, my Mom left today to go visit my Grandma and We had to take her to the airport at 4 in the AM and i was all like Fuck it i'll stay up all night no biggie....SHIT

We drove her to the airport and everything and that went quick bacause we were not allowed past costoms, Dad treated me to a hot chcolate at Timmy's then we drove back to Denny's for some breakfast at 5:30 in the AM. The Superbird my personal faveroite.

Then Mike B and i got the bright idea to header to Milly (Milennium Park) So we rode from my house to Milly and were there around 8am or so we were shredding it up untill 2pm. It was awesome cuz i was thinking of all the crap i'd try and it turned out awesome.

Three new tricks were thrown down: 1) Grind the ledge from the bank
2) Grind the kinked Ledge on the fun box
3) Fast plant on the barriers from a bank

So it took me a couple of trys to get the grind down and then a shitload more to get off the ledge. So i was just hopping of the bank onto the ledge and then sliding then stopping and hopping back into the bank. The i got that dialed. Then i saw some guy grind the funbox ledge and i was like: "Werd!". So i finally worked up the balls to try it and it took me a hella long time to get the grind and then another 100 trys to land it, Mind you i had a couple of nice bails which i'm sure entertained everyone. So for this trick i'm goin off a jump..landing on mt bashguard and pedal with my front wheel on the ledge with my back wheel hangong off not touching the ground, then it goes from a flat ledge to angled downwards, This was the hardest part because it really fucked with your balance. But i landed that a bunch of times. The last it soo simple, it's a trick i've been able to do for a long time, but i tryed it comin off a bank and then hopping up 2 feet to where i stall and then i hopped back into the bank, it's just a fun trick.

Then i came home, ate, slept for like 30 min (BTW> at this point in the day i hadn't slept at all) then went to work.....I swear i thought i was gonna die, but it wasn't that bad.

All 'n all good day, but now i'm soo fuckin tired

Sunday, August 01, 2004


Today's Song: Billy Talent - Beach Balls

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for posting your suguestions...Oh wait, none of you freeloaders posted...THANKS

So, in my last post i lied. We drove up to Red Deer to surprise Megan on her b-day. So we are all sitting at a table and Megan walks in and says: "WTF Guys?!, What are you doin here?" and we say: " What are YOU doin here?, this is our bar"...haha She was surprised and and happy we showed up.

So, we sit down and start drinkin, and getting Megan wasted (which we did) and it was awesome, i owned at pool, like always. So, we are sitting there and the Comedian comes on and he is halarious. He notices that it's Megan's b-day and he asks her her age, and whatnot, and then asks in i am her fella, then asks me where i work.

This is how it went:
So What do you do?
I'm a cook
What do you cook?
Rotiserie Chicken
Oh, Swiss Chalet eh?

Shit, that was halarious. Then we called Eric a Mexican and it was alot of fun. So we planne don sleeping in Megan's cousin's backyard in a tent. So Vanessa (Our lovely DD) drove us over there, Were we walked Megan inside and put her to bed. Megan's Mom came over and was laughing at her and said: "Megan you smell" To which Megan said: "To i smell like Flowers and butterflies?". We laughed and said: "Yes, Now go to sleep". So before she went to bed she wanted to see us all and she told us this was just like the movie Kill Bill, and then told Eric that he was Lucy Lu and Dickie was the White Trash guy...Lmao. So i am trying to sleep in the tent with a couple of VERY spoony people. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! So i wake up in the middle of the night to find myself pushed up against the side of the tent which made my pillow wet (it was raining outside) So i had to reposition myself by everyon's feet so i could be comfy. The ride hom was quiet, Everyone was sleepy cuz it was 8 or so in the AM and Eric and myself had to be at work. The ride up was fun cuz i was playin all the tunes off my plam...Well i wasn't playing all the tunes cuz Vaness was filtering out all the stuff she didn't like....So if she didn't like a song she'd yell: "NEXT!" and i'd have to comply or else she'd kill me.

It was super fun, Happy Hangover Megan