Today's Song: Protest The Hero - Blindfolds Aside
"We woke up as men but tonight we'll sleep as killers
As we break the cryptic morning with a bullet and a prayer
The steel never seemed more cold and agile"So this is the second fucking time i am writing this post. Why? Because this comp [old one we call Hellsing] is a POS. It crashed my browser when trying to access the network to show you pics of the Xmas tree. I MEAN FUCKING COME ON... The first post was gonna be great but now i'm sure i will para-phrase what i was origionaly going to post. FUCK.
So i was watching Much the other day and i noticed something about this music Video. I caught a glimpse of a WWI rifle. It was a Lee Enfield No. 1 SMLE. Not the same as my No. 4 Mk. 1* but it's grandfather. While seeing this i thought: "OMG thats a Lee Enfield. And the music is koo aswell!" Thus it is today's SOTD for you kids.
Today i was talking to a classmate about stuff. Then he asked about my marks. When i had looked before it had only three classes posted. and among them were the hardest two. So that stopped some of my stressing.
So when i checked today i have a GPA of 3.30. WOOT. I'm more then pleased with this mark and i'm pretty stoked that i'm doin well.
Here is the break down of what i got in each class:
Intro to NM Program Concepts: A
Interpersonal Communication: A
Multimedia Communication Thry: C
Introduction to Multimedia: A
Intro to Multimedia Prod/Dsgn: B+
New Media Research: C+
Multimedia Scriptwriting: A+
As you can see i have two "C"s, this is because in those two classes i had to write Essays and Papers. i r not so good at writing. So when i get like a 60% on a Essay worth 20% of my mark... it's gonna hurt.
But Mr. and Mrs. Macarone were very pleased with their son's grades [Me not Eric or Dickie] To put the icing on the cake this semister i have a higher GPA then my sis. She has always done better in school then i have and i get compaired to her like that. I'm not gonna lie you you, i havn't let her forget it. plus i take every opertunity to bring it up.
So eWoo is comin home tomorrow [today in a few hours]. i'm excited beause he's a pretty neat kid and that we are gonna have a LAN. Normally you wouldn't get too excited about something like this but it will be the first time i will not fall asleep while my computer takes 30min to load a effin map. The first time that i won't have the worest computer!.
I was wraping some gifts for my sis and when i finished i put them under the tree, and i noticed that there were alot under there. I mean more then other years and i notice these things. So i decided to take a pic.
The Macarone Christmas Tree:
Those pics were harder to post then normal. Usually it's just take pic. host on Image Shack. Copy code. Done. BUT NO. now i had to take the pics off the New come [We call Bleach] and put on to Hellsing insert slow network and then post. put the pic files are too big. So i go on Bleach and crop because it had all the programs on it. then back over to Hellsing with slow network. Still too big. So then back to Bleach and i remember in class we talked about optimizing our work for shitty computer with slow interweb. So i optimized for the web and that cut them down to size. so back over to Hellsing and posted. Copy/Paste code and i'm good to go.
Frick this post is taking like 3 times as long to write...
Hope you readers are happy.