Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Lazy Day

Today's Song: The Rasmus - In The Shadows

"I´ve been wathching, I´ve been waiting
In the shadows for my time
I´ve been searching, I´ve been living
For tomorrow all my life"

Today, Dickie came over and woke me up. We hung out and then my dad offered to buy us lunch... so we went to Montanna's... I like drawing on the table cloths.

After that went and picked up Sarah. She was hungrey, so went to DQ's I enjoyed a Silky Chocolate French Blizzard thingie.

Went and got Kev. We decided to go check out bowness park. It was amazing to see how high the river was. Then we swung by Bowcycle so i could grab a starnut.

Then to my house where we sat around doing nothing... Dickie... that trickster... Before going to lunch he set my homepage to Tubgirl, so when Sarah went to go check her Email she got an unplesent surprise.

Went to rogers to rent a movie [Team America] and ran into Jocelyn, she's a good kid. I fell asleep during the movie so i'll have to see it again. Then Sarah was hungry AGAIN, so we ran to Timmy's.

~Good Night

Monday, June 27, 2005

AWESOME Bday Justing!!!1

Today's Song: Beastie Boys - Thee MC's And One DJ

"3 MC's and one DJ
We be getting down with no delay
Mix Master Mike what cha got to say"

I get a phone call to wake me up and tell me to get my ass out the door because Justing Sandra Kevin and Eric are there to pick me up. Four min later i get another call telling me that i should hurry even faster...

So we get to the range and shoot: HK usp[9mm] Baby Eagle[.40] Kimber[.40] Sig p229[.40] Sterling[9mm AND it was shooting in three round brusts which was AWESOME] Car-15[9mm] and another 9mm SMG

After blasting away all of that we pulled out the shotty... the 12GA Shotgun. AWESOME. We got like 9 boxes of 5 buckshot.... we could have started a small war with all the ammo.

Here is the shotty target:
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Justing and Kev took out the middle of the body. So Eric and i took out the head and the rest of the body. SOO MUCH FUN.

After shooting, we went to BPs for food, then to Schanks to play pool and wait for Land of the Dead:
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It was definatly Entertaining, But i was expecting above and beyond Dawn of the dead... But still two undead thumbs up. Must take Sarah to see this.

After Movie, went to Notts, and played pools for many hours.

Now home.

~Good Night

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Today's Song: Daft Punk - Around the world

"Around The World" is the only Lyric... But check out the Vid it's pretty sweet.

I work up around 11 with a phone call from my family [in vancouver] and they are doing well. I was still super tired so i tried to go back to sleep, but i slept past my first buss to work. I woke up ten min till the next one. So i got dressed uber quick and ran out the door. As i am about to cross the street [too many cars coming] i see the buss come, i run and jump and wave my arms about... not luck... the asshole drove right on by... So i walked to work.

I ran into Amy while she was working. She's a koo kid.

Work was fine, stedy orders. i was surprised we were done RIGHT at ten, first time in a while. and as i come out of the kitchen from getting changed, Dickie and kev are there to pick me up. Dickie had his new car. We went back to my house, so i could eat dinner, and shower. Then we went and grabbed Eric when he got off work.

Went to Pee cup wendy's and ate. Then [1am] we went to the liquer store and got some booze and went back to my house to play quarters. Halarity insued.

Here are the rules we came up with. The letter before the name is the person who came up with the rule [d=Dickie, e=Eric, k=Kevin, j=Jeff]

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As you can see, Eric's writing ability worsened as he drank more. And ERIC FINALLY finished a whole Cooler [Bacardi Breezer] After he wrote this:

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Super fun. Hope to do it again soon.

~Good Night

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Today's Song: Daft Punk - Aerodynamic

It's instrumental, but there is an AWESOME Guitar solo [It's one of the songs that is AWLAYS played at Notts]

Today i had the day off. It was wicked. I slept in till.... Late.

After hangin around for a little while, Dickie came over. We hung out, got bored. Went and got Eric. We drove around. Got bored, grabbed Sarah and went and saw Bat Man Begins:

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Great movie, well done, and entertaining. I really liked it. It's got some of those "Jumppy" scenes... You know... all quitet then somthing pops out and startles you. Sarah enjoyed those.

After the movie, came back here and watched some Dawn of the Dead. Sarah got "tired" and left.

Hopefully Dickie will get his car tomorrow so we can hit the shooting range on thurs

~Good Night

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Cpt. Uber Man

Today's Song:Rammstein - Feuer Frei

It's in German

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Now Imagine He's like Bookdock saints, Marv from sin city, Lobby scene from Martix, kung-fu from Unleashed, And a lot of Gramaton Claric!!! With this song BLASTING in the background as he shoots people.

~Good Night

Friday, June 17, 2005

Milly, Some Millennium... and a tad of Milly

Today's Song: The Hives - Dead Quote Olympics

"Can't make an omelette without breaking an egg
And I can't make a headache if I don't aim at the head"

Well, the day after riding at Milly with Sean and Eric i stayed up all night to go with Emo mike early the next morn, But he couldn't. I Good Old Steve and i went. His bike is not doin to well right now so he was skating while i was riding, it was super fun.

He was pretty stoked on seeing me grind. And he ended up making me Grind the down ledge again.

After that hung out at his house for a while, played some Halo 2. Then i went to Milly with Emo mike. We rode the clover bowl for a while before we got bored and went DT to session up some wallrides.

But before we left he got this vid for me:
Down Ledge Grind
[Right Click, Save as... If it dosn't work it's because i have limited bandwidth... wait and then try again]

Pic of me landing a grind... Notice the tire.
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This is a still from a clip, where i am doing a wallride and Emo Mike is filming the reflection on the building.
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In total that day i was at Millennium three times. After riding home from Dalhousie i took a shower and went to Dinner at Sarah's.

RIBS!!... SOO GOOD, we watched The Aviator after. Pretty good. Thank you to the Caines for your hospitality.

Today. The day before my Math exams... Vanessa's B-day... So everyone is out tonight Vanessabating.... and i am/was studying. So i dropped by her house to give her a gift. It was a $20 bill that i wrote a poem on and then put in an empty bot of .22 ammo [she loved that] then i wrapped it and it was beautiful.

I rode down to Vanessa's... The ride home was less then fun... ALL UP HILL... i ran into Amy and we chatted... She said: "Jeff i want you to have a GF" And i replyed: "You think i don't". I found it kinda funny.

I doubt i'm gonna sleep well tonight...
Wish me luck.

~Good Night

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Milly Session

Today's Song: The Bravery - Honest Mistake

I forget I'm still awake
I fuck up and say these things out loud"

So, i didn't see much daylight today...

Went down to Milly with Sean Feat. Eirc Woo. It was pretty koo, those to skated a bit while i was riding. All together a fun night.

We saw some roller blader do a crazy rodeo. And then he gave me props for grinding. That was an ego boost.

After Milly we went to crack mac's to get the shit we won with our sluprees. And when we got there a very polite bum opened the door for me. Now off to the Pizza place where we met some DRUNK uggos...


Then they came and sat with us and it was ghey, and the fat one took Eric's water and drank some. So later Eric threw the tainted water away.

The fat one said that her friend wanted to "shag" Sean. Lucky kid...

Then we went home.

Sorry for the short post but i have only been up for 6 hours.

~Good Night

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm Sorry

Today's Song: Black Eyed Peas - Pump It

"And pump it (louder)
Turn up the radio, blast your stereo, right"

I never thought i would have a BEP song as the song of the day... BUT... This has some parts from Pulp Fiction in it. Give it a listen

Same Old Shit.

In the lasty few days, i have hung out with Sarah and Eric a bunch. Last night, I had Eric, Kevin, Mike, and Sarah over and we were playing Eric's Nintento [Duck Hunt] it was f-in sweet.

After that went to Notts met up with Justing, had a great time, got drunk.

Today, Went shooting with a dad.

Here is a pic of MY gun, with both Mags and a box of chep Ammo:
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Today we zeroed the scope at 25 yards. Man, what a difference. All except the circle are at 25 yards. In the Circle, 10 shots at 50 yards
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Well, it seems like it's been forever since i have posted, I am Sorry.

I'm sorry, I said one thing and did another. I have had posts complainting/bitching about people who SAY they are friends and are not. And i have done just that. I am sorry. If i could go back i would have done it difftrently. I guess i wasn't thinking, I was being selfish. I Promise to make it up to you.

I hope you'll understand, And i am Sorry

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I like to move it, move it

Today's Song: Rise Against - Blood to Bleed

"Within my bones this resonates
Boiling blood will circulate
Could you tell me again what you did this for?"

I went to the Sheesh cafe the other day with Sean and Peetie. It was pretty sweet. Sheesh is fruit flavored tabacco. It's kinda like smoking a fruit-to-go. Nice relaxin atmosphere, Definatly sweet after ghey work. And to make it all sweeter... We saw C-rad. and some of his gay friends. But he didn't introduce us because he is ashmed of us straight kids.

Last night i saw Madagascar with Sarah and Eric:

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It was pretty funny and i enjoyed the Lemurs the most. Thus the title of today's Blog. In the end credits they have the animals dancing and what not, and i think i am a some-what of an athourity on the subject on Naploean Dynamite... WELL... I swear the Geraffe was doing the Napolean dance... i laughed soo hard.

Tonight, i worked with Peetie and Chris. Peetie was an awesome kid and stayed a bit after his shift so as to help me out, because management thinks it's ok to make me close by myself. FUCK THAT.

Oh, We had a drunk guy come in and pass out at a table tonight. that must have been the highlight.

~Good Night.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Highlight

Today's Song: Rise Against - Swing Life Away

"We live on front porches and swing life away
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
If love is a labor I'll slave 'til the end
I wont cross these streets until you hold my hand "

Well, i am offically a proud owner of a Ruger 10/22. Mine looks like this:
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I really like the stainless steel look, My scope is stainless aswell, but my Rifle has a diffrent model of scope and mounts.

My Dad and i put shot 200 rounds today. It was soo much fun. We still need to "Zero In" the scope, but even as is, it was shooting nice groups at 25yrds.

This is 10 shots at 25yrds.
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SOO much fun, I can't wait to shoot it again.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

It's Done.

Today's Song: Audio Adrenaline - Underdog

"I am so weak and I'm so tired
It's hard for me to
Find enough strength to feed the fires
That fuel my ego

It's Done, Finished, Useless.

It's my fault really, False hope. Hoping for the best.

"Operation WMB" fizzled... Never even got off the ground. I herd rumors, But thats what i hoped they were JUST rumors. But i mean, When i think about it, What do i have to offer? I don't know where i am going in life, i don't make alot of money, i don't drive, I can't fucking get into a post-secondary school. Nothing to offer. HE does. He is going somewhere, I knew him in Elementary, and even then he knew what he wanted to do with his life and has been going full force at it, and is Achieving his goals. I know he is a good person, which is more then i can say for myself.

I go to the bar, i get drunk, i annoy people. What do i have to offer? Fuck, he is going places. I'd choose him over me anyday.

Then i think: "Well maybe just tell her how you feel... Yea, that might be worth something." No, Probably not. He would feel the same way for her...

I cannot even be mad at him. I mean he is a good guy, He has always been nice, polite respectful. I don't stand a chance...

I remember doing some "Angst Analysis" Thing: My Angst Is...

The part that really comes to mind is: "You probably spend a good portion of your time daydreaming about that one person you want, how your first date would be, how you'd love to do certain things, and above all how everlastingly happy you would be together. While there's nothing wrong with this, you know that it's unhealthy to spend too much time dreaming and not enough time in reality."

Well in my mind everything works out, everything is "Best Case Scenario". That is so true though. FUCK.

"The odds against me
The world has plans for my demise"


To what? My sweet Cooking job? Or maybe my education?

I'm going nowhere fast...

I was talking to her the other day, And i said: "I hope Sarah Isn't a diffrent kid when she comes back" She told me: "i think we're all a little bit different anyway, right?"

No, I'm the same kid that i was when i came out of highschool. In School it was different, Everyone was living at home, plugging away at the same shit. But in the real world, No one wants a 19 year old fish cook with nothing planned for the future.

Fuck i don't even want to think about it right now. I just want something to make me forget it.