Monday, August 29, 2005

Scenic Session

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I R Home/ SAIT/ Congrats Dickie

Today's Song: Oasis - Lyla

"Call for me to set me free
Lift me up and take me where I stand"

So Firstly, I AM HOME. Nova Scotia was awesome. A Huge thanks to the Dickie Family for feeding me and lettinhg me stay with them.

On my trip i went to Turo [where Dickie's rents live], Halifax, Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Muncton, Amhurst, Denmark [name of town in NS], Bible hill, Peggys Cove, Rushdons Beach. All these places were awesome.

YES i did Crab Battle! While i was down there:
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Um. I dunno, I went to the Citidel when i was in Halifax. The Citadel is an old fort that was used to gaurd the harbour. When we crossed the harbour on a ferry i saw some Submarines and some Naval Ships. I also saw Theodore the Tugboat a life sized version. When walking down the waterfront we saw some koo and some not so koo Buskers. We ate some hotdogs and a bever tail for Desert.

Next day, we went to Peggy's Cove. It was SOO beautiful there. There were are huge boulders all over the place left by the glaciers, which make for an incredible view. We parked and walked down to a little inlet, the tide was going out so we took off our shoes and waded in. THIS is where I Crab Battled. Dickie was a little girl and ran away from them.

Next day we went to Amherst, and Munton in New Brunswick. In Amherst, we tried looking for the Hall of Fame because a Friend at work had a relitive on there and she wanted a picture of it. So we stopped and asked for directions, No one had even herd of it untill i went into a gas station to buy batteris for my camera and she told us to go down some road which didn't help at all. We went to a Zoo there and went along Magnetic Hill [which we couldn't find because of these fucking confusing signs]. Then we went to Down Town Mucton and ate some FUCKING AMAZING Wraps. I swear it was the best wrap of my life, i mean my mouth is watering just typing about it.

Next day, we slept in and hung around Turo. Some of Dickie's friends took us to see 40 Year Old Virgin. It was FUCKING Halarious. HIGHLY Recomended. After the movie we went to Timmy's... The ONLY thing open after 9pm. It seemed like the whole town turned off at 9.

Next day, Went to the beach. It was soo fun, Warm water and nice weather. Beautiful. On the way home Papa Dickie got us some lobsters to eat.
My Dinner:
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It was good, It was the first meal i ate using hammers and vice-grips.

Next day, Woke up at 4am and went to the airport to go home. I pretty much spend all morning on a plane. I went from Halifax to Toronto, then to Calgary. Reading or listening to my ipod it wasn't bad. Except for the dumb lady next to me who dropped her damn pear on me. What a Slut.

So, from when i got to the Calgary airport, to the end of myfirst day in NS... i used all my Camera's memory... a total of 152 pics... So i got a cable for my cam and i DLed them all to Dickie's laptop. SO besides the few i have right now On my Photo Bucket, There are MORE coming back with Dickie on the 31st.

ANYWAYS, I got back on the 27th. Fly all moning, Land in Clagary. I ran into a kid i havn't seen scince Highschool. then i go down stair hug my Family grab my luggage and they took me to lunch.

Came home, un packed a bit, then went to shoppers and chatted to Eric and made plans to go to Dinner. After dinner we took Eri'c bro Ian to a party. Then Eric and i went to Kim's party. So we get there a bit late... so everyone was wasted. and like a hour later 2 people are puking, Some kis i don't know, and Amy. And Amy is like passed out unconcious puking all over the place, Mostly the bed the floor and herself. So a friend of her's changes her clothes, and then we carry her outside where she sleeps some more untill Kim's mom call's Amy's parents to come get their mess of a child. That was our cue to exit.

So Eric's bro Ian had called Eric and i to invite us to the party he was at and so we decided to go and hang out. We sat around outside talking and jokin around with some koo people i had never met before, but it was really fun. At about 330 in the am i got home and went to bed.

Sunday, the day before my first day at school... I did nothing. I didn't get dressed untill like 3pm. Then i helped my rents unload some groceries. Emo mike wanted to go biking around so we went to the school by me and i landed a 180 to roll back off a curb. Then we called it a night. went home did some more nothing, got my shit in order for school and went to bed.

This mornign was weird. I woke up at like 845... i looked at my clock said WTF? and went back to sleep till like ten, then i got up showered and such and left for school at like 11. Took the train from Dalhousie and got to school at 1125. My first class is at noon, so i go and find my classes, and sit and do nothign for a while. First class, pretty much just explaining some stuff about the course. So i got out of class an hour early, i got to the bookstore because i had the wrong book for that class. I go and look for it, and buy it. then i ate some lunch. The second class was koo, we played with a program i have never used before and we were told what our first assignment would be.

My classes look like fun and seem pretty interesting. The teachers seem nice and thats good. I know a kid in my class and he gave me a ride home today so i'm glad i know someone.

Tomorrow i'm gonna be eating lunch with Kim in the study hall and that'll be fun.


~Good Month

Monday, August 22, 2005

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

Today's Song: Areosmith - I'm Leaving on a jet plane

"So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go"

So, The last two days of work were sweet, I mean both days it was DEAD. The first night i made like $16 something in tips... tonight i made like $59 something. But today i worked 4 - Cl so i guess an extra hour made the diffrence. So when it is soo dead out, all i do is bring their drinks their food, check in halfway through their meal, then inbetween i goof around with whoever is workin in the kitchen. Tonight i ate like two dinners for free.

After work yesterday Dickie Eric and i hung out here not doing anythign special. Except the fact that i fell asleep and Eric changed my Cell phone ringer, Then posed for a "Lyndie" [click link to see the ACTUAL Lyndie England Pic] So i wake up, Wonder Where the hell everyone is. I call Dickie and he was just at the end of my driveway. So then i turned off the TV and went to bed.

Next morning i woke up at like 845 in the am, I was surprised. Then went back to sleep. Got up around noon, did some shit around the house to get ready for tonight. Tonight? you ask, Well Jocelyn decided to have a formal party for me getting into Sait. So i had to work tonight but once i got off i washed changed into my suit, and then Vanessa, Dianna, Sarah, Justin, Eric, Mike, Jocelyn, and Dickie all showed up. My Dad made his famous meatballs, Sarah tried to finish a plate and stuffed it all in. We the Spechitti and Meatballs, Garlic Bread, With some nice Wine Jocelyn brought over [Thank you, I very much Enjoyed it]and for desert: Rasberry Jellyroll, with neopolitian Icecream and whippedcream.

So, as i said, it was a Formal party. Everyone was dressed to kill. Execpt Dickie.... He shows up lookin all shitty and whatnot. So i lent him one of my old suits to wear,and it fit him pretty good. Alll the Girls tonight were looking Beautiful. I'm glad we all got together all dressed up an everything. So as people were leaving i would walk them to the door and give them a final hug and say my goodbyes, it will be a while before i see alot of these kids. Sarah was gettin a bit misty when the time came for her goodbyes. But it was sad saying goodbye to close friends, it always is.

Once it was just Eric Mike, Justing Dickie and i left we came into he basement and watched TV and hung out. We looked at my guns and talked about how much we all like shooting. Then Eric, Justing and Mike went home [Dickie is sleeping over tonight because we leave tomorrow] and we can't find the TV remote. Like it dissapeared. I asked Justing, Mike and Eric if they friggin took it, they laugh at me and say no. So i go and pack my luggage because i have to leave in a matter of hours, and send Dickie to look for it. He gives up because he is a useless bag of douche. SO i finish packing in record time and then i start with the loveseat and tip it back so Dickie can look and see if it is under there. WOW FINALLY there the fucking thing is.

Once that was found, Dickie went to sleep on the couch, i go into my room and start playin Justin on DOD. The server crashed so i took the opertunity to update you kids on what's goin down.

So my flight is at 1pm Calgary time. T minus 7.5 hours

[0.3125 Days till Nova Scotia]

~Good Night

Saturday, August 20, 2005

iGoing to NS/iHave two days left of work/iGot an iPod

Today's Song: Billy Talent - Beach Balls

"Pop the beach balls,
Burn the photos,
C-4 your safe,
And you'll never grow old.
So get out of dodge,
And become a thought,
Cause once you're a thought, hopefully you're forgot"

The title says it all. I'm goin to NS in 2 days. I have 2 days left of work, and i got an iPod for school.

The iPod is awesome, 20GB iPod Photo. It's got a 2inch color screen which lets me store pics music or use it as a portable Hard Drive. Right now, i have 5.27Gb of music on it. That is every song i have on my computer. Hell there are some songs on it that i have never herd of.

My main use for it will be moving crap between the school computers and home. That brings me to my next point. The other day i went in and found all my classes, which is easy enough because they are all really close to each other. And most of my classes are computer labs. I went to the bookstore to buy my books... ONE of the three i need was there. I was pretty much a book on how to use flash... Fuck, i mean i'm not a guru of the program but i am confident with my ability using the program. Looks like that class will be pretty easy.

Um, What else? NS trip is comin really soon. I'm uber excited. I got a few things to get done first. Like do some fricken laundry.

BTW> Here is a pic of my Ruger MkIII Target:
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I love the red dot, it helps out alot.

I've been playing DOD a bunch, There is this sweet server where all the axis is bots and they are "Zombies", I feel like i am playing WWII era Dawn of the dead.

Went to notts tonight, had a great time just hangin out and talkin to people.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Today's Song: Offspring - Can't repeat

"Time rolls on
Wipe these eyes
Yesterday laughs
Tomorrow cries"

Woke up about 45 min before work. Got ready and then went in. Wasn't too bad, i made $51 something in tips. I gave my two weeks notice tonight, Felt good. A few kids said they'd miss me, the was nice.

So i have to write a letter of resignation. Hell if i know what to put in it. Aw well, it'll go fine.

ANYWAYS, As i was finishing up work, Dickie came in cuz he was the only one who didn't work tonight. So, Dickie, Vlad, Mike, Eric and i decided the we should go to the peelers tonight. So we headed down there, Got some seats on pervert row, and it was awesome. I got Two magnets a keychain and a poster which got signed. SWEET. So Yea, thats that.

Now i am off to write my letter.

[8 Days till Nova Scotia]

~Good Night

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Finally Some Direction

Today's Song: Rise Against - Paper Wings

"and i cant tell if you're laughing
between each smile theres a tear in your eye
theres a train leaving town in an hour
its not waiting for you and neither am i"

So i am snuggled up in my little bed dreaming of things and whatnot.


Some A-hole is disterbing my sleep. I let it ring because i r sleeping. "JEFF TELEPHONE" says my Mom, I roll over reach for the phone, "Hullo?!" I say sleepily. "HI Jeff, this is so-and-so from SAIT calling there is an open seat for the New Media Production and Design program. I'm wondering if your interested. My Reply. "I am VERY interested".

FUCK YES, Thank you.

It really hasn't sunken in so much, but it's starting to. I mean in the fall i am going to go to SAIT and be in a program that i am totally interesting in and will be happy doing it. This is a two year program which i can either use to get myself a job, or go and transfer to a Uni to get my Bachlors degree. We'll see what path i take when i get there.

I told a few people about it that day. I guess i went out or something and i come back to my computer to find this message:
»Eric« "I th: JEFF You fucker! Why didn't you tell me you got into SAIT?!
G*U*M*B*I [O auto-message: zzzZZZzzz
»Eric« "I th: Congratu-fucking-lations man.

It made me laugh out loud.

Today was:
Wake up early [930am] Go to Breakfast at Ricky's with Mom and Pop Dropped Mom off at home and picked up my cash to put in the bank [like $165 in loonies, twoonies, and Quarters]. Go to the bank so i can deposit said cash, and take out $120 for Dickie [i'll talk about that in a sec]. After bank i went to Joey's to drop off Dickie's money. I got some Congrats from people at work for getting into SAIT. Then Off to SAIT to pay for my first semister. At SAIT Bank of Papa Macarone payed for my first semister of Uni, and i got my schedual. It's not bad AT ALL.

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So after a breif tour form my dad and meeting some of his co-workers, We were off to the shooting range. I locktited the screws into the MkIII and then let it dry while my Dad and i were shooting the 10/22. I'll scan the targets later. Then off to the pistol bay to try out the red dot sight. BAM!! It rocks, i was shooting pretty good with it. Very fun, Except the fact that it came loose AGAIN, So i locktited them again and left it in the case to dry till we come back to shoot again.

Shooting maked Jeffrey hungry so we headed to BPs to eat some lunch. Then headed home. I was fallin asleep on the way home so as soon as i got home i just crashed. Jocelyn called me around 10 to go to Darti's Bday party, Which was really fun.

[9 Days till Nova Scotia]

~Good Night

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Boredom Post?

Today's Song: Kansas - Carry on my wayward Son

"Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more"

So, as i sit here watching a GREAT Olsen twins movie [young versions], and pondering how they got to be such great actress'. I ask myself how long it has been scince i last updated. Too long?

What is new? Ah yes. So after work one day, we decide to do the usual and get wasted after work. So then Kevin, German Girl, Eric, Sarah, Rob, Paul, Dickie, Vlad, and i went to Buggs and started drinking. About my second beer into the night i remembered i hadn't eaten anything that day. So i kept drinking and didn't give it a second thought. So after many many drinks, i stumbled out of the place and stuff happened, people punched eachother in the face and then we started on our way home. Shortly after leaving we maye our way to a parking lot where i was visited by all my drinks again.

As i sat there coming in and out of consciousness, i was thinking of how cold it was and how i'd like to stop puking my guts out. So after what seemed forever, i slowed down enough to go home. As soon as i stepped out of the car i made like three VERY drunken steps and puked on the back bumper of my dads car [it was holding me up]. After i was done that i stumpled through the house and passed out infront of the toilet. After a while i woke up and made it to my bed.

Woke up the next morning, Maybe even still drunk... i drink some water and go on the computer. I talk to Sarah applogize for what i did to Nelly. Then i made my way to the bathroom again to throwup the water i had just drank. I come back to ask Sarah if i should infact call work and mention that i'm a bit under the weather. So i go and puke again then i made the call. I thought Honesty is the best policy and i tell my manager that i had infact drank too much the night before and am still, In Kevins words: "All sorts of fucked up". He tells me pretty much that if i don't show up i'm fired. SO after he hung up on me, i went back to bed to try and sleep for another hour and 45 min.


I get my shit together and go to work, Luckily enough the manager wasn't there, and all the people working are super nice to me. I'd have to say for atleast the first 30 - 45 min of my shift i was doing absolutly nothing. After i muster up whatever courage i could i made it out to serve a table. It was alright... A few more tables. It's ok.

So i am cowering in the back trying to hold myself upright and the other server working comes and tells me i have another table. GUESS WHO IT IS.... Kevin Dickie and Eric... Come it rub it in. So all they want is some Mud pie and i go and make it bring it out to them, i ask if they want any thing to drink and Eric says no, Kevin says no, Dickie... He asks for a Double gin and Sprite [What i was drinking the previous night]. I turn around because the mear thought of an alcholoic beverage make me physically ill and walk away with them laughing.

The rest of the night got a little better because it got busy so i have to pull my ass out of a hangover.

Later that night Sean and i went to West side skate park and rode for a while. Nothing amazing was thrown down, We were hitting the first down ledge we ever hit. We were also were railing around in this half bowl as fast as we could. It was pretty sweet.

Yea, next day Dad and i went shooting, I was shooting pretty good. I was out shooting my dad, which is rare. I have the targets here but to tell you the truth i am just too lazy to scan them.

Tomorrow The Tarnizzle and i are gonna hit the shooting range and it'll be awesome.

ANYWAYS, now the Olsen Twins movie is almost done so i better finish this up so i can watch the ending.

~Good... Morning?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

MTB Tragity

Today's Song: The Polyphonic Spree - Reach for the sun

"Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the SUN!
You don’t see me fly into the red one more you’re done
Just follow the seasons and find the time
Reach for the bright side
You don’t see me fly into the red one more you’re nuts
Just follow the day
Follow the day and reach for the SUN!"

SO... You know how the about a week to the day ago i ate shit at COP. Well yesterday Sarah Diana and i went to COP... And about an hour into the day, We are riding down the And i and riding infront and i didn't tell Diana [riding second] to wait till the teeter came down before going on the stunt. So As i am mid teeter she hits the teeter and gets a huge stick in her arm. She didn't realize it right away but once she did, she was non too pleased.

We walked down to the medics where they said that she definatly needed to go to the hospital. Sarah took her right away.

Fifteen minutes later The Tarnizzle calls and comes down to COP and wants to ride. So we rode for a while.

After i got home and called Sarah's cell a million times and didn't get an answer, Vanessa calls and asks WTF happened. I explained the situation and i think it put her at easy a bit. But i asked her to call me as soon as she had herd anything. A few hours later she calls and a druged up Diana tells me she's fine and not to worry... and kindly reminded me that i owe her a Milkshake.

So, as is sit here watching Josie and the pussy cats, i i ponder what i should be updating about [besides the mentioned above]

Humm... So my dad and i got this koo Red Dot sight for out Ruger MkIII, The sad thing is that it wouldn't fit the rail. SO now i hold in my hand at this moment, a BB gun with a Red Dot sight one it. I'm not gonna lie to you, it's pretty awesome.

Ah, Now i remember. After biking with Sean, Dickie picked me and Justing up, Kevin and German girl met us at Justing. Where we decided to go to super to consult Eric on what to do with our evening. We finally decide on Denny's. While enjoying our meal we have a great conversation on bowel movements. I'm sure the neighbouring tables were VERY pleased with the topic of out disscussion.

After eating, We coerced Eric into letting us watch Anchorman at his house. After that we called it a night.

Today, i got out of bed around 5, and then lazed around the house till Dickie and eric got off work and came over and watched TV.

[18 Days till Nova Scotia]

~Good Night

Monday, August 01, 2005


Today's Song: The White Stripes - Blue Orchid

"You're given a flower
But I guess there's just no pleasing you
Your lips tastes sour
But you think that it's just me teasing you

You got a reaction
You got a reaction, didn't you?
You took a white orchid
You took a white orchid turned it blue"

Long time no post. It's not like there hasn't been stuff to post, it just that i haven't been posting. Who know's why.

Well, the other night i was serving i made $68.53 in tips. I mean thats more then i made that shift in wages. Last night was alright, i have a full section and it wasn't bad, but i mean it wasn't busy so that made a diffrence.

Last couple of nights haven't been the usuall get wasted and whatnot. I went to Milly with the Tarnizzle, it was a pretty chill session. What made it stand out was all the cops that were chasing drunk kids across the place and Hawks flyin around lookin for them. The next night Dickie and i went to Mikes for some cake. The cake was delicious. And then mike gave me a TV... So i'd say a good night. Last night, Tarnizzle and i went to Milly again It started out the normal type of session, but then Sean got the idea to try and grind over the bump on this one ledge. It took a couple of tries but i finally landed it. The thing that made it better was a few noob MTBers that were all impressed. We ended up leaving around 330 in the am.

[22 Days till Nova Scotia]

~Good Night