Friday, July 30, 2004


Post and give me some ideas of what to get Megan for her b-day!

Happy Birthday Megan

Today's Song: The Used - Pieces Mended

So, First of all i better clear something up.... I talked to the GF today and she said she'd perfer to be called by name rather then: "SHE" "HER" and "The GF".

So, to all of you who know me you already know who she is and everything but i'd like to tell you a bit about Megan, my wounderful girlfriend. She has amazing eyes that i can loose myself in, a smile that makes Mona Lisa jealous.All my pervious blogs talking about a certin girl have been about her. This Saturday Megan is turning 18 but i won't get to celebrate with her becasue she is gonna be away....But that isn't the problem....I have no idea what to get her. So i'm totally gonna need your help and ideas on what is a good present for a beautiful girl.

Today Megan and i went out for a nice little date because we both had the day off. We headed to the Batting cage. I gotta admit that it was alot harder then i thought, and i pretty much tried not to embarass myself. So we are there hitting the softballs that are comin out at like 50-60 MPH i think, and was tough untill i FINALLY found the sweet spot and hit a shitload of them. Megan was a bit embarassed about her batting skills, but once some people sat down and started watching her she starting hitting them all. Megan wanted to see how i would do in the FAST softball, they were goin like 70+ and they were goin so fast that by the time i swung they were already past me. So i think she just wanted to see me get pegged in the face with one. Mind you i only tapped like 4 out of the 20, and the ones that i did make contact with popped stright up and almost hit me.

When Megan stopped laughing at my poor performance we went to Licks, this Ice cream shop. We got some cones and then went and sat infront of the river which was really nice. THEN This date takes an interesting turn. We are looking out over the river enjoying the view, and i hear some voices that sound like they are coming from the edge of the river, and then this head pops up and says: " Hey, there are people up here, stop being so drunk." Then she says to us: "Sorry about that" The she goes back down for a while and then she comes up carrying a bunch of crap and asks if we can watch it for her. And then she goes down and bring her DRUNK ASS friend to the top of the steep river bank, and she is just sitting there being drunk and being dumb, while her less drunk friend brings up their raft, and they put the raft on their heads and try and balance their shit to carry it across the road. The really drunk girl takes three steps and then trips and i swear that i thought she was goin down for sure. After laughing my ass off at these two winners Megan had to head home for dinner, but we made plans for everyone to go to her house and make smores around her fire pit, cuz it was gonna be the last time we'd she her for a while, because she is gonna be at a family reunion.

Shit, Where to start on the fire pit action....

Um we go to Megan's and discover that we have to wood to burn (an essential part of a fire) . So goin to Sarah to pick up some wood, she goes inside to ask if we can use some of her wood and Eric Megan and i get the idea that i should hide in the trunk of Eric's car and scare the shit out of Sarah when she comes and open's it (Bad idea) See, i failed to realize that when i scare her she'd be holding a large heavy and potentially hurtful peice of wood. So as i was all like "BLARG!". She was all like Beating the shit out of me with the wood. A word from the wise: Don't scare Sarah when she is holding a weapon. Then we headed to Safeway to grab the stuff for Smores, we grabbed it and as we are leaving i gave Sarah the recipt and she was like: "I don't want it" and i walked away. She said she was "TRYING" to put it in my back pocket... But she pretty much just Sexually harassed me infront of a bunch of people in safeway by touching my bum. I'm not the type of person to be violated and not say anything about it, So i loudly told everyone in safeway that Sarah had just sexually Harassed me and that it wasn't right. Sarah learned her lesson. We get back to Megan's, makie the fire, Dickie and Vanessa come over, we share some laughes (Too many to type out at 4:53 in the AM) and then we called it a night. As we were leaving Sarah pulled up the sweat pants that she was wearing so she looked like an old lady and it was fucking halarious, then we got her to pretend that she was modeling and told her to walk like she was walking down the runway, You had to be there to experince the FULL affect of this halarity.

So, Dickie, The Woo, Justin, Mike, Kevin, and i all head up to Timmy's for a bite to eat. Before goin we had to pick everyone up, So we are at Justin's house and i got Justin to show me the Katana that he had gotten for his b-day, and i thought to myself: "You know what Jeff, The thought of you with a sword is scarry enough, but if you snuck around the corner and jumpped out at Dickie and Eric and scared the shit out of them while weilding this sword...It's be priceless", So i did just that and i wish i had a picture of their faces as i jumpped around the corner yelling with a sword in my hand...........Priceless.

Then at Timmy's we ate, laughed, then called it a night and headed home. It's 4:59 in the AM and i have to work at 5, FUCK...

Good Night to one and all

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Good Fuckin Day

Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Stranger

Today was a fuckin GOOD Day, For a couple of reasons. Which i'll talk about later.

We'll start off with where i slept last night. You see, for some reason i found my bed to be int most uncomfertable place in the world, besides the fact i have lost the ability to sleep in normal hours. So i try and think of the most comfy place in my house....The up stairs couch! If you have never experinced this couch then you are missin out. Think: Big, Fluffy, Soft, Leather. Mind you i still didn't fall asleep for a good long time, i was still awake when my father went to work at 6 in the AM and the weird thing is, i was pretending to be asleep, and he "Woke me up" to ask why i was sleeping there... What a Noob. So again i get woken up.... Not sure what time it is, but i know it was before i had to go to work at 4:30. I fade in and out of sleep and inquire to my mom (who is watching TV with out any regard to me sleeping) what time it is, then at the last second i jump in the shower and get my ass to work.

So i show up and Dickie informs me that we are AGAIN under staffed in the kitchen again, so it was Dickie pretty much doing everything and me doing fries and covering for Dickie every once in a while. At the end of the night i look over at Dickie and he looks like he is about to die. This is the third or fourth day in a row where we have been short staffed, and Dickie was workin a 10 hour shift. BUT! I got my Swiss Chalet pants today Woot!, Yes they are checkered, and Yes they look lame, but atleast i look like i work at the Chalet now.

So Dickie drops me off and he comes inside as we try and figure out what our plans our for the night. as it turns out, I kinda ditched that fucker for the GF. I was feeling bad, untill i remembered what kind of embarassment he puts me through when i'm around the GF and him... As you will recall the previous post...

SO... SHE comes over and we watched Suicide Kings, staring Christopher Walking, A Faverite actor of mine. And the movie was sweet and funny...Check it out.

The movie ends and it's time for HER to go home. The part of the night i like the least. And as i am walking her to her car i am thinking about Kissing her, and about last nights events, and about how big of an asshole Dickie is. So we hug and we are staring into eachothers eyes, and i can tell she knows what is on my mind and she laughs and we catch eyes again and i move in and kiss her. Then i said: "I wanted to do that eariler but when Dickie laughed it kinda ruined the mood", She laughed, then we kissed again before she left.

I gotta say i am soo surprised that She is goin out with me, She is soo beautiful and such and good person....

Good Fuckin Day

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sorry About That

Today's Song: Dave Mathews Band - Two Step

Lets start with a re-cap of the events from my last post......NOTHING.

Now we can move on...So there i am thinking to myself "Man, She's soo beautiful...I want to Kiss her". I was thinking this as i was walking HER to her car and as we got there we were gazing up at the northern lights, I bet you are thinking "Hey Jeffrey you dipshit....Thats such a romantic atmosphere TOTALLY go for it"....Well so was i....Except i managed to mess it up. So we talk a bit and i tell her i want to make plans to take her out soon, and we check our scheduals and we pick out a day and it's going so well. We hug and hold eachother for a bit, (Here is the amusing part for some people...DICKIE) As we are letting go i try and give her a sweet little kiss on the cheek... So i frickin miss her cheek..... and i kinda kissed her ear..... Shit how embarassing is that eh? But i mean she didn't make it akward or anything. So then we said out god byes and she left. And i got to think and re-live this over and over again in my head. So i tell a few people and the first thing they all do is laugh, but i mean unless this has happened to you, You donot know how humiliating this is. So tonight when i was walking HER to her car i was thinking: "DON'T FUCK THIS UP!". Dickie and Vanessa were walking to Dickie's truck and they get into his truck (which is facing HER car and allows for a great view) As we huged i'm thinking: "KISS HER YOU DUMBSHIT!". we are standing there talking about our date and whatnot when i hear a distant muffled laughter, coming from a POS yellow truck and i imigine Dickie saying something along the lines of: "Ten bucks says he misses..." What an asshole.....SO after having the mood TOTALLY ruined by good old Dickie i said good bye and walked away sadly.

Fuck, Dickie is an asshole.

So, i'd like you the reader to post and tell me some of the "Kissing
Disasters" you have experinced....If you want post Anonymously...

Friday, July 23, 2004


Today's Song: Papa Roch - She loves me not

So, i realize that i have to go to work in an hour and Dickie is gonne pick me up so i run into the shower and i come out (Luckily dressed) and that pervert Dickie is sitting on the couch watching TV, Oddly enough we just say: "Werd" to eachother and i walk into my room to put pants on.

Worked untill 10 YAY, then Dickie ditched to go hump his GF and whatnot (Fries Supreme!). So the Woo and i decide to go get some good eatin. Dickie dropped me off at the Woo's and he said that Jamie an OLD friend from Jr. High wanted to do something and i was excited because this is a perfect chance to catch up and do some much needed hangin out. It was alot of fun, Eric sexually assulted out waitress. Then we had some Desert, and Jamie HINTED at us so she went home to bed, While the Woo and i headed over to another late night spot.....TIMMY'S. So we pull up right infront and the guy next to us is just leaving. Eric the nice guy that he is waits for the guy to get in the car and then we get out, Eric locks the doors and we walk to the door of Timmy's when i ask: " Is the Engine still running?" and Eric replys: "OH FUCK!" and lunges at his can to find that he locked his keys in the car with the car running. So he calls up the Large bro (Ryan) to come with the spare set of keys, and Eric treats him to a coffee. Then while talking about what us manly men chat about (Girls).....a big mofo of a moth flys over head and Eric jumps and freaks out. We try to keep talking but the Monster moth is sitting over my head on the wall. To Eric's delight i was able to capture it in my empty hot chocolate cup....hahaha. Then we just set it ring infron of Eric and watched him squirm.

The topics of your conversations ranged from: Girls, to Guns, to cars, to jobs, to movies, and back to Girls. As the sun started to rise, now being 5:30 in the am which made me realize that i hand't been homein 12 hours kinda made me laugh. Now being home at 6:22 in the am and having to get up for work in 11 hours makes me think how lucky i am to have a GF......Even though i havn't seen her in like three days, I know it sounds corny but when i'm not with her i'm thinking about her. I can't wait to take her out somewhere special soon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Bobble Head

Today's Song: Billy Talent - River Below

Today i woke up mowed the lawn, That was fun. Then i just hung out because i had nothing to do and the GF was workin. So then Mikey comes along and was like "Come to COP" and i was all like"Werd" So we rode down there and went to the trials park and played around. I wasn't too stoked about just hitting the trials park because it can get old fast but i had a blast. I tryed some new stuff, I tried a pedal stall on the QP of the box....I fell soo many times trying this....Never landed one. Then i tryed to air out of the QP and i was doin decent for not being a park rider. Lastly i gapped this lenthy gap that was a bunch of palets lined up with one side propped up for a little boost it was maybe 9 feet? it was big. So then the chair lift was shut down because of the weather, so we got some free H2O and waited around a bit then we got a ride up from Mikey's friend. Werd to that guy.

So we are up top of COP and it hella windy.....Perfect for jumping. I took a couple nice sets on the mediums then checked out this HUGE booter hip monster..... We'll just call it: "THE JUMP OF DEATH!" So i try it once pretty slow and woot it wasn't bad. Then again faster and Woot i went higher and it was funner. Then my third try i tried to step it up and it was like a 12 foot step up action..... So being the smart kid that i am i bomb at this JUMP OF DEATH and i totally eat shit and died. When i was in the air my back wheel got popped up and i nose dived into the landing. I pretty much just dropped like a sack of shit. I nailed my head on the ground and it hurt lots. When i got up i her them yelling: "Are you ok".....I was winded and couldn't answer so i just waved my hands around and picked up my bike and walked back up. The whole time from when i crashed to whern i got to the top i couldn't see stright and i was all dizzy. Yay Concussion! So i'm sitting here at 12:07 Blogging to all my fans to let you know that i am alright and you don't have to worry. Yea my head still hurts like a MOFO but hey i got a koo cracked helmet to remember this occasion. Now i have to go and spend another $20 to replace my helmet, I guess for my head it's worth EVERY PENNY of that $20.

I'm kinda sad that i havn't seen HER today, Yea i know she's busy and has things to do but i'm lonely....

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Wet Session

Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Kick out the Jams

Woke up around 1:30, but i was still in bet till around 2 or so when i decided to call up Pooter (Steven) to go to COP and hit up the DJs. So we get our shit together and head down and it is hot as hell and we are havin fun on the mediums. So after hitting that up we went down to get some good old H2O and have a rest. Between the top and the bottem Steve had some mechanical difficulties with his bike.....the front brake only had one brake pad in it haha. So we make it down alive and have some cool, refreshing, and FREE water. As we are chillin the clouds come it, i'm all like Werd now it won't be so hot out. As we are riding towards the lift Steve notices that it's not running anymore. Then *SHAZAAM!* Lightning like a mofo, i'm all like Ghey but who cares we'll leave when it starts to rain. We head to the trials park to play around in there and it was fun, untill it starts to rain a little, yea ok we'll call it a day. We start riding back and it starts raining more. By the time we got inside and are waiting for a ride home it's like Noah's flood outside. So Steve and i go out and play in the rain and ride in some puddles and whatnot. In the distance i could see some huge and brite lightning and the thunder and soo powerful and loud you could feel it. So after being scared shitless we are waiting inside and we are talking about how Steve should fix his bike up and when we should come down again.

So, i'm soaked down to my skippies and what do i decide to do?, I go and take a shower.....I just seemed kinda odd....going from being dressed and wet as hell to naked and wet as hell. So i call up the GF cuz by now she is done workin, and i wanna see her because i had been thinking about her all day, And she says the plan for tonight is MOVIE NIGHT MONDAY!....And our selection for tonight is: The Bourn Identity. not a bad movie, Nothing special but enjoyable.... I have to say after a while i wasn't paying as much attention to the movie because of the intence pain in my shoulder from having my arm in an akward position and having my arm around HER, SHE had her head on my arm and i was holding her hand so it was kinda har to move it... Who's worth it to be close to her......

I hope she dosn't mind me talking about her on her to all of you.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Done and Done

Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Mach 5

So, Work eh?...I guess i'm climbing the Corperate ladder, cuz today i was working on the Grill!!.....P.S I applogize for any bad food you might have eaten because i my bad cooking sklills. So we use this metal bowl to cover the burgers on the grill so the cheese will melt faster and i stupidly grabbed it with my hand and burn the shit outta my thumb....I deserve it.

So work is work.....BORING. Before goin to work i went over to Vanessa's house with Dickie and Megan and we hung out there for a while it was fun, laughed about some of their roadtrip antics and whatnot. So then went to work...bleh

After work is where it gets interesting....

So i told HER that i wanted to see her when i was done work, and she said "Yea thats koo". The whole time i am at work Dickie is like: "Dude, she's starting to get annoyed that you havn't asked her out yet, You should ask her out tonight because she'll say yes.....tomorrow the answer will be fuck off".....hahaha We can ALWAYD trust Dickie for good advice.

So SHE came over tonight and we watched a movie and laughed and whatnot. When she had to go, i walked her to her car and said: " i had alot of fun tonight and i'd like to be your boyfriend" wo which she replys: "Yea, I'd like that".

WOOT.... Jeff = Happy, i am soo happy i cannot wait to see her again

Sunday, July 18, 2004

I Work Too Much

Today's Song: The Music - Take the long road and walk it

So after closing down The Chalet for the night, After working a 5 to 11:15 shift. Dickie is givin me a ride home and then i start talking and telling him some of the halarious anecdotes that i have encountered, and then half way to the punch-line he says: "Yea, i know i read it on your Blog"... So we laugh and then i shrug it off and go off on another tale and he stops me again and says: " YEA I KNOW....Dude, i read it on your Blog..." So i was then silent for the rest of the drive... then he laughs and says: "Hey, you should write a Blog about how you don't need to talk to people anymore because of your Blog"... Well here you are Dickie...

So today at work i was on dish...Which mean i was washing all the dirty dishes for the place, and i have this koo sprayer thing and it it on a three foot long pipe that goes up from the tap. It was really busy and i was sprayin shit and throwing it through the washer and then *Clunk* the bitch falls off and water is shooing stright up into the air and is getting all over the place, i quickly turn off the water and look around....on one saw a thing....hahaha. I put the thing back together and look around and i see water dripping from the roof. So i go an tell Dickie, you should have seen the look on his face when i said: "I broke that sprayer shit!" hahaha

It it is now 2:45 in the am and i find myself thinking about HER, i'm soo glad that she gets back today (Sunday). This is gonna sound lame and whatnot but i missed her. I mean hanging out with her, talking to her, being around her......I can't wait to ask her out.

Friday, July 16, 2004


OK.... Screw all this waiting BS..... Next time i see her i'm just gonna go and Giv'r. I've been told by people that it's "annoying them" that i havn't asked HER out already.

So I'm just gonna do it, and i don't care if it's infront of people.... Not matter what i know on the whole i will feel better just doing it.

Oh wait....SHE is out of town.....Well shit... I hope i still have the nerve when i see her again... But i gotta admit, I think i'll be soo much happier once it's said and done....

BUT STILL..... What do i say... I mean JR. High is over.... the "Will you go out with me" Line is played out....So i still need your help Please post and tell me how you asked your BF/GF out and give me some hints and pointers

Advice Anyone?

So.... I wanna ask HER out....

The thing is:
I don't know WHAT to say, HOW to say it, WHEN to say it or WHERE to say it.

Please Help me out. Post and tell me how you asked your BF/GF out and give me some hints and pointers


Today's Song: Fefe Dobson - Take me away

Howdy Buckaroos, It is Stampede time! It's soo fun to be in this City during the Stampede for a couple of reasons:
1) Free Food...Yesterday i ate all my
meals for free because of the Stampede Breafasts and whatnot
2) Stampede Grounds... Hella fun to go down with some friends and have a blast
3) Lookin at all the Cowgirls!... It's summertime and the Cowgirls are out and ooking fine Before headin down to the Stampede, Eric Justin and myself went to watch one of Sarah's track meets. It was koo, excpet all the running and whatnot made me tired.... I wasn't running, just watching those kids giv'r made me tired..... I think that makes me out of shape. So we are watching our little sarah run 800m around this track and i gotta say, she is damn good at it, 3rd place not bad at all.

After Sarah was done running the shit out of those losers we took the C-Train down and it was sweet. We got there in time to watch Fefe Dobson perform.... Now before you start posting things saying how big of a loser i am for likeing her....i gotta say that i only wanted to see her sing "take me away" it is quite a catchy tune. So we herd it and it was well performed. We headed into the building to look at all the nifty things people were selling. So i jumped into this masage chair and Justin, Eric and Sarah at the was ummm Fun....i say that chair bent my spine in some interesting directions that i didn't know that i could bend. We drooled over some super expensive hot tubs, and then headed back outside to walk around. We stopped by the karaoke to listen to someone perform some Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody..... She wasn't bad, We could have herd more...but that stupid girl swore and so the guys running the place shut it down...What a bitch! So i wanted to go and try two things:
1) BB Gun thing
2) Hammer thing
So eventually we found the BB Guns and you have to shoot out this little star in the center of a paper....I got f-in close. Then next to the Hammer thing...Where you hit the thing with the hammer and it goes up and you see how high of number you can get...So i get three trys.... 1) 90...AWESOME i didn't thing i was gonna get that high...2) 93.....FUCK yea i own this game...i'm sooo gonna win....3) 95.....Aw Shit i lost.... But it's ok!!...I wanted to try and win HER a little animal or something (She wasn't there) BUT I did not leave the Stampede empty handed.... When i was Rockin out to Fefe, i got hit in the head by this little green Lama thing...Woot!So the way home was interesting. Two C-Trains, Walking a couple of blocks, and whe showed up safe and sound. Awesome Time!....Sorry i forgot a Cammera for the Pic Game...But i swear i saw Cowboys

Monday, July 12, 2004

Sorry....I've Been Out There Living

Today's song: Moist - resurrection


So...i've been the fri bitch at Swiss Chalet for a couple of days now. It's not so bad, but the first day was hell, there were a million plates that needed fries and all the servers were yelling at me for fries....It was scary. Most of the time i would put the fries on the plate and then the dumbass server would wait half an hour till the fries were cold then come back and bitch at me. Oh well, I just keep the thought of once nice big juicy pay check coming my way. So i'm making like $7/hour and it's not much but hell money is money. I'll describe my job to you. I make fries and put them on the plates, as well as: Mashed potatoes, bakes potatoes, buns, rotiserie Veggies, normal veggies, Corn, rice, noodles, chicken wings, perogies, and chicken fingers AND i take out garbage, refill sauce, and other crap.

It's not bad at all because when i get bored and there is nothing to do i just turn around and see Dickie freaking out on some moron who can't do their job, then i make fun of him and it's fun.

Well, scince the last post i have been working, and thats about all. Last night i headed out to watch some Anchorman with Sarah, Mike, Vanya, Eric, and Justin. The movie was fucking halarious i am telling you people to stop reading this Blog and go out and see that movie right now because it is worth your money to see it! And it's soo funny the guy sitting next to Mike in the theater shit his pants...Litterally.

After the movie we went to Tim hortons where Vanya decided to park across three parking stalls. Mind you wel all advised her that Tim Hortons has more Cops then a Police station, but she didn't listen. So there we are in Timmy's at 2 somthing and we are having fun sharing some laughes when a Cop car comes up, We laugh at that and then Vanya gets a bit nervos. So as a female Cop is walking to the bathroom Justin inquires as to what type of sidearm they carry, Glock or Baretta, She say its a Glock and steps into the bathroom.... It was kinda weird to ask about their guns as she's headin to the bathroom. So we continue to hang out and have a good time. Then some ass yells: "Hey Sarah is that Herione in your Purse?!"...hahaha. Eric said the Cop turned around and laughed.

So far we only have one request for THE PIC GAME!!...So that means...POST SOME REQUESTS!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2004


Remember the tell those who you care about how much they mean to you and why they are special to you. Don't take Any friendsships for granted because the though of loosing them will make you realize how much they mean to you and show you how lucky you are.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Foul Ball

Today's Song: Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight Tonight

Today i just do the same as i do every morning... bumm around the house and then once someone calles me then i get ready and go out. So, i'm lying in bed and my mom comes in and yells: "Hey Jeff, We are goin to Wal-mart Wanna Come?"...My responce: "No....But bring me back something cool!". So My mother the thoughtful lady that she is gets me some sheets and blankets for when i move to the LB for university.... jelious arn't you?.

After getting over the excitment of my new sheets Sarah takes me to Vanessa and Megan's Baseball game. So we pick out a beautiful spot right behind the first base. Sarah, Eric, and i are sitting there enjoying the game, When out of no where the first base player misses a catch and it's goin stright for Eric's head. With out thinking i put out my hand and blocked it...I don't know how i did it but that was one of about three that almost hit us. It was awesome that i blocked it cuz now Eric Owes me such a HUGE favor, and everyone was like: "WTF That guy just saves that guys life!", I have to say it was enjoyable...i felt like i was part of the game.

Once the game ended, Eric and i took out blanket and scared the shit out of Sarah for a bit, then headed over to Sarah's to watch The Evil Dead II. SOOO FUNNY, Sarah Enjoyed this one too, She scramed every once in a while. But tonight we didn't watch any thing funny aftwards so she is all by her self in the dark with the thought of Zombies running around....Sweet Dreams Sarah!

SHE was there watching the movie, I've noticed that we have hung out alot lately and it's soo awesome because she is fun to be around, I gotta say... If you know me... you must know how lucky i am to have such a Beautiful smart and funny girl interested in me...

~~~ Reminder...Post requests for the Pic Game ~~~

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Tonight, Tonight

In the previous post i say that i was headin out to Vanessa'a BBQ. Yea it was it was in INDOORS BBQ...Besides Dickie was the one cooking. We hung out and had a couple laughs at eachother's expense (Dill Pickles). I'm kinda worried about my buddy Dickie, Vanessa seems to be a little rough with him, like she kneed him in the face today...Poor guy. DICKIE YOU DONOT HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THE ABUSE!

After the BBQ we headed to BP's where Steve A good friend who i havn't hung out in a LONG time came and chilled, It was fun. Sarah proceded to get wasted and it was pretty gosh darn funny. We shared some more laughs Then headed to Eric's to watch The Evil Dead... Two zombi thumbs up... Sarah Fully enjoyed this flick...hahaha We plan to rent the sequals and watch them back to back, We'll have to alert the Local EMS because too much Zombies puts Sarah into a Coma (NO DICKIE!).

So during the movie i tryed to be all slick and put my arm around HER and i think it was pretty good cuz she kinda leaned in to me....

On another note...Dickie is an asshole...

When i called her to tell her how i felt and ask her if she felt the same way about me. As soon as i got off the phone he asks me: "Did you ask her out?..." and i replyed: "No...I was Sopost to?....Aw Shit!"

So Dickie being the caring guy that he is, kept making fun of me about it.... And then in a bigger show of his deep caring for me...He started making jokes about me infront of Megan. Something along the lines of: "Wait...So you can go ask someone out for Sarah...but you can't ask someone out for yourself?". and clearly Megan herd this....

So whe i had a chance to talk to her alone i said:

I said: Hey, i'd like to applogize on Dickie's
behalf sorry if he made things akward or anything
She Said: Yea no it's ok it wasn't akward
I said: Man, I mean i'll ask you out when i'm good
and ready, Like In the middle of a meal at BP's wasn't
the best time you know...
She laughed...So i guess thats a good sign

~~~ Reminder...Post requests for the Pic Game ~~~

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Today's Song: Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity

Good song for you Eric...haha

Sorry for not living it up, i guess i'm getting old. I check my Blog everyday for some Comments Please do write back, Maybe tell me an adventure you'd like me to have or ask for some pics of something interesting....HEY thats an Idea

SO, You post a comment an say that you wanna see a pic of me with a "something"...Maybe for and a horse...then i'll post a pic of me and a horse. Sounbds fun Eh?

I've pretty much been bummin around the house and sleeping.... I've pretty much turned into my dog. I walk around, Eat, Watch TV, and Sleep. I'm a little worried about my self Oh well... I guess if your reading this your kinda bored too... Well because this is a shitty short post i'll send you to a Shitty Long post JK...Here is some of Eric's Inner Thoughts

P.S.> Headin to a BBQ at Vanessa's maybe i'll have a good post after

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Down with the Macarone

Today's Song: The Killers - Somebody told me

I didn't do much today, pretty much lazed around the house. Sarah called me this morning as a sort of Wake up/Reminder call... She called so that she could get my ass out of bed and call HER today as i mentioned in the previous Blog.

Before we get to the interesting part...I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 with Vanessa, Sarah, Dickie and a drunk Justin K. I gotta say that this movie DEFINATLY makes me feel proud to be Canadian... But i do have both Canadian and U.S Citizenship, and because of this connection to the U.S i feel that i should be doing something to help the U.S in some way. A while ago my dad mentioned because of my duel citizenship i could be drafted by the U.S military, As soon as i haer this my heart stopped, because i want to do my part to stop terrorism in the world, and the Idea that someone can plan a huge attack on a neighboring country that has been very helpful to us in the past (Mad Cow Aside) makes me sick, and what's even worse is the fact that instead of searching for Bin Laden, the U.S Invades Iraq..who soposedly had connections to Al-Quida, This sounds like Social 30...Scapegoating!. I feel that the U.S's efforts are not where they should be foucused.

To all those who have lost their lives in 9/11 and in the War on terrorism. I pray that you are in a better place and God be with your Family's

So i called...Well Vanessa handed me a ringing phone...hahaha. I gotta say it was hard to form the words but it was soo good to get it out in the open, Plus she is soo easy to talk to so that made it a little easier.

The call went pretty much like this:

Me: So i her you read my Blog?
Her: What?, Oh yea i have
Me: What did you think of it?
Her: It's good
Me: Care to Elaborate on "Good", Do you think it is like: 1)Hey Jeff i feel the same way. OR
2) Hey Jeff it was fun hangin out as friends and we had a blast so lets just leave it at that.
Her: The First one
Me: *Dancing with joy* I'm so happy to hear that

Then blah blah... Then we decided that she has to pick our next date (Woot!)

So, I guess she is "Down with the Macarone"...hahaha

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Evan is Full of advice

Today's Song: Bush X - Machinehead

I'm sorry for the this boring Blog today...I didn't actually do anything today.

Man, I'm a Lazy ass. I only left the house once today to go and get dinner. I was soo bored today that i actually started to Defragment my Hard Drive...I KNOW!...So after completeing this Defrag i went and watched some TV...And the lame thing was that there was nothing on. So i came back to the comp, and Re-installed Battlefield 1942 because it was being ghey and loading SUPER slow.

SO that brings us to around 11:30 in the PM. and i'm sitting here chatting to my friends, and Robo brings up a good point... Well before that i gotta fill you in a bit because this is a MSN convo we had.

Whenever Robo wants me to try some new trick or jump or something on the Bike he ALWAYS says: "Macarone, Do it or i won't give you a ride home"...And i gotta say that most of the time it works, So this the same when it came to me hitting the Mediums so here it is:

2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
so how's life in the megan land
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Not bad, the health care is wicked
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
thats what i like to hear, dude you should get her to read your blog then she relly knows whats going on
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Well i found out the other day that she has read it
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
But she hasn't daid anything to me about it
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
well that good
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
oh thats not
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
i say you talk to her, in my life as a pimp it's better to get it out n the open it's lke biking you just have to hit the "mediums" so to say
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
What a way to put it
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
so all i have to say macaronie is hit the mediums or i wont give you a ride home

Well Robo your right...But your timing is Shitty, i wish you would have told me this earlier because it is 11:51 in the PM and it's too late to call her and tell her how i feel...So maybe she's reading this.

So i plan to call her tomorrow and see if i can work up the courage and tell her how i feel and ask her how she feels about this Blog.

Wish me luck...

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Thank You Dickie

Today's Song: Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills

FINALLY got that interview and i got the job!!!. I was soo nervous about it, Dickie was having a good time laughing at me about it..."Hey Jeff, What's up? Your nervous or something?"...shit, once i saw him i just started to freak out, But all n' all it wasn't bad at all. One of Dickie's Server friends was peaking around the corner at me and i had to try soo hard to stop from laughing, but once it was done it was all good. SOO relieved.

After that i took Dickie to lunch because i'm such a good person...hahaha. Got the same thing as always (Chicken Quasidilla YUM)I gotta admit that i celebrated by getting the Gueomole with my Quasidilla. So we sat there talking about life, Work, Girls, and then Transformers came on the TV so i had a blast watching that on the tube.

Last night was fun, I hadn't ridden the bike in forever so i went riding at around 8 or so... and i get out by huskey and we start playing around in the dirt there and then *SPLASH* it's like a trential down pour. So i stayed a bit hoping the rain would stop, but is just started getting worse and then the Lightning and thunder started, i gotta say that i've never been scared of being hit by lightning before, but standing in an open lot holding shovels wans't the best idea, and the thunder was soo loud you could tell the storm was right over head. It was amazing and terrifying all at once.

Once i dryed off i watched Lost in Translation ( i gotta say i watch alot of movies...I'm a Movie slut) It was funny, the ending was a bit lame, but it was good. Also last night i finished watching Band Of Brothers, it's an HBO mini series about the 101st airbourn division, Easy Company in WW II, it is amazingly filmed and it is soo intense. Even if you are not interested in WW movies you should check this out becasue it is soo amazing. Once i was done watching it i felt like i knew all the men who were in the show, And i felt sad everytime one of the men died. I feel so lucky that i live in a peaceful time and i do not have to go off into a horrible war. I cannot say enought good things about this series.

So before my interview today i go and play with My Bike , i have to say that my bike is like therapy for me, No matter what i am feeling once io hop on the bike and ride around i ALWAYS feel better after. So there i am playing with my bike to calm myself down and i decide to take off my fork to show some Grom how easy it is too take it off, so i remove the fork and find that my bering are fucked and they are like death. Like i always do, i just grabbed what i needed off some other bike laying around to fix mine. So as i just get everything back together i notice that it's not spinning well and it's kinda sticking in some places...Dickie calls and says he's comin to take me to my interview, so i just had to drop that and go.

So, I think now i'll call HER and tell her the good news, and then i'll go fix my bike AGAIN...

Friday, July 02, 2004

Well Shit

Today's Song: Soilwork - Rejection Role

Well Shit, my interview has been put off untill tomorrow at 3 so i better get the damn job...

Yesterday i saw Shrek 2 with Sarah, Megan, Vanessa, and The Woo It was Halarious and i highly recomend it. I gotta admit that i like watching some children's movies like Shrek 2 because of the "Adult Jokes" that the makers put in for the parents to find funny..."Your wearing Women's Underwear?!"..."It's a THONG!"...hahaha

After the movie i came home and vegged for a while before meeting up with Dickie, Sarah and Vanessa at the Chalet. We decided we needed to watch the Fireworks and a prime spot would be from the tramp at Mike's house...So Mike invited us over and we watched the show from there, It was quite romantic...Except that eric tried to touch me....I would have perfered that the lovely lady i've been chasing were there, but hey. it all can't be the way i want.

I would also like to applogize for the "Jeff = Chicken Shit" post... it was just an Emo explosion...The date was awesome it couldn't have been funner, i had such a great time. The only thing that i was bitching about was MY OWN FAULT... She did nothing wrong at all. With that said i was just trying to set the record stright.

So...What to say about HER...
We all know this is wear i say something about chasing her... But recently i had some "Friends" (I'm still trying to think if they did it in MY good interests) Say that there were gonna tell HER about my Blog and i started to get worried...Because i have just told exactly how i feel and what was on my mind. But the thought of her reading this almost make me feel less worried...Because then the ball is in her court. If she reads this then she knows how i feel, WHY i'm a chicken shit...hahaha...

So, if YOU are reading this please tell me what you are feeling.


Shit, it's 5:35 in the AM and i am tired as shit...

I'll post after my interview today