Thursday, October 28, 2004

I Miss It

Today's Song: Richard Cheese - Down With The Sickness

Here is a funny Comic:

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Well lets see,First off. I'd like to thank everyone for lending some words of support. It is much appriated.

So i got an AWESOME dvd today. Dawn Of The Dead. You have to see it. Justin, Eric, Kevin, Kevin's bro, and i went and saw this movie in the theater and it was AWESOME. The song i have chosen was in the movie. When we were in the theater and this song came on we all bust out laughing. I'd say you have to see hear it in the movie to fully appreate it.

So i was Talkin to Dickie and it was awesome to catch up with a good friend who i miss. We were talkin about what we wanna do next time we hang out (GTing being one of them) and maybe is luck is on my side. Me taking a trip to the Scoosh for some good old boozing with Dickie. All this talk put me in a really good mood.

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I was talking to Vanessa shortly after, and i told her that the two highlights of my day were,Making this cute girl in my class laugh, Which isn't anything special to you people, but usally i go the whole time without saying a word to anyone. Which bring me to my next point... I Was looking at my yearbook and it made me soo sad. I miss it soo much Being around friends and having so much fun. I miss those happier times. It almost makes me angry because i get on a bus not knowing anyone and then going to a school where i don't know anyone. Have you ever felt completly alone in the middle of a crowd? That is how i feel.

So i was talkin to Sarah about The Woo, and i thought to myself: "WTF... Why not call the kid" So i did. And this is how it went:

Eric: Hello?
Me: Hey is Eric there?
Eric: Yea, Speaking
Eric: Who the hell is this?
Me: Jeff. you fucker

It was really good to catch up with that kid. I wish him the best of luck.

Again...thanks for your comments.

Monday, October 25, 2004

This Train Werck I Call A Life

Today's Song: Jimmy Eat World - Pain

No work to day,WOOT... But i had school this morning. Not too bad stayed awake for the whole class. So i was all worried and scared because i didn't do this take home quiz, So i thought i was fucked. But i got to school an hour early and did most of it and i thought well what ever marks i get on this is better then a Zero. So i handed it in and i got docked for it being late. But i got a 60 on it which made me happy because i assumed that i was gonna fail. Then i stayed awake the whole class and learned some shit. Then i had a quiz.I was nervous before the class because i probably slept through most of the classes learning the crap for this test. But when i got the test it wasn't soo bad, and i think i will do ok on it.

After school i waited for Sarah to get off work so we could head back to the old high school to pick up our yearbooks. We ran into Liz and chatted a long time and it was good. Then out of no where, Megan turns the corner. AND WHAM!!... Tention filled the hallway. I tried not to make it akward but it felt like it was. I dunno. i just got the impression that she didn't want to be around me. That makes me a bit sad but whatever.

I wanted to go and watch some of the football practice. Crocker (My Coach)recognized me and asked how i was doing and what i was doing now that i was out of high school. When i told him that i failed math and i didn't get in to Uni he was really sad for me and he sounded happy that i was upgrading in chinook. He told me i should be playing football, and wished me luck.

It made me feel good to know that he cares, But then again makes me sad that THIS is my life. Stuck in a dead end job, and not goin to University. I wish i was doing something with my life.

So when Sarah and i walk to the office to get our yearbooks we pass a bunch of pics on the wall and i notice that one of those dorks looks fimiliar... OH YEA IT'S ERIC WOO. So i pulled it off the wall and took it home to scan for you Eric Woo Fans

Here is that sexy Beast:

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Bored With It

Today's Song: Bush X - Glycerine

I wasn't happy to go to work today. That's nothing new. But i was thinking about my life and where i'm going with it. I looked around at work and saw people in their twenty and up and i was thinking: "Shit i don't want to be doing this for ever". So then i came to the realization that This was infact a Dead End Job... This makes me want to go to Uni even more. But alas i am stuck upgrading... Woo-FUCKING-Hoo. I gotta say that i'm alittle worried about how it's been going lately because i have been falling asleep alot lately. Well i think i'll just ask some one who can help me with math to give me a hand and maybe i'll figure out what's goin on.

Well i got some good and some bad news. The good: For Xmas i'm goin to Cali to visit my Grandma and Cousins. The Bad: Friends who have hoved away are comin back to vist. FUCK.

Wish Me Luck.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Funny Pages

Today's Song: U2 - Beautiful Day

Went to school. That was boring.

Came home on the bus and i was walkin up the stairs all lonely like usual when someone tugs on my jacket and i turn around to give a angry look and there Amy is. We chatted and then she ever so politely invited me to buy she a Starbucks while we were waiting for the bus. As we were waiting for our drinks to be made i grabed the comics and were lookin at them and i found this bad boy:

Beer Goggles Comic

Then the bus from Dalhousie to home Krystal was on and it was a nice surprise to have some of the good old 137 North bus gang back together. It reminds me how much i miss High school.

Well now i'm gonna go watch some more Band Of Brothers, then go to work YAY...

BTW> Hey Justin Check thisKick Ass Animation out. Wait till the end it's F-In Halarious!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The GT...

Here she is in all her Glory.
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Here you can see the nice bars and Grips.
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Look at that craftmenship...
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First Snow!

Today's Song: Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit
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Neato, I can put come pics on here... To maybe liven up your day?

So, I have been working, and schooling... it's been fun.

I only have a social life on weekends after work. It's alright i do the odd thing here and there where i will do something on a school night.

So i don't work tomorrow (Tuesday) and Justin and i have had some convo's about goin GTin... So i and sending an open invatation for everyone to come out and do some kick ass tobogganing.

See, a couple of winters ago i rode my GT off this six foot drop, and i would have landed it if it wasn't for the fricken steering wheel breaking. So it broke, i went ass over tea kettle and then the GT hit me in the head. So last night while talking to justin a decided to fix her up, Which took a little while.

So what i did to get this bad boy into shape was: I took an old bike stem and hacksawed it in half, then i slid that over the steer tube for the front ski. Then i drilled two holes so as to bolt the two part together, with the end of the stem that holds the handlebars pointing up i put this metal bar that came from a standing fan as the handlebars. and for grips.... Kinda ironic... The hand holds from a pair of crtuches... hahah hopefully i won't need the crutches after riding the GT. I want to learn some kick ass tricks on the GT... so far the one i want to try the most is a 180. but i'll have to do something about the skis because they don't slide backwards.

Well, that about it. Here is another pic because it's kick ass.

This is in Memory of my Buddy Dickie (Dixie). See, he is from the Scoosh (Nova Scotia) and he love himself a good fish. He also worked at Swiss Chalet, which symbolizes the Chicken... I dunno, i found this on a box in the garbage at work and it made me think of Dickie

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I Smell Like Fish

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Counter Parts And Number Them

School.... Work... Sleep

That just about sums up my life.

So i was workin my ass off one night and i was taking out A SHIT LOAD of trash. And some crazy kid hongs at me and starts driving stright at me, I'm all like: "WTF?!". And then it turns out to be Jocelyn Jamie and Jocelyn's Father. I was all like: "WERD!" So they tell me that they are headin over to celebrate Jamie's 18th B-Day at Schanks. So i tell them that i definatly be there.... After washing my Fishy aroma. So i got squeeky clean and headed over.

I get there and after wandering around totally clueless for a while i spotted Jocelyn and i sat down at her table. There were these two koo dude who i did not know but they were funny. So i get myself a beer and Jamie a Broken Down Golf Cart.... Between Eric and Justin i'm gonna get addicted to those. So i'm hangin out with a bunch of koo people when OUT OF NO WHERE.... Rob and Mason show up.... Holy crap was that koo. So i introduce them as "Fuckin Rob" and "Magical Mason" and we chat it up and one of the guys called Mason "Dazzle-Me-Mason" it was funny. Then i met some guy that Jamie and Jocelyn found to replace me who's name is Adam if i am not mistaken... I gotta say he is a koo guy. And he it intense like me hahaha. We had a good discussion on this crazy fighting video we saw on an infomercial. CRAZY SHIT.

So Rob Mason and i head over to the bar and get a shot of Crartruse (Thanks Kevin) and a broken doen golf cart and a pitcher of beer, Turns out a pitcher is only like three beers. So we drink all of that and we are starting to feel good, by now it's about 130 in the am or so... and thats tooo late for Jamie and Jocelyn so they leave. It was really good to see them and catch up because they are awesome people who i am glad to know.

ANYWAYS... ack to Mason Rob and i getting wasted.

So it's almost last call so we go to the bar and order: 2 pitchers of beer. 3 broken down golf carts, 3 shots of chartruse. Together it cost like $60 hahaha. So we started drinking.... So we all finish except for Mason who by now HATES the taste of beer so he has one Glass left and he gives it to some guy Eric from Fiji.... hahaha i know it dosn't sound real but it was... This guy barely knew English and was SOO wasted and he was funny. So after we get thrown out of Schanks at like 2:15 or so we try and get Eric from Fiji into a Taxi to take him home.... That was funny. I hope he got home haha.

Then Rob Mason and i start stumbling all over crowfoot, So we head into Mac's and get some MUCH NEEDED snacks and refreshments. The only time someone got IDed was when Mason baught a porno mag. So after reading that and eating and talking about EVERYTHING and joking around we headed home. Frick that was a fun night.

So TONIGHT. Sarah and i went to go see Taxi, So we went to none other then Joey's Only. Kevion and Justin were workin and we said hello and then Kevin got off work right as we were gonna leave so he came to the movie with us and it was a good movie. We laughed at some chic in the row ahead of us cuz she was dancing to a song in the movie. Sarah's faverite part of the movie was then the hot chic was feeling the other hot chic. Sarah is a pervert.

So i dunno why exactly, but i thought to invite Megan to the movie. So i think to myself:" Jeff, it'd only be akward if you let it get akward."... So i finally work up the balls to call Megan.... and she had JUST headed off to work.... hahaha. Ahh well., Maybe i'll try again some other time.

I gotta say i'm glad i did something on my day off instead of just sitting around the house. So, All in all a good day. and on that note i wish you all a good night.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Stumble Stumble....

Today's Song: Franz Ferdinand - This Fire

So, lets see....Work...School....Sleep


So, every once in a while i go on the interweb and check out the Blogs, and the kid i thought who would be keeping up with the Blogs the most hasn't updadted in forever (Asshole). Eric is the one who started me on the whole Blog train, and i try to keep up as much as i can...

So, I guess this Blog is to share my drunken night with you all. BTW> feel free to ask questions because there might be some parts where my memory has left me...

Kevin and i were at work and we were all like: " Lets Get Wasted". So we planned on gettin justin and Rob to come to the bar. Justin was dead so The Fee, Rob and i headed down. As i show up i hear: "Macarone is a fag" and i look over to see Kevin Rob Chase Cass and Jerry sitting there. So it turn out we are gonna head down to Jerry's and get wasted there... FINE BY ME. So that saved me a but load of money.As we are walking down there Rob finds a sweet ass bike... mind you it had no seat, or left crank... But he was determined to ride that bike, So i helped him out by pushing him along. Robs a good kid... No too bright though. And he's a shitty bike rider. So i was pushing him along and then he steers himself off the curb and falls. Let me tell you, From the way he was crying i take it that riding bikes with out seats can be painful. Once Kevin and i stopped laughing long enough to talk kevin informed Rob that he had just been "Bike Raped" hahaha. Kevin Rob and i split a 12 pack of beer and a thing of Jack Daniels. SHIT.... You only drink that if you wanna get WASTED. So we polish off the beer and start drinkin the JDs and man was it bad... So anyways, after a lot of drinkin and laughin at pretty much everything, Jerry kicked us out around 2 in the am or so. We decide that we need to go to Mac's for some snacks. But Mac's is farther from my house... But hey everyone likes a little walkabout when they are wasted. So we are doin the normal drunk teenager think and getting into mischif. Then me and Rob started fighting hahaha. we beat the crap out of eachother. that took like 5 min or so, then Rob and Kevin needed to stop for a potty break, So i sat on the fence and OUT OF NOWHWHERE i puked.... Mind you usally when puking you feel like death before and after, but i felt better after. But in the morning i realized i pulled an Eric Woo.... (Puking on ones Shoes haha) So as we get to Mac's i see a kid i know inside and his bike it outside. So i hop on his bike and we all know i'm a good rider right?.....Well not so much when under the infulence. I couldn't even ride stright and i fell over many times. So he comes out side and yell/laughs at me. and i got get my twizillers. and i come out hop on his bike again and then part ways with Rob and Kevin. So Dan and i are goin the same way home and i'm riding his bike and i am riding into fences and trees and bushes and gennerally tipping over. So i kinda get the hang of the riding thing and we are waking and talking about everything and we pass by this nice little puke puddle and he says: "Oh Shit dude someone ralphed right there" and i started to laugh my ass off cuz it was my puke and i rode threw it on his bike. So i got home around 4 something i think. and i passed out infront of the TV and when i woke up i realized i had to go to work. Meh thats not so bad.... But then i started thinking about last night and for the longest time i couldn't remember how i got home. And i go into my room and look at the jacket i was wearing and i see that most of Kevin and Robs drinks had made it on to my sleeve because i tend to stumble a tad when i am intoxicated.

Yep thats pretty much it.

I am a pretty forgetful person and i tried to write down my work schedual and when i was looking closely at it i realized that i had skipped a day... so i went in today and took my mom for lunch, Kevin made my food. and with my discount it was all under $20.... Fuckin rights... I ate a callimari Appitizer, a club wrap, and my mom had the two peice fish plate, and it was all under $20.... Fucking sweet.

Friday, October 01, 2004


Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Toob Amplifier

You Want updates?.... YOU WANT UPDATES?...Well you want them here they are....

So Been working at Joey's for 3 shifts and i like it alot. The people are great, Workin with Kevin and Justin, Mind you i have only had shifts with Kevin so far. All of my shifts have been closing shifts and it's not so bad because the kitchen is pretty small and it's quick with a couple of people. One day, My first shift actually and Kevin (sixth or something) had to close the kitchen by ourselves... What a dream team. But i was amazed that one of the managers came back and started helping us clean and crap.... Now i like to half ass as much as the next guy, But i do try and take a bit of pride in my work. At the Chalet it was all half ass-ing, But here people do a good job because the really like working here and like their co-workers. I gotta say that this makes me work that extra bit harder to pull my weight so i'm not letting anyone down.

My second shift was INSANE... All you can eat fish night.... I was doin the fish.... It Good? It was good because i was working with a bunch of great guys who would take the time to show me how things are done and actually help me out when i got behind on orders. I don't mean to brag or anything BUT someone told me that the servers were getting compliments on the fish... So that was pretty uplifting. Seriously, I had more compliments on the way i was working and trying to learn and whatnot then the whole time i worked at the Chalet. I miss some guys from the good old Chalet.... But i have moved on... The tips i get at Joey's help alot too haha. I mean i'm not making insane chash in tips.... but it's money i'm getting for a job well done. My tips depend on how busy a night is... i have made $2.50 up to $9 in a night.

Tonight i didn't have to work and i gotta say that i enjoyed the chance to just...Do nothing... I was trying to find something to do tonight but i'm kinda glad i got the chance to just DO NOTHING. I know it sounds weird but it was refreshing.

As most of you will know that i am on MSN almost 24/7 and if i'm not "Online" you can still leave a message for me when i'm away. So i came back to the computer after watching Conan (Kick ass Show) and Laura had left me a message telling me that if i needed to talk she was there to listen and to check a comment on my Blog, So i check out the blog and whatnot and i FINALLY struck me. I have been such a dumbass feeling sorry for myself and bitching about how i have no friends, and i look back at my blogs and see myself bitching about endless nonsence and seeing people comment to lend support and give advise. I'm sorry everyone, and Thank you. After i got this amazing rush of thoughts my mood lightened and i thought: "Shit Jeff, Yea a bunch of close friends moved away, Your GF dumped you. But shit isn't over". As i was looking over past comments it was thinking about all these people who are still there for me and are thinking about me, Taking time out of their day to drop me a line here at Jeffrey Macarone on the interweb. THANK YOU.

What else is there to say after that?...