Friday, December 30, 2005


Today's Song: Alexisonfire - No Transitory

"If everything goes wrong
If it's one more endless night
You know there always tomorrow
And tomorrow"

Christmas was awesome. I'm not gonna try and sum up everything i got because i know i'd miss stuff. but here are some pics:
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So there you see a bunch of my stuff layed out on my bed. My new computer next to my old one. And my King Kong slippers as modled by me.

After xmas we [Justing, Eric, Mike and myself] were LANing at Mikes for a few days. We played America's Army. and i had to take some breaks and play other games like Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood [another xmas gift i forgot to mention]. After playing for two days we called it quits.

Went home showered and then went to Jen's party. She had just gotten back from Europe and it was good to see her. I went to the party not planning to drink. but that changed fast. Kev gave me some shots of whiskey, Tyler gave me a beer. And then there were some booze on a table so some people made me some drinks and i just got Drunk. It was a lengthy walk home. but i put on the eyePawd and it was all good. I dunno what time i left her house. but i was home at like 330am.

My mom is comming home tomorrow. I'm glad because i had really missed her. She's gonna make some turkey so i'm all sorts of happy about that.

Dickie also gets back tomorrow That'll be good, because then i can go shjooting with someone.


Saturday, December 24, 2005


Today's Song: Bjork - Army Of Me

"And if you complain once more
You'll meet an army of me"

yesterday Dad and i went shooting. We tried our first reloaded shots. Holy frick were they accurate. I mean the best shooting i have done with my Lee Enfield easily.

Here are the my targets:
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There are 5 shots here. The first is circled in red. It's way off because i wasn't aiming when i shot it. My dad and i were scared that our bullets would blow up. So he made me shoot first. So i shot it while i was hiding. The four others are just beautiful. I was loading one at a time. My dad was looking theough a spotting scope and calling them out to me. I thought the second shot when i got a bullseye was a fluke. So i loaded another and boom it was right on top of the other. And so was the next. I was floored by how accurate these were. I mean i can cover those four shots with a quarter. I was drooling over these loads.

So next went to Eric's and hung out there with justing for a while untill we decided to pla some DoD. I swear we played that game for like 5 hours. Then we played some iSketch for another 3 or 4 hours. Again Everything was Nazi/Hitler related. And thats half the fun. Some random said: "Can you stop with all the Nazi stuff it's discusting" My reply: "Your discusting" We finished playing that around like 430 or 5.

Today i didn't do anything. I organized a bunch my music on my eyePawd. That took maybe an hour or two. Then i watched like 20 min of Forest Gump, i wanted to see the whole thing but NO WORRIES it was on TBS and they will spam that movie all weekend so i'll catch it later.

So i'm sitting her watching Jimmy Walker host an elimidate Christmas Special... and it shows a bunch of clips of all these people making out. Then a clip of some girl asling a little puppy fo a kis and the effin lady let the dog lick her mouth... i don't mean just her lips i mean her teeth and like the inside of her mouth. I'm not gonna lie to you i'm having a hard time not vomiting on the keyboard. I love my dog and everything but shit i draw the line at making out with a pet....

thats about all.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

3.30 [V.2.0]

Today's Song: Protest The Hero - Blindfolds Aside

"We woke up as men but tonight we'll sleep as killers
As we break the cryptic morning with a bullet and a prayer
The steel never seemed more cold and agile"

So this is the second fucking time i am writing this post. Why? Because this comp [old one we call Hellsing] is a POS. It crashed my browser when trying to access the network to show you pics of the Xmas tree. I MEAN FUCKING COME ON... The first post was gonna be great but now i'm sure i will para-phrase what i was origionaly going to post. FUCK.

So i was watching Much the other day and i noticed something about this music Video. I caught a glimpse of a WWI rifle. It was a Lee Enfield No. 1 SMLE. Not the same as my No. 4 Mk. 1* but it's grandfather. While seeing this i thought: "OMG thats a Lee Enfield. And the music is koo aswell!" Thus it is today's SOTD for you kids.

Today i was talking to a classmate about stuff. Then he asked about my marks. When i had looked before it had only three classes posted. and among them were the hardest two. So that stopped some of my stressing.

So when i checked today i have a GPA of 3.30. WOOT. I'm more then pleased with this mark and i'm pretty stoked that i'm doin well.

Here is the break down of what i got in each class:

Intro to NM Program Concepts: A
Interpersonal Communication: A
Multimedia Communication Thry: C
Introduction to Multimedia: A
Intro to Multimedia Prod/Dsgn: B+
New Media Research: C+
Multimedia Scriptwriting: A+

As you can see i have two "C"s, this is because in those two classes i had to write Essays and Papers. i r not so good at writing. So when i get like a 60% on a Essay worth 20% of my mark... it's gonna hurt.

But Mr. and Mrs. Macarone were very pleased with their son's grades [Me not Eric or Dickie] To put the icing on the cake this semister i have a higher GPA then my sis. She has always done better in school then i have and i get compaired to her like that. I'm not gonna lie you you, i havn't let her forget it. plus i take every opertunity to bring it up.

So eWoo is comin home tomorrow [today in a few hours]. i'm excited beause he's a pretty neat kid and that we are gonna have a LAN. Normally you wouldn't get too excited about something like this but it will be the first time i will not fall asleep while my computer takes 30min to load a effin map. The first time that i won't have the worest computer!.

I was wraping some gifts for my sis and when i finished i put them under the tree, and i noticed that there were alot under there. I mean more then other years and i notice these things. So i decided to take a pic.
The Macarone Christmas Tree:
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Those pics were harder to post then normal. Usually it's just take pic. host on Image Shack. Copy code. Done. BUT NO. now i had to take the pics off the New come [We call Bleach] and put on to Hellsing insert slow network and then post. put the pic files are too big. So i go on Bleach and crop because it had all the programs on it. then back over to Hellsing with slow network. Still too big. So then back to Bleach and i remember in class we talked about optimizing our work for shitty computer with slow interweb. So i optimized for the web and that cut them down to size. so back over to Hellsing and posted. Copy/Paste code and i'm good to go.

Frick this post is taking like 3 times as long to write...

Hope you readers are happy.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bailey Macarone

Today's Song: Mark Mothersbaugh - Ping Island-Lightning Strike Rescue Op

[No's Techno]

Friggen Dog.

So i am sitting here in my underwear relaxing watching some Band Of Brothers, when my sister asks: "Do you know where Bailey [the dog] is?" i reply: "no". So we procede to search the house for this dog. No luck. So i go to look in the backyard, call his name... nothing. So i walk to the corner of the house still in my skippies... and the fuckin gate is open. So i run up the side of the house to the driveway yelling: "Bailey". Nothing

I considder going back inside to put pants on. and continuing the search but i thougth i herd a jingle of his tags. I turn around and see something move in the neighbours bushes. I call again. And i see this long curly haired dog trot around to me with a smug look opn his face.

What a dick.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Alene Woolbert

Today's Song: Tattooed Moon - Alumno

[dunno the words]

So the last few days i have been doin alot of nothing, And i kinda like it. Kinda staying away from the whole holiday stress deal.

My Mom has been in Cali with my Nana. My Nana had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and has gotten on operation scince my mom has been out there. It's been hard because Nana has been confused and trying to leave the hospital. So my Mom will need to stay out there longer missing Christmas with us.

It'll be weird not having the normal tradition of Mom's delicious xmas turkey. But we are goin in a diffrent direction. For xmas dinner we are having my Dads Spaghetti and Meatballs, Definatly a great substitution.

For an xmas gift for our selves Dad and i have gotten a reloading kit so we can start reloading some of the ammo we shoot. We plan on reloading .303 and .45 so in the long run it'll end up saving us money.

I'm excited for when everyone gets back in town because i know we'll go shooting and oh how i love the shooting.

Check out some Tattooed Moon Here


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Tattoed Moon/Sociables

Today's Song: Fall Out Boy - Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

"Keep quiet,
Nothing comes as easy as you.
Can I lay in your bed all day?
I'll be your best kept secret
And your biggest mistake.
The hand behind this pen relives a failure every day."

Where to start. I guess i should start out by saying sorry to you kids for not updating enough. It's not that i'm all busy and stuff, i just forget sometimes.

So. Tattoed Moon is my friends band and i wanted to go hear them play. but for the life of me i couldn't find anyone to come with me, so i dragged Emo Mike with me. The music was good. and my buddy who played Guitar was playing that thing like there was no tomorrow. It's funny because this kid is pretty mono toned and mello, but his playing was not.

After they played like three or four songs they called it quits because they couldn't get their mic workin and Chris broke a string. So it was short but sweet. What i did hear i liked.

Anywho, Lastnight went to Vanessa's to have a drink or two and have a little partay. we played some drinking game, i think called "Fuck The Dealer" It was pretty random. Then we played Sociables. We were havin a blast. Then we got pretty hungry so we went some people to go get some Wendy's. When they return Sarah had puked in the car and on the food. I mean shit i wanted my fries...

I went outside and helped clean the car and whatnot. Then went back inside helped clean a little in there. Checked on Sarah. Then headed home. Hell if i know what time i got home.


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Today's Song: Rise Against - Swing Life Away

"We live on front porches and swing life away
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave 'til the end
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand"

Sorry i havn't posted in a few days. I've been burnin the midnight oil this week. As you may have guessed by the title. I R DONE TEH SCHOOL My first semister is over.

Last night i finished two projects so i'd have the back end of this week off. So tomorrow i'm not goin in because i had handed my stuff in today.

Um... Dickie left this mornin. I told him to bring me back something.... I'll beat him with a sock full of oranges if he dosn't get me something. Sarah and Vanessa are backl home. They came over tonight and i was all happy to see them. We watched some TV and [talked about all the things that really matter most like life and love and then the holy ghost (Audio Adrenaline - House Plant Song)]

Sarah and Vanessa were all tired so after they left i installed Call Of Duty 2 on my new comp. The only thing is that Justing and i have spotted some mistakes like British troops using Thompsons instead of Stens. Aw well... You gotta use what you given to blast the Nazis.

Um. So i'm gonna sleep in tomorrow and that'll be awesome. Then i think i'm goin shoppin with Sara A and then hopefully i can hang out withn Sarah and Vanessa again.... They kinda grow on ya you know?

Any who. Sarah is all hypes about the FaceBook thing... I dunno. Sounds like a ghey spin off of a Blog... Kinda like the Friends Spin off Joey.

And to all a good night.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Today's Song: Kanye West - Jesus Walks

"God show me the way because the Devil try to break me down"

I like this song.

ANYWAYS, it is currently 631 in the am.... FACK i have school tomorrow. You might be asking: WTF Jeff? Well i have to finish a porject that is due tomorrow.

Here that project is

I dunno, I like it alot. But this isn't what i had inmind when i first started this project, i changed my mind a few times because i had high ambition... but it was too much fuckin work. But i love this one.

Um... DW's Par-tay was effin fun. Bunch of us from school and some i met for the first time. We were doin keg-stands[pic] while we were outside some little jr.High chotchy kids come by. I told one kid to take his hair and leave haha.

Free Image Hosting at

Man, I just plain and simple had a blast. Today Dad and i went to the shooting range. It was pretty sweet, i was getting some good groups with the Lee Enfield.

After that about 530 in the pm, Dickie was home so he came over for dinner. Dad made pizzas with his sauce and meatballs on it then covered in mozzeralla. Yum.

Then Dickie and i came downstairs played on the computers. Watched some TV. Then after Dickie left i started my HW [the Flash previously mentioned].

Now at 642 in the am, I'm headin to bed


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy B-Day DW!

Great party... Too tired to post, i sleep now

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Today's Song: Gorillaz - Fire Coming Out Of A Monkey's Head

"Meanwhile, down in the town, the Happyfolk slept restlessly, their dreams invaded by shadowy figures digging away at their souls.
Every day, people would wake and stare at the mountain.
Why was it bringing darkness into their lives?"

So today in class was the secret santa gift excange. I was pretty excited, i'm not gonna lie to you, i like getting stuff. I got this pretty sweet comic book called: Wanted.

After four short housrs of class some kids from my class and i went tobogganing. Funny thing is that it has been pretty warm the last couple of days do there wasn't much snow. And what ever snow there was it was kinda slushy. So as i am sitting on the train and realizing what a bad chice it was to get so wet on a long ride home.

Once i got hiome, i played some video games and installed some of the programs i use i school... OH WAIT, all the files are at school... guess i get to go in on a weekend AGAIN and get them.

Then off to a kegger for a buddy's 21st bday. Thats gonna be an awesome time because of all the kids from class are comin. Then on sunday i'm gonna hit COP for some good old Snowboarding.


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Welcome Back

Today's Song: Fall Out Boy - Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

"So wear me like a locket around your throat
I'll weigh you down
I'll watch you sulk
You look so good in blue
You look so good in blue"

So i have had more then a few people come to me and say something like: "WTF Jeffrey, why arn't there any fuckin updates you whore?". WILL the fact was that i had one completely fucked computer which was practly in a coma...

But alas, Justing has once again come to my rescue to save me from a dark place... He has kindly build me a beautiful new computer which is rather shiney and sweet. It's kitted out with some sweet shit [once i know what the hell is in it i'll let you know) And it's ready for me to play a bunch of games on. I have a nice stack of games that i havn't played in forever because the other comp was dead. SO... Have i been playing games like a mad man? Nope. I have been staying up till 6 in the am some nights to work on school shit.

Now that the end of the semister is upon us i have been loaded out will all the final projects. And you might be asking your self: Why is jeffrey up so early? well it's because i got up and ready for school but it turns out that i don't need to go in till 3... So here i am installing America's Army [a game] and getting ready to blast some bad guys.

As for the lengthy gaps inbetween posts... hell if i can remember what happened... SO just ask me and i'll tell you. And i'll also try and catch up on all of your blogs as well, sorry to have missed it.

AND i'd just like to take this time to tell you kids who are comin home for the holidays that i'm excited that your comin back and i can't wait to see what you got me.. jk.

It's good to be back bloggin
Thank you.