Sunday, May 29, 2005

Jeff the Alcy

Today's Song: Moist - Tangerine

"Tangerine the bullet made you
justifies the one who saves you
laid him here and love to see him waste away"

Well i think the title is definatly fitting of my week.

It's been dunk one night sober one, then drunk the next. But the good thing is that i have spend about the same on two trips to Notts as to one trip to Schanks.

Last night, i had to close with The Semi Autistic kid... Everyone wanted to go early and dumb-fuck Manager said: "SURE, Let's fuck jeff over!" So I was alone making orders till 9. Finally it died, so i could get some cleaning done. I just sent Chris to dish while i was cleaning the whole place. At the end of the night one of the servers asked how it was closing with him i said: "Not too bad, because i had him on dish. But he'd ask me stupid stuff. Like if i wanted him to clean the c-vap, i reply No do dish. Then he'd ask if i wanted him to take the garbage out, NO Do Dish."

I got out just before 1030 surprisingly. Went home and showered, then Kim picked me up and went to Kilkany's with Amy, Kim, Tyler, Some other girl who i cannot remember who i was discussing strippers with. Then a little later a bunch of people from Bowness came in and i chatted them up for a while, It was good seein some fimiliar Faces.

So after havin 2 more pints [total of like 6 or so] i shared a cab with some kids and went home.

The other day i told Justing that i had posted, he was surprised becase i don't post that often. That made me think about what kinda stuff i was posting about. It's always been Blah blah blah i went to work/school it was ghey... the end... Nothing really interesting. When i look at other people's Blogs they are talking about deeper things. I think i might have lost sight of why i made this Blog. Because for an "Emo" Kid i don't emote alot on here anymore.

When i look back, i think the most of my emoting was done over a girl, But seeing as how there are not girls that are interested in my right now.... i guess i cannot talk about it. But then there is always talking about how i still feel about some girls.... then i am running the risk of pushing them away, scaring them off, and pretty much ruining any chance there "Might" have been.

I mean, how can you express how you feel over the interweb when the person you DON'T want to know the "Nitty-gritty" of it is a Viewer?

I Guess i am holding back on you Blogger patrons in that sence. Maybe it's for the best because now i can have some actual VERBAL Conversations. I know this has happened many a time before, and i have even had a post about when i tell a story that someone has already posted about.

What else haven't i shared with you?

Oh yes, My Post Secondary Chaos....
I applied at SAIT and UofL I havn't herd much from UofL because i need to send my final marks into them. SAIT on the other hand...

I got past the inital selection, so they invited us who made it past in for some apitude testing and such, as well as to give us our Interview time. The tests weren't all that hard, There were four parts, mechanical reasoning, Sequential something-er-rather, Spatial reasoning, and something about language skills.

First test was a bunch of pullys, belts and drive shafts and you had to say which way someting was turning, or which shaft was going faster because of diffrent sized pullys.

Second, There would be 4 boxes with some sort of pattern and you'd have to pick the next in the sequence.... It was fucked.

Third, There were pictures of 3-D shapes in diffrent positions and they would give you a picture of the shape unfolded [think of taking apart a cube, folding on each edge]. They would have some sides shaded or have a design on it and you'd have to choose which of the 3-D imiges the 2-D was.

Fourth, there would be a bunch of sentences and they would either have one mistake in grammer spelling or punctuation, or no mistakes, and you'd go through and pick them out.

This was all find and dandy... But the interview was hell. I have a portfolio of my crap, and i bring it in trying to sound confident as they ask me questions about whatever. I ask what type of work we'll be doing first year, the mention Flash will be one of them. And when i show them my work.... I didn't show one one my friggin Flash animations... So after the 20 min of hell... i wasn't feeling too stoked about it.

I get a letter from SAIT the other day telling me that i am on a waiting list.... So that means... If there are 10 people in line above me.... and for some reason those ten people choose not to go, I'm in. FUCK... I don't have a back up plan... and the thing that pisses me off is that i know i am perfect for this program.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Mr. Miyagi

Today's Song: Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

"Yeah... Ha Ha!
Finally someone let me out of my cage
Now, time for me is nothing cos I'm counting no age
Now I couldn't be there
Now you shouldn't be scared
I'm good at repairs
And I'm under each snare
Bet you didn't think so I command you to
Panoramic view
Look I'll make it all manageable
Pick and choose
Sit and lose
All you different crews
Chicks and dudes
Who you think is really kickin' tunes?
Picture you gettin' down in a picture tube
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional
Mystical? Maybe
What appears in you is a clearer view cos you're too crazy
To know the definition for what life is
For you because I put you on the hype shit
You like it?
Gunsmokin' righteous with one token
Psychic among those
Possess you with one go"

Went to class learned some shit. Then came home, waited for Justing to get off work. Once he was Kevin and i went ot Notts. Eric showed up later.

We played a bunch of games of pool, listened to some more sweet music. And Kevin and i DRANK. We [Justing Kev and i] Shared a pitcher, then all the rest were me and kev, i think in total we ordered like 4 or 5 pitchers. At last call we had half a pitcher left, and we ordered another.

The last was the most painful. We didn't sip nor did we drink it normally... We just chugged a glass, refilled, then chugged it. All while we were doing this we were playing pool against Justing and Eric, The sober ones. We won once and lost once.

Today at work wasn't bad, Kev and i fought, threw brooms at eachother and had a good time. Vlad was givin me some sass, so i was gonna put a lemon in his eye, but he took it from my hand, so when Kevin walked by carrrying some chicken, i took the opportunity and grabbed a whole chicken and hit Vlad in the face with it.

Surprisingly it was a really slow friday, so that allowed Kev and i to fool around so much. I was workin Dish tonight so it was pretty much, Do all the dishes then sit around till more dishes came.

I came home, started this post, and then Sean called me up and told me to come Biking, So i did the right thing... and went riding. We were riding this bank at a Church in Sliver Springs. It was pretty fun, then we slowly mad our way back to my house. Once back here i showed Sean the new BB gun. He shot up my room for a little while, then left cuz he has to work early tomorrow.

~Good Night

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"How many songs did we pick? SURE I'll have another Pitcher"

Today's Song: System Of A Down - Toxicity

"Now, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder"

I havn't posted in a long time, sorry for that. I was reminded to get my ass in gear by Kim.

So on sunday, my day off. i went to COP with Evan and Cory. It was awesome. Then Evan and Cory went home, and i rode with Sean and Peetie for a while. Soo good to have a whole day just to ride. Not to mention, i finally got some color on these pastey arms of mine.

I got another Hellsing Manga, not finished it yet, i just started reading it on the way home from school.

Um... Monday, Was not only a holiday where i got paid time and a half, but it was just me and kevin cooking in the kitchen.... Because of that funness... Kev and i decided to go get wasted at Notts after work Which was sweet because we closed at 8 and we were outta there at like 830.

Oh, BTW> Mr. Fucktard himself got his ass fired FINALLY... Yes, that is correct Jon is fired. GOOD RIDDANCE.

So Kevin Eric, and myself went to Notts and got wasted. Notts is pretty sweet for a few reasons. They are close to my house, it's a pretty small place, they have free popcorn, and a wicken video jukebok thing. Kevin Erc and i were choosing the songs pretty much the whole night, as well as playing pool, and watching Mythbusters on the TV. I remember saying something like: "Man, this is sweet i have beer, popcirn, good music, and good TV... It's just like home. NO It's BETTER then home, I don't have fucking popcorn at home." So, we ended up leafing Notts at like 3 or so. Drove around looking for a Frosty-Mc-Fuck-Malt... and doing some random acts of drunken stupity. Then we called it a night.

Definatly plan on going there more often.

OH, I got a New BB gun, It's modeled after a Beretta 92

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What i really like about this gun it that it is Semi-Automatic, Meaning i can fire as fast as i pull the trigger. And that it has an Eletric motor in it that moves the slide back and forth when i fire. It shoots the same 6mm BBs that my other BB gun shoots. It's alot of fun.

~Good Night

Saturday, May 21, 2005

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Today's Song: Punjabi MC - Jatt Ho Giya Sharabee

I Usually have a quote here.... But this song isn't even in English... So... Just listen to it

Didn't do anything today. Went to work... The usual...

Except for two things.

1) There was a take out order for 7 [i was working takeout] anf it was four family packs... a family pack is 10 fish... it was insane.

2) Jon is a fucking moron, I don't even want to waste my time trying to explain all the ways he is a fucktard.

So, i got home around 11, nothing really to do because it is so late. I take my shower and go to read my Manga again.

Here are my fav frames:

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It's a great Manga, and even better Anime, Definatly worth checking out.

~Good Night

Friday, May 20, 2005

What's In A Name?

Today's Song: Moist - Resurrection

"I measure pleasure by the pain
measure pleasure by the twisting
of the metal in vein
and it might be very hard
can't be more than what we are
can't be more till it's over"

I got up around 11 today, didn't do anything. Did the usual: Look at Blogs, Bash, Ebaums. On Justing's there was crap about your name and such. Mine is:

"Though the name Jeffrey creates the urge to be creative and original, we stress through a scattered and emotional nature, you suffer frustration. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and in tension or accidents to the head.

as a first name gives you a very independent nature, yet you are friendly, approachable, and generous. You can be a spontaneous, expressive, and talkative person. Generally you are good-natured, though at times you can be rather blunt and sarcastic. This name incorporates creative, artistic, and musical abilities, and there would be an element of originality in all that you do. You like to do things on the spur of the moment without planning or prior arrangements. Your spirits are buoyed up greatly by encouragement and appreciation."

"accidents to the head." Makes it sound like i have to wear a helmet around all the time.

"Although the name Jeff creates an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus, and nervous system.

The name of Jeff gives you a very inquisitive, restless, seeking nature. You feel impelled by intense desires that you cannot comprehend or satisfy. You have had the desire to accomplish something outstanding and to do something very worthwhile for humanity, especially early in your life. This name gives you a versatile, clever, analytical mind, but unfortunately you cannot direct your interest toward an undertaking for long, as you do not have the patience and practicality for systematic hard work and attention to detail. You resent obstacles, delays, and restrictions. This name gives you ambition, high ideals, and much creative ability, but the intense dynamic nature is too often spent in feelings and in moods, rather than in constructive action.

I think maybe a mix of the two...

Go here to get your name analyzed -->

After that i went to school. Then the sis picked me up and we went to Chapters to look for comic books [for some odd reason she it all hyped about x-men comics now]. She found what she was lookin for, and i was browsing about and saw a Hellsing Manga book. F-IN Sweet!! i loves me Hellsing.

After eating some of my Father's famous Meatballs, i went to Schanks for Claytons Bday. I was the first time i have been there and havn't gotten wasted. Yea, thats right... i DID NOT get drunk...After Playin a bunch of games, we were thinkin of what we should do next, so we got the idea to go to Wendy's for a frosty. But that sparked the heated debate of weather it was a frosty or a malt or what?... So we all settled on the name: "Frosty-Mc-Fuck-Malt". It was halarious. When we got to Wendy's, i yelled at the intercom thingie: "Gimmie a Fuckin Frosty-Mc-Fuck-Malt Please!!" The girl told us to calm down. haha. We drove around for a while and it was halarious, on more then one occasion i had tears running down my cheeks cuz i was laughing soo hard.

~Good Night

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Today's Song: Sliverchair - Abuse Me

"C'mon abuse me more I like it
C'mon keep talking 'cause it's true"

Woke up around 3:30, Did some yard work. Then got a call from Emo Mike to come down to COP and ride.

So, i went to COP and Mike had taken a nasty spill and was done for the day. So i kept at it by myself. I rode the Trials park for a while, but that got boring pretty fast. The Dirt Jumps have me pretty excited. They look awesome. but i just need to get used to the DJ3 [suspention fork] again.

I can really notice the diffrence because it's lighter and that affects how i shift my balance in the air, or how i balance for a stall. So to sum it up. I was shit today. I ate it hitting the Mediums today, i fell hit my head, scratched yo my left arm and knee, and took a chunk out of a knuckle on my right hand. Thats not so bad, dosn't really hurt. The thing that DID hurt... I RIPPED MY FUCKING PANTS... I mean FUCK, i liked these as riding pants. And when i say i ripped them... i mean from the bottem of my fly to my left knee. It was pretty lame, I mean i didn't let that stop me from riding, but i was constantly checking to make sure my "junk" wasn't hangin out or something.

I didn't buy a hill pass today, because i didn't plan on hitting any trails. Sean Tarnizzle is gonna be a Liftie this season, so because the chair wasn't running today, he got to shuttle bikes yup the hill. So i got a ride to the top with him, and took a run before i came home.

So what i am thinking about doing is. When riding the DJ3 at COP, i should throw on the front brake.... I mean my back brake [v-brake] wasn't giving me the stopping power that i needed... Yes i did doge some trees. GOOD NEWS. I had pretty much sworn off the rigid untill i had the bolt to get it working perfetly. BUT, i thought of a way to use the welded POS to my advantage. I took a big fat bolt, and put it up through the bottom, then i will tighten a nut on top... PERFECT.

Well, AFTER COP i came home, showered, then went to go soo Unleashed with Justing Sandra and Kevin. Awesome fight senes, i mean i litterally thought he was beating the crap out of those people. Very enjoyable.:
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After the movie we went to BP's for some foods, Eric joined. Then we went home. All n' All a very plesent day.

~Good Night

Monday, May 16, 2005


Today's Song: The Distillers - City Of Angels

"They say
this is the city
The city of angels
All i see is dead wings"

Last time i went to Milly i fell pretty hard and my knee is still hurting. Work is the same as always. I only work three days this week, so i am pretty stoked about that.

Tonight, Eric and i went to Nazi Wendy's [There are booths that are arranged so that they make a swastika] and ate some foods. It was funny because it was arounf 5 or so and Eric and i hadn't gotten dressed untill that point in the day. After that came back to my house and hung out, shot things with my BB gun and played on the comp. After phoning everyone we know and nothing get got Kev and we decided to go to Eric's and watch a Movie. Lock Stock and two smoking barrels. Bretty sweet movie, I enjoyed. EVENTUALLY, we got Mike Kevin and Justing to come out and go to Timmy's where we sat and hung out for like four hours.

We dropped Justing and Kevin off, then stopped at esso to fill up, I went in for a Slurpee [which i am slurpin on right now] and Eric took care of the gass. so as we ar leaving we see a Firetruck go by with it's lights on and stuff, and i suguest that we should follow it because we have nothing beytter to be doing at 4:30 in the am. So we are driving up behind it but we get stopped at a light. Eric drives on after it, then he notices something amiss.... It was.... IT WAS... It was the gass cap.... He forgot to put the darn thing back in after filling up. So he starts freaking out a little bit. Mike hops out and puts it back in and whatnot. The surprising thing was that the gass cap was on the trunk the whole time. Eric, your a good kid.

~Good Night

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Long Time No Post.

Today's Song: Linkin Park - Breaking the habit

"I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright...
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight"

Here is what Jeffrey is listening to. I just hit play on a song and then let it loop:
1. Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (3:13)
2. Silverchair - Petrol & Chlorine (4:00)
3. Papa Roach - She Loves Me Not (3:35)
4. Bush X - Glycerine (4:19)
5. Silverchair - Cemetery (4:04)
6. Eagles - Hotel California (6:31)
7. The Used - Short (4:01)
8. The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk (3:31)
9. Billy Talent - The Ex (2:40)
10. Billy Talent - Beach Balls (3:49)
11. The Hives - Diabolic Scheme (3:00)
12. The Hives - Two-Timing Touch And Broken Bones (2:00)
13. Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated (3:19)
14. Franz Ferdinand - this fire (4:14)
15. Jimmy Eat World - Pain (3:04)
16. Sliverchair - Ana's Song (3:42)
17. Three Days Grace - Home (4:21)
18. Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper (5:08)
19. Twisted Sister - Come On Feel The Noise (4:49)
20. Thrice - Deadbolt (3:00)
21. Darude - Sandstorm (7:28)
22. Soilwork - Rejection Role (3:34)
23. Good Charlotte - I Just Wanna Live (2:46)
24. Sum 41 - Still Waiting (2:37)
25. Sum 41 - We're All To Blame (3:45)
26. Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache (4:59)
27. Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (4:20)
28. My Chemical Romance - You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison (2:54)
29. My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (3:08)
30. Rock - My Chemical Romance - Hang 'Em High (2:47)
31. The Hives - Two-Timing Touch And Broken Bones (2:00)
32. David Bowie - Ground Control to Major Tom (5:08)
33. Linkin Park - Breaking The Habbit (3:16)
34. Linkin Park - Faint (2:42)
35. Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister (2:54)
36. The Mars Volta - Televators (6:18)
37. Likin Park - Numb (3:09)
38. Jay Z and Linkin Park - Numb & Encore Remix (3:23)
39. Jet - Look What Youve Done (3:50)
40. Jakalope - Feel It (3:53)
41. Jakalope - Pretty Life (3:37)
42. The Mars Volta - Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of) (7:30)
43. Hollies - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (4:19)
44. The Cranberries - Salvation (2:21)
45. Blink 182 - Easy Target (2:21)
46. Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose (3:43)
47. Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man (2:18)
48. The Vines - Ride (2:34)
49. K-OS - Man I Used to Be (5:04)
50. Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure (3:34)
51. Alanis Morissette - Uninvited (4:35)
52. Alexisonfire - Counter Parts And Number Them (2:18)
53. Alexisonfire - Get Fighted (3:06)
54. Alexisonfire - Happiness By The Kilowatt (5:12)
55. Alexis On Fire - Pulmonary Archery (3:22)
56. Alexisonfire - Accidents (4:09)
57. STORY OF THE YEAR - Until The Day I Die (3:55)
58. alexisonfire - 44. Caliber Love Letter (4:31)
59. The Distillers - Beat Your Heart Out (2:49)
60. The Distillers - City Of Angels (3:29)
61. The Distillers - Drain The Blood (3:09)
62. The Distillers - Gypsy Rose Lee (3:54)
63. The Distillers - The Hunger (5:27)
64. AFI - Girl's Not Grey (3:07)
65. Tiger Army - Rose of the Devil's Garden (3:55)
66. Blink 182 - Always (4:12)
67. Alexisonfire - Water Wings (2:41)
68. Burning Airlines) - Outside The Aviary ~ Burning Airlines (1:49)
69. Blink 182 - Easy Target (2:21)
70. Franz Ferdinand - Michael (2:58)
71. Weezer - Hash Pipe (3:05)
72. Tupac & Dr Dre - California love (4:01)
73. Rise Against - Dancing For Rain (4:01)
74. Rise Against - 1000 Good Intentions (3:07)
75. Rise Against - Give It All (2:49)
76. Alexisonfire - No Transitory (3:18)
77. audio adrenaline - The House Plant Song (4:04)
78. Chris Rice - The Cartoon Song (Live) (3:36)
79. Newsboys - The Breakfast Song (3:39)
80. Audio Adrenaline - Church Punks (1:45)
81. Audio Adrenaline - Underdog (3:30)
82. Newsboys - Drum Solo (1:44)
83. The Mars Volta - The Mars Volta - The Widow (3:20)
84. Killradio - 09 - Burning The Water Brown (2:37)
85. Killradio - 03 - Do you Know (Knife In Your Back) (3:30)
86. Killradio - 06 - Penis Envy (4:36)
87. Killradio - 08 - Where Go We (3:25)
88. Foreigner - Cold As Ice (3:20)
89. Slipknot - wait and bleed (2:27)
90. Fatboy Slim - Praise You (5:22)
91. Fat Boy Slim - Weapon of Choice (5:47)
92. Fatboy Slim - Magic Carpet Ride (remix) (3:24)
93. Jamiriqui - Just Dance (4:04)
94. Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (3:45)

How do i recap my Six days with out posting?

This may not be in order, but here are so hilights:

Went to Schanks, Had everyone tell me i either drank too much or that i was being too loud OR Both. So that turned a good time at Schanks into a bad night.

Worked with Justing. He's a koo kid. We have fun, because we were picking on chris. I decorated his bike with random stuff and put a sign on it that said: "Fryer Troll". That because Peetie and Justing gave him that name when he was being very annoying. We were throwing flour on him, and he wouldn't shut up so Justing threw flour on his face. I was talking seriously to C-Rad about how to cook oysters and Chris tapped him on the shoulder and i was thinking: "I wonder what annoying things he is gonna say" Then when C-rad and i look at him he points to his face and it's covered in flour. I have never laughed soo hard. Good Work Justing.

I was invited to Jamie's Cousin's house [Calder] and he is a chillin kid. We watched all three Back To The Future movies. Two of which i havn't seen. Pretty good. It was a really fun time. We ate some Chinise food. Good time. Thank you very much Calder.

Went biking at Milly tonight. NOT A GOOD TIME. Sean and i both ate it pretty hard. I sctatched up my AWESOME stem. So i'll have to repaint that. While Sean and i were leaving Milly, some drunk guy yelled at me. He said: "ajs;dkasjd YOUR FACE!!!.........WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR FACE?!?!?!!!" We ran away. He made me feel bacd about the way i look. Damn crack heads.

~Good Night

Friday, May 06, 2005


Today's Song: The Mars Volta - The widow

"Freeze without an answer
Free from all the shame
Must I hide
Cause I'll never never sleep alone"

So, the other night, We went to Notts for some beer, but i missed my buss. So i rode my bike to the pub. Best thing i have ever done. I didn't wan to leave it unlocked out ther, so i was searching all over the place for a damn lock... nothing. SO then i got the awesome idea to use an old MTB bike chain. All i did was i used a chain breaker to take the chain apart, loop it through the wheels the frame and the bikr rack and then i put it back together. Works like a dream.

Tonight, i deposited some much needed moola in the bank, ate some breakfast at A&W with my Dad, then went to the shooting range.

It was an awesome little trip, We got 1 box[50] .357, 2[50] 9mm, 2[50] .22 ammo for less then $80. All of that ammo was split up on, Hammerli[.22] CAR-15[9mm] Baretta Storm[9mm] Desert Eagle[.357] YES I SAID DESERT EAGLE!!

When i walked up to the case to see what i wanted to shoot, i saw her there in all her beauty. She looked like:
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After shooting i went to school, That was a blast. but i was in a hurry to come home and go see Kung-Fu Hustle:
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I really liked this movie, and i would definatly go see it again. I was worried about the "Crouching Tiger" like fight scenes, but they were well done and entertaining. There is some Dancing, which i LOVED... i wish there was MORe of it. Definatly go out and see this movie.

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I have been looking all over Calgary for this kid, i havn't seen or herd from him for too long. I know he is no longer in Waterloo. If you have seen him, or have any tips about his whereabouts please post a comment below. I miss him

~Good Night

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Today's Song: Newsboys - The Breakfast Song

"When the toast is burned,
And all the milk has turned
And cap'n crunch is wavin' farewell.
When the big one finds you
May this song remind you
That they don't serve breakfast, in hell"

Today WAS sopost to be an awesome day hangin out with some good friends shooting away alot a money. I'm not gonna lie to you. I was more then excited about this day. I think it was around a week in the making. I remember asking if everyone was ok with Monday May 2. NO ONE said anything. But no. It didn't happen.

I guess half the reason i am pissed is because i had to bendover backwards to get today off so we could all go and spend the whole day hangin out. I have to close an extra two days for this monday. But instead of spending upwards of $150, i got to spend the whole day being pissed off.

The only good part of my day was goin bikin with Sean Peetie and Brian. Rode the normal stuff. but there was this fucking annoying kid there. he wasn't riding or skating he was just runing on stuff and talking to us. He was really really odd, and creepy so we left to get pizza.

BTW> that cordless phone that i THOUGHT i threw out by accident... I found it a few days ago. It was in my laundry hamper... So i'm happy about that

~Good Night

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Gumbi Stats

Today's Song: Audio Adrenaline - Underdog

"Been beat up
Been broken down
Nowhere but up
When you're facedown
On the ground
I'm in last place
If I place at all
But there's hope for this underdog"

Didn't do anything koo today.

I went to work, Closed with Vlad.

Came home and Played DOD. Finally got some decent scores:
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Yea, i'm gettin better. Here is my stats

I'm soo excited for Monday[shooting range] it's not even funny. I don't know how much i am planning to spend. But all i know is that it will be more then i should be spending. i am reall REALLY hoping that they gace the Taurus Raging Bull [.454 Casull] I also wanna see Eric shoot this, Because i think it'd be funny. Mind you when he shot the Shotgun he felt it.

Tomorrow i am going to the Museum Of The Regiments with my dad to do look at some of the Canadian Armys WW II equimpment, I now i will drool over all the Lee Enfields.

~ Good Night