Friday, April 29, 2005

BB Installed!

Today's Song: Chris Rice - Cartoon Song

" I was thinkin' the other day,
"What if cartoons got saved?
They'd start singing praise
In a whole new way..."
Well, I was thinkin' the other day,
"What if cartoons got saved?
They'd start singing praise
In a whole new way..."

Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles:
"Cowabunga-loo-yah, Dude!"
Then there's, "Kermit the Frog here, singing,
And that little bald guy, Elmer Fudd:

It's a funny song.

Went to school. Some annoying kid infront of me was showing off his PSP... He's ghey and annoying.

Came home ate and watched TV [missed The OC] Played some DOD. Then i got uber bored so i went and put in the BB that Sean gave me. I was surprised at how easy it was, so now if the dang snow would go away i could go riding.

Played some DOD with Justing.

I'm fucking bored.

~Good Night

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Today's Song: Audio Adrenaline - The House Plant Song

"Once I read a book
And this is what it said
If your music has a beat
Then you're gonna wind up dead

It doesn't really matter if
It's Christian or not
If it's syncopated rhythm
Then your soul is gonna rot"

I highly recomend this song. It's from a Christian band, but in this song there isn't really any type of preaching or praising. It's just plain sweet.

The other night we [Justing Kev Eric Mike and myself] hung out at Kev's. We started out by goin out to eat at McDonnald's then stoped by Joey's so i could book of some days for my exams and when we go shooting. We grabed Kev cuz his shift was over, took him home to shower. Then we ended up just staying there.

Today, went to the Doctor's, Thats always fun. Then came home and played DOD for a good couple hours. My Dad and i went to Pizza hut for Dinner. Then came back for some more DOD.

DOD [Day Of Defeat] is a Half Life mod that you can play with people over the interweb. It's a WW II style First person shooter. VERY fun

Went and watched some koo bikin movies with Peetie and Sean Tarnizzle. We also went through some old yearbooks and laughed at people. My Beautiful Sean hooked me up with the BB tonight, so i'm gonna have to pay that kid back soon. I'm gonna go tomorrow to get it put in.

So when i got home from Peeties, Justing and i played a round of DOD, then he got all sleepy. So i decided to fend for myself and shoot some Allies by myself. I was surprised at my scores because they are usually something like 10 kills to 49 deaths.... But tonight was my night to shine!
Here are the scores:
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at

These are both from the same game. I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm pretty proud. I know Mike Eric and ESPECIALLY Justing will laugh at my scores because they are 1337. By the time i was done playing i was even at 33 kills and 33 deaths...

~ Good Night

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Classroom Blues

Today's Song: Killradio - Classroom Blues

"Teacher, Teacher, teach the truth.
Got your story , Don't got your proof.
Teacher, Teacher, what do you say? Wasn't listening anyway"

I just got back from Timmy's with Justing and Kevin. Kev and i saw Sahara:

Image Hosted by

It was enjoyable. Nothing amazing, but it was worth my money.

After the movie Kev and i went to Timmy's and called Justing.

Eariler today, when i got off work [around 830] Sarah called [drunk] and talked my ear off. She's a good kid, i can't wait till she gets back.

Tomorrow is:
Hang out with Eric
Hopefully hang out with more peeps

~Good Night

Monday, April 25, 2005

Velcro Wings

Today's Song: Story Of The Year - Anthem Of Our Dying Day

" From up here the city lights burn
Like a thousand miles of fire
And I'm here to sing this anthem
Of our dying day"

So, last night. i was working 5 - 9, and a bunch of people were SOPOST to got to Reb Lobster for Eric's Return.... BUT NO. They came to Joey's... YAY...

So, after making their food, and getting off work and eating my dinner. We went to my house so i could shower. Then went to Mikes where Kev and i beat Mike and Eric at Pool. Random shootings with BB guns... So i accidently let the cat out and we were looking for it. Then Kevin says: "Hey guys there it is... No wait, thats a Porcupine." so we poked it with sticks and whatnot. Then we ate some pizza. Then went home.

Today i didn't even leave the house. I gotta say that it sucks being stuck indoors all day.

~Good Night

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Woocome Back.

Today's Song: Rise Against - Swing Life Away

"If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,
I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand"

I got up at the crack of noon to go to lunch with Vanessa. I really glad i got to spend some one on one time with her.

We went to lunch at Denny's and as we were seated at our table, the server asks: "What would you like to drink? BEER?" I looked at Vanessa and she returned the same look. I mean i'm all for a good brew... But it was noon... Who starts drinking that early

After lunch, it was back home for a power nap, then went to Eric's with Sandra, Justing, Mike, And Vanessa. But fucking Eric didn't show up. Then we went to Huskey for some Sluprees. Then back to Eric's.... Still no Eric. So as the time flys by, I had to go to work.... I ask Justing for a ride. He said no.... Then 5 min later i ask again... No... Then finally at 450 he drives me. Ah well, no one gave me any shit. Today wasn't soo bad, i had to close... but at least we got done right at ten.

Then off to eric's once again. This time he was there and we hung out. He's a spiffy kid.

So i wanted to make a phone call today, but i seem to have lost my cordless phone. There is this "Page" button you hit it and the handset will beep so you can find it. Well i hit this thing a million times and i went all over my house looking for it. Well, after thinging about it, i think i might have unintentionally thrown it out. You see my trash is right by where my phone it. I'm not gonna lie to you that i am MORE then a little pissed about this.

~Good Night

Friday, April 22, 2005

Crunch. Munch, Brunch

Today's song: Modest Mouse - Float On

"Well we'll float on good news is on the way"

Nothing exciting. Thats how my month has been going. I've been watching alot of the TV show "Scrubs" lately, and i think it have found a special place in my heart right up there with Conan, Clone high, and the A-Team.

My life has been boring but it's starting to look alot better.

Brunch with Vanessa
Go meet up with Justing and Mike to ambush... i mean surprise eric at his house.

I'm eager for these summer day to once again come home. The days when you wake up and think that today, Anything is possible. Those days where you can be doing anything with the people you with and know that you'll have the best time.

i can't wait till those days come when i'll have stories of how we [Eric] pissed in a cup and put it on someone's car, or went around grabbing signs and random shit and leaving it on Justing's lawn, or leaving a 25 cent tip after having a few drinks with some friends. These are the day i cannot wait for.

~Good Night

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Today's Song: Jakalope - Feel it

"I can feel it
When I taste
Like the wind
I breathe
Crawling inside of me oh baby
Oh oh oh"

Bike is broken. Make Jeff sad.

I got all ready for work and headed off. I punch in as normal. Then realize that i don't work today... That was embarassing.

I tried shaving with a blade for the first time today. I gotta admit i was more then a little frightened by the fact that i was gonna be taking this razor sharp thing to my neck and face... But it wasn't bad at all. I'm all smooth as a baby's ass. NO CUTS... i'm proud of that. The only downer is that it's alot of effort...Ah well.

What you are seeing In the vid is: Me doing a barspin, then a 180 to rollback, then a barspin back. What makes this vid so awesome is that it's light enough for you to see, and that the Camera is moving with me. Emo Mike who i bought the fork from, is rolling along on a skateboard.


Here is the much antisipated vid that i have been wanting to share:
Click Here
[Right Click, Save as]

~Good Night

Monday, April 18, 2005

Rock-A-By Spiderman.

Today's Song: Old Dirty Bastard - Hey Dirty

"Hey, dirty, baby i got your money
Dont you worry, I said hey,
Baby i got your money"

Let's see. Since last post i saw Amityville Horror with my sister:
Image Hosted by
She's into the horror movies, I actually saw the old version of this movie with my sis. It was your typical horror movie.

So, the other day i was biking with my buddy Emo Mike and he got a vid of me doing the sweetest line... But i have yet to get it from him soo you can hold your damn horses.

Went to Milly tonight with Sean Tarnizzel. It was all wet and ghey. PLUS my fucking BB is stripped SO, i'm gonna have to go ahead and get a new one... SHIT... Is it too much for the one thing that i like soo much to fucking work well for a while?

After Milly Sean and i were still bored, so we went to Blockbuster and he bought Spiderman 2, we watched it at my house.... Well... HE watched it... I fell asleep. After he woke me up and told me i was a bad friend he went home.

Now i'm gonna go watch Mythbusters

~ Good Night

Friday, April 15, 2005

Done, White and Black For Style

Today's song: Rise Against - Give It All

"Rock bottoms where we live, and still we dig these trenches,
to bury ourselves in them, backs breaking under tension"

Went to school... It was ok. I get the math which is a totally new feeling.

I was eagar to get home to finish up the paint on my fork and cranks. Now i can't wait to get out and ride, aswell as get the damn bolt i need.

Here are some pics of my Beutiful bike in all her glory:
BTW> I dunno if it's just me but i think the fork is bent out a bit...
BTW2> I bought the fork off the kid that was lending me it [$50 and a wagon wheel]
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at

Front, Showing my Emo Stars:
Free Image Hosting at

Side, With the Gumbi Sticker:
Free Image Hosting at

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Paint It White.

Today's Song: Story Of The Year - Untill The Day I Die

"Should I bite my tongue?
Until blood soaks my shirt
We'll never fall apart
Tell me why this hurts so much"

Today was:
Go to work
Go to schook

Then i came home and painted My rigid fork white, and my cranks white. It's gonna look SOOO good.

The guy from Bow called today!!! So i'm goin there tomorrow morning to hopefully get my topcap, ASWELL as some new v-brakes.

Then i will go off to work... Woot.

Talked to Sarah on the phone last night. I missed the sound of her voice. I cannot wait till she is back. Definatly missed just being around her. She's a good kid. I miss and love her.


Girls.... They drive me crazy. I'm at my wits end with them. Do i spill my guts and come clean? But what if that messes everything up? What if i'm setting myself up? What is she thinking? How can i tell?

If anyone had a instruction manual for Girls... PLEASE forward it to me. I am in DESPERATE need of some Female trouble shooting.

~Good Night

Monday, April 11, 2005

West Side Playas

Today's Song: Tupac & Dr Dre - California

"Out on bail
fresh outta jail
California dreamin'
Soon as I stepped on the scene
I'm hearin' hoochies screamin'.
Fiendin' for money and alcohol
the life of a west side playa'
where cowards die, it's our ball"

Went to see Sin City FINALLY...
Image Hosted by

AWESOME... Amazing...Very Good. I would DEFINATLY see it again.

Watching the movie makes me want to get the rest of the books that much more. DEFINATLY gonna have to stop by some comic shops.

BTW> Someone told me that i was: "A real life Seth Cohen"

After the movie Sean and i went to Milly, then rode around DT then ate pizza then back to milly. It was a really fun night. Sean gapped from the Bath tub to the beginner bowl. i hit my fav hip better [going OVER the bump out]. Aswell i 180 to roll back over a pylon [about a foot tall] I was pretty stoked about that.

Sean and i were blastin the Song California on the ride home, It made my week.

Papa Macarone and i are goin shootin tomorrow.

~Good Night

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Disordered and Disgruntled.

Today's Song:Maximo Park - Apply Some Pressure

"I'd like to wait, to see how things turn out,
If you apply some pressure,
I'd like to wait, to see how things turn out,
If you apply some pressure"

I saw this on Justing's Blog so i went ahead and did the survey:
Paranoid Disorder:Low
Schizoid Disorder:Low
Schizotypal Disorder:Low
Antisocial Disorder:Low
Borderline Disorder:Low
Histrionic Disorder:Moderate
Narcissistic Disorder:Moderate
Avoidant Disorder:Moderate
Dependent Disorder:Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Low

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

I'm not gonna lie to you, I thought i was gonna be a candidate for more then a few: "High" ratings...

But then again, how am i sopost to know what disorders i have or don't have. I mean, Do crazy people KNOW they are Crazy?

I went to work today not expecting a good day... and at first it was the same old shit routine. But it changed, after the rush and fuckin Jon left it was ok. It was Nick, Terry and i. Man we were goofin off and joking around it was halarious. Definatly some good kids.

Recently... for some fucking stupid reason, we are now open till ten... It's retarded... The last few nights i have gotten off work around 11. I fucking hate it. I need to quit. Someone offer me a job [where i won't have to cook] and i will think about it. I am fucking tired of that place.

I'm lookin at some .22 handguns to get. I KNOW... I can hear all of you goin [WTF SON?! You want a pussy .22? you should get a real gun] I can DEFINATLY see Justing saying that. But the fact is... Shooting is expensive and i can get bulk .22[1000 or so] for the price of a box of .45 [50]
Some of the guns that catch my eye:
Walther P22
Hammerli 280

But i mean, The Hammerli 280 is discontinued... so it'd be hard to find and it'd be expensive...

ANWAYS... My "WISH LIST" of firearms would be"
Nice .22 biathalon rifle [Walther KK300 Universal]
Lee Enfield [.303]
Hammerli 280 [.22]
colt 1911 [.45]
Strayer Voigt Infinity with a 6" barrel [9mm or .45]

Tomorrow i'm goin to see Sin City. I CAN'T WAIT.

I know this is gonna make me sound like a nerd... But i wanna stop by some Comic shops and see if they sell the Sin City books. Because i'd like to read them. Or maybe even start reading some new and interesting comics.

~Good Night

[BTW> New link to a nifty Pic. I found at: Pictures On The Wall]

Friday, April 08, 2005


Today's Song: DJ Sammy - Heaven

"Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms,
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven"

So, Woke up... Went and got a haircut, Rockin the FauxHawk. It's shorter this time. But sill looks Sexy on me...

Mailed "New Media Questionare" To LB because they lost the first one i sent.

Went to bank... I REALLY needed to deposit the check.

On my way to bow, I stopped by... You'll nevere guess... Bowness High.

I stopped by to ask Crocker [my Football Coach to write me a Recommendation for SAIT... I swear i have to bend over backwards for then. They want three letters, a full resume, a full portfolio, three writing samples, my first born Child, and a Blood sample. I mean SERIOUSLY!... THREE WRITING SAMPLES?!

It was koo to walk back into school... except that all the friendly faces, the people who made school fun weren't there. I miss High School.

Then off to Bow. Those assholes didn't have it again. I'm fuckin pissed off.

Then i went to school, Got an 81% on a test... I am happy about that. Definatly needed the little moral boost.

After school, Went to Westside with Sean. It was fun, a nice change from Milly. Sean was bustin out the foofanous. I landed a nice tail tap, and enjoyed this nice hip.

On the bad side... I fell and hurt my Elbow.

BUT! Sean got me an Emo Star Sticker for my Cell. It's Neat

~Good Night

[EDIT: I wrote this post at 1 in the am, but Blogger was down so i am posting it at 1042]

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Today's Song: Alexisonfire - No Transitory

"Imagine if we lived
Under the weather
We would never be found
Never discovered
If everything goes wrong
If it's one more endless night
You know there always tomorrow
And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow..."

Nothigng Exciting today.

Tomorrow is:
Go to bank
Get Haircut
Go to Bow
Go to school

~Good Night

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Today's Song: My Chemical Romance - Helena

"Whats the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight "

So, Because snowboard season is over Sean TARnizzle is out of a job. So i told him to come work at Joey's. He then asked if we had any: "TAR - TAR" Sauce. I was like.... Uh Yes. Then got all happy and said: "I'm a TAR!" I was all like: "WTF?" So he said: "TAR TAR TAR TAR!", I laughed and called him a TARD. Then he replyed: "I am a TAR-Nizzle!!". Then i went inside.

So. Tonight was:
School - Wrote a Unit test
Then ran around doin some errands.
Then hung out at home and watched MJ's Thriller video

Shit, that is an awesome video. I really enjoyed it, He was soo koo and hip back then. Not all scarry and touching little kids.

After rockin out to Thriller Sean and i hit up some Milly. It was a sweet light session. I think my best line was: Bar-spin then drop in, 180 tail-tap on a bank, then a disaster.

Had some Pizza, hung out with some kid we met at Milly, he was koo.

Then Sean and i headed DT. We were hoppin onto this on ledge and it was a little over two feet high, and i FINALLY cleaned it... then two seconds Sean popped his tire so we called it a night.

~Good Night

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Today's Song: Gorillaz - Rock The House

"Graviational pull
I have you making a fool
Out of yourself on the dance floor
Doing back spins running man and more
Party down with Vigga and Candor "

First of all, i wanna say that this song is not only a great song, but the video is funny too. I really and love the Flute in the song, Reminds me of Anchorman.

Well, Last update was Saturday. Since then i have written two tests on Firearm Safety, and did two Practical tests. So there was a little class at the shooting range [9 people] And there was a former Police officer leading the class. He went through and talked about Saftey, Rules, Laws, and types of guns.

After that we wrote the two tests, then went to the shooting bays where we shot 11 .22 rounds from a revolver, and 5 9mm rounds from a baretta 92.

He asked me what type of ammo went with each gun, what i do when a range officer calls a "Cease Fire" and made sure i was safely shooting, loading, and using the firearms.

On the two written tests: 85% and 92%
On the two Practical Tests: 100%

I'm uber happy. Now all i need to do is sumbit my paperwork to the Gov't and in like two months i will hopefully get my Firearms Licence.

Today my Sin City Book came, Started reading it before work, and then finished it after. I really liked it, got me even more pumped for the movie. There are a bunch of awesome frames from the book. So here a Two good ones:
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at

All you Nurses out there should like this frame:
Free Image Hosting at
"It's up to the docters for now,the docters and the REAL hard workers, the nurses"

I cannot wait to see the movie, i've herd good things about it!!

~Good Night

Saturday, April 02, 2005

April's Fool.

Today's Song: Neil Young - Keep On Rocking In The Free World

"We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler machine gun hand
We got department stores, and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes for the Ozone layer
Got a man of the people, says people alive
Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive

Keep on rocking in the free world
Keep on rocking in the free world"

I havn't posted in a while. I don't really know why. Porbably because it every day seems the same. Nothing new or exciting to set them apart from the rest.

It's been a blur... Stay up all night, sleep till late, go to work, finish late, stay up all night and repeat. I do not think that i'd bore you with the details of how i loathe my occupation.

I'll just say this: If i had another job lined up, i would quit right now.

Thursday, Didn't work. Went Downtown with Kelsey.
Went to mission but they didn't have the part i needed.
Went to the great Pizza Place.
Walked around Milly.
Went home.

I'm kinda disapointed that i won't have a chance to go to the Outdoor show again this year. BTW> Emo Mike, a friend of mine who's rigid fork i am riding... He is riding at the Outdoor show. AND because he busted his Sherman, he's riding my DJ3. So my fork is at the Outdoor show, but i am not...

Tomorrow is:
Deposit MUCH NEEDED paycheck into account.
Drop off/purchace various things for my bike [Wheel at Chocoraine for a tune. Bow for a topcap for the rigid fork]
Go back to work...

Normally, i listen to the song of the day as i write each Blog, But this post was started and finished at diffrent times...

What interrupted you ask? many... MANY failed attempts ar Defragging my HD... And for some unknown reason, whenever i restart, i have to kill like 20 or so porcesses so that i can actually use my comp. Like every boot up it uses 100% of my CPU. Blah Blah Blah.... I don't even know what i'm talking about... I'm sure Justing Eric and Mike are crying at what i am putting my poor computer through...

Ugh.. So where was i? Oh yes. MUSIC...

So right now i am listening to some classical music that came on this mini CD in a cereal box...haha. Meh, it's calming and soothing...

~Good Night