Tuesday, March 29, 2005

You Have The VIP Pass To My Heart.

Today's Song: The Music - Bleed From Within

"Just happened to be
The most precious night
That I have ever lived
And they're still fighting

I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding from within
I'm bleeding, You're bleeding from within
I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding from within
I'm bleeding"

So Sean told me a story of his adventures at Tequilla... and he said that he met the manager and hung out with him and then showed me his Year Long VIP Pass. So as we get we are takin a break Sean says: I wanna try something diffrent" And then he goes and lands a half Cab...First Try... (Half Cab = rolling backwards and then hoping back to rolling forwards) After he did it i told him: " You have the VIP Pass to my heart".

Tomorrow i am going to ask for a raise. I mean i think i have definatly earned it. I mean i regularly do more then one person's work, i know how to do alot of the shit in the kitchen, And i have to fucking look after all the kids in the who don't know what to do. I mean i have to tell them when to breakdown, what jobs to do, how to do them, and do my jobs aswell.

Work was ghey today. I fuckin had to take all the oil out to the dumpster. It was fucking annoying. And i was told that head office was coming in tomorrow morning, so everything better be hella clean.....

Last night Jocelyn came over and watched some OC and it was good to see that kid. We watched a bunch of episodes and after she left i fell asleep on the upstairs couch... SOO COMFEY.

So, i woke up at like 9... and i didn't know where the fuck i was, then walked down to my room and slept some more. After like an hour and a half, my Father woke me up and we went shooting. Then i treated him to Harveys. DAMN i like Harvey's hotdogs... Soo delicious.

Then is was home, played on the comp and then off to work where you have already read was pretty lame.

After work i checked my voicemail and Sean wanted to hit up Milly, So i sewed up some jeans and we went for two hours. It was really fun. I was hitting that hip alot better and smoother. Then for a new trick, i went up the pyramid and hopped onto the right side and did a 180 to rollback. It looks neat trust me...

So here is a pic of the pyramid... Mind you it is not from tonight. Tonight the play was completely dry.
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Red = Direction i was rolling
Green = The way i was facing

Don't worrk, I'll get a vid of it soon enough.

Well no i have to go to sleep because i have to open tomorrow morning... Yay.... With Jon the ass hat... FUCKING WOO HOO....

Hours till my shift starts: 5.5

~Good Night

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Usual.

Today's Song The Distillers - Beat Your Heart Out

"Baby you make my heart beat faster
Baby you make my heart beat faster"

Work Fucking Sucks.

Schanks is good.

I Miss Everyone.

Want a GF.

I Like Biking.


[BTW> New "Easter" Comic...]

Friday, March 25, 2005

No Burden To Bare

Today's Song: The Hollies - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

"The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother"

So, worked 9-230... 5 and a half hour shift. Not fun. My feet hurt soo much because i was standing the whole damn time. Then it was off to class. Got out of class early, so that was pretty kick ass.

So, Tomorrow Papa Macarone and i are goin to the Gun Show. I'm really exciyted about that because... Let's face it... Guns are fuckin koo.

The Sis is back in town. She's a good kid.

Went to Milly tonight with Sean. It was an awesome session because i was hitting up this new hip action.

This is the Hip... It's not me riding. It's Sam Jepson... he is a hella good rider:
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It's a koo hip, i hope to eventually get really good at it... like in the pic. Sean said i was gettin like 4 - 6 inches above the coping and i was landing smooth. For only trying it tonight i am happy.

So, i ripped my pants AGAIN... Getting pretty tired of this crap... I swear the grant total is like 6 pairs now...

On the way home Sean and i got stopped at a check stop, they asked if we had been drinking, we said no, we were biking aty Milly, and they saw the bike and let us go. As we are leaving sean says: "Shit dude, I don't have my licence... and i have no idea where the registration to this car is..." So i can pretty much say that i was about > < This close to spending a night in jail or something.

I'm bored of mt house. I want to go out and hang out with some of you people. Let's go do something. have some fun... I cannot stand to be cooped up in here anylonger...

~Good Night

(Update - 458am)
So i have just spend the whole time from after posting till now playing DOD with Justing and Mike. Fuckin awesome game. First it was Justing against me... then me and Mike against Justing. Then Justing and me against Mike. DAMN that MG-42 is awesome. All i would do is fine a spot, hide, wait for mike... And either shoot him, or shoot him through the walls. I finally got some kills... I think i was 7 -7 hahaha.

So after Justing and Mike left, it was me and some other fool. It was the best game i have ever had 3 - 1. one time he hid in a corner and waited for me, and i was usin my luger, and i ran away backwards and capped his ass. I was just running arouns with the MG-42 shooting him... I loved it.

~Good Night...err...Morning

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Dead On My Feet.

Today's Song: David Bowie - Major Tom

"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today"

Sorry i havn't posted in a while. Nothing really Blog-worthy has happened.

I have started playing Day of Defeat with Justing and playin some Counter-Strike with Mike. It's fun... Excpet when Justing just picks me off all the time. Tonight when Justing and i were playing, we started talkin trash with some punk. it was soo fun. He said he was in a Gang and wanted to fight Justing... Then we asked what type of Gang-banger is playing DOD at 1 in the am? Shouldn't he be pimping his hoes?.... He took offence when we told him that he probably just fixes the gang members computers.

So, Work has been a pain in the ass. Tonight i was Calling. Meh, went alright. I'm slow at it and Sarah as usual, was being a bitch. I hate it when the servers ask dumb questions, like: "How long till your done?"... Well let's see... I havn't had a chance to start cleaning because i have been making these damn orders. Then i still have to do the count, take everything off the line, wipe everything down, make random orders that will come up during this time, spray down, and take garbage out. This my not seem like alot. But spraying down alone takes around a half hour.

So i was trying to get a good hear start on closing by taking everything off the line at like 830. as soon as i was done that, 5 orders came in. So i had to run back and get the shit i needed and make those orders. The thing is that even if it is just a few orders is that everything stops... i cannot clean because i have to cook the shit. I can't tell someone else to do it because not everyone knows how to cook the food.

So, the "powers that be" at work gave me a shift on thurs.... the thing is that i have class tues and thurs... And if they would have looked at the past month or more they would have seen that tues and thurs are days that i ALWAYS have off. So my manager got all pissed at me when i saiod i couldn't work that shift. So when i came in today i told him that i would come in and open.... SO... i have to be at work in four hours... Woot...

It feels like i havn't been out in a long time. I guess i'm getting old. I think i will just ask everyone i know to go and hangout untill someone will finally give in and do somethign with me.

I should probably mention that there is NOTHING at all to report about my interaction with the fairer sex...

~Cold Night

Monday, March 21, 2005

Raging Bull .454 Casull

Today's Song: Bush X - Little Things

"Scratch away
It's the little things that kill
Tearing at my brains again
The little things that kill
The little things that kill"

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So this morning Papa Macarone and i went out to breakfast, Then to chapters. But they did not have what i was looking for so i must order online...

After Chapter it was off to the The Shooting Edge. When i first got in there i spotted this BEAUTIFUL Revolver, and i knew i was gonna shoot it today. So Father and i willed out said paperwork. And then son a-hole came and took it before me... I was pissed. So We went to the riflebay with the .308 Blazer, and .308 FN. Both were hella fun.

Once we were done with the rifles we went for the handguns. Dad went for a respectable 9mm HK USP.... I went for the Casull Raging Bull .454

The Casull Raging Bull .454:
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My Father called is a "Hand Cannon"... Made me think of Pulp Fiction.

Beautiful... Just so you get an idea of how big the bullet is:
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[LtoR - Quarter, 9mm, .45, .454]

Those bullets are huge. And it's fuckin powerful. After shooting 20 rounds my hand hurt. But this thing is soo accurate. I hit the bullseye:
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Last night Justing left a comment on my Blog Saying:
Justin said...

Sin City looks like a potentially great movie.

Have fun with the shooting. Find the biggest pistol you can, and use it.

Well Justing.... I think with the .454 i accomplished that.

So i was sitting here starting to write this post when Sean calls me up and wants to hit Milly. Heck yes. So everything was covered in snow. But it was still fun. I sean land a crank flip. I was dialing in the 180 to rollbacks. And i ripped my pants th shreds... That sucked.

After riding got a slice of pizza, then came back to my house, watched some SICK BMX vids. Aswell as some OC.

~ Good Night

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I'm dreaming of a white MARCH?

Today's Song: The Distillers - The Hunger

"Open sky the wave of pain the scent of you is bliss.
Hungry eyes they stare at me,
I know, I know, don't go."

So, It's a little blizzard out now... And it's March... Super.

Went to Jesse's 19th. It was awesome to see some kids that i havn't kept in touch with in forever. Chizen is lookin good. I'm glad things are goin well for him.

I watched Meet the Fockers, It was pretty funny I enjoyed. And i also watched some OC from Season 2... So far, i have seen alll the first season and 1,2,3 from the second.

I'm excited for tomorrow. My father and i are gonna go to the Shooting edge and punch some holes in paper. I wanna run by Chapters so i can pick up a Sin City book, I'm hopin i'll like it.

So, i got bored... So i decided to take a funny pic of my dog:
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Yea, Bailey dosn't look to impressed... But atleast Dickie isn't trying to make out with him.

~Bored Night

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Fuckin work.

Today's Song: System Of A Down - Toxicity

"Now, what do you own the world?
how do you own disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
disorder, disorder, disorder"

Work Sucked ass tonight. I was done work at like 1055... FUCK.

Then went to Schanks, Saw a bunch of kids i knew. It was good. Wish i could have seen Amy... But she had a little to much to drink i herd...

So because all the people i knew were busy either with girls and or people i did not know. I decided to leave. I started off on my way. I got to the intersection by Denny's and i hear someone yelling at me. I turn around and i see a van with someone telling me to get my ass in the car and that they'd give me a ride... I was all scared at first then i saw it was Kim's mom giving a bunch of kids a ride home. So i gladly hopped in.


So, now i am home. Sober. And Alone.

Well, What you did not see in the vids i had on here before was the many... MANY attempts that did not go well....

Fall #1
[Right Click, Save As]

Hope You Enjoy...

~Good Night

Friday, March 18, 2005


Today's Song: Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man

"Those bods are being bad
You better take a stand
You gonna wake up that thing in your hand
You're looking all around
There is trouble to be found
Make sure when you find it you get to say it loud
Gotta code three
Need back up
Bring me
My bright pink fluro jacket"

Woke up at 4... Because it was my day off. Went to see Hostage with Kelsey at 740. But first it was to Quiznos for soem dinnah. While waiting for Kelsey i ran into Sara, We chatted and whatnot.

Then off to the movie, Enjoyed it the second time around. Then when leaving the theater we ran into some kids we know, I plyed football with them. and it was like a half hour till they were gonna go see Hostage, So we went into a theater to see another movie... Robots:

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Not bad, If was funny. Definatly LOVED the dance scene at the end.

After the Movie, went to Timmy's then walked Kelsey home.

Lookin forward to schanks tomorrow.

BTW> New Comic

~Good Night

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sugar Daddy.

Today's Song: K-os - Man I Used To Be

"I tried it, I couldn't find it
Now I just wanna get back to me
Awe baby,
Back into the man I used to be"

Woke up around noon. Got out of bed around 2, when to the bank, Dropped some shit off at work, And then off to Class. Passed my second unit test... Havn't done that in a while. Feels good.

So, because of the lack of a answer at home i had to buss it home, and as i arrived at Dalhousie there was an Ambulance and a couple cop cars, And a fire truck. When i got home i was informed by my dad that there had been two... TWO stabbings there. WTF is this world coming too? Frick.

After getting home, And not being able to find ANYONE to watch OC with me... Sean came over and watched American Chopper, then we went to Milly.

Sean Lookin Pretty:
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AWESOME SESSION. I swear we rode everything there. I was even in the fullpipe. So i Borrowed Papa Macarone's Digi Cam and got Sean Tarnizzle to take some Vids. I swear i tried a hundred times to land a 180 to rollback out of the bathtub.... But i FINALLT landed it twice:

180 to Rollback
Another 180 to Rollback from a diffrent Angle
[Right Click, Save Target As]

That was difinatly the highlight of the session to get those on vid.

After Milly Sean and i went to Timmy's and as we are sitting there eating some drunk native guy comes and starts talking to us, then he sits down and keeps goin on. Now i hate to but into racial stereotypes... But i think he was drunk, and i thought he was gonna ask us for money. He started talking about random things. He told us that he was the best hunter, tracker, and skier in Canada, Then told us he could give us some number to call and check... He went on about how we were probably raised not to beg for anything and whatnot. Then he mentioned his sick sister who is in ICU and her weird husband who took off his shoes, socks, and shirt, and then walked into her hospital room... Then they had to call the cops on him. So then he tells us that he only has 35 cents to his name. Well at this point i KNEW he was gonna sk for some money, So Sean and i gave him some change. He then mentioned that he's was drinkin hot water because he could not afford a coffee, So Sean gave him his coffee.

I'm all for helping someone in need, But i reall hope he dosn't spend that money on booze. And then i thought to my self. I worked for that money. I don't enjoy my job at all, Infact i dislike it. But the fact is that i worked for it. Mind you it was like $1.50 i gave him.

Anyways, He then asked if we could give him a ride to the hospital... Which is right across the street and then like 800m or so to the emergency room doors. We told him that the car was full of bikes, and snowboards and there was no room at all. We QUICKLY left.

I would have expected to meet some drunk/druged out/odd/crazy person at Milly at 3 in the morning. But at Timmy's caught me off gaurd. It was funny because while we were at Milly a couple on rollerblades were rolling around and whatnot, and they seemed by appearance to be none of the above. It almost seemed like a date, one of those 2am romantic trips to Milly. They even asked Sean to take a pic of them hugging.

~Good Night

BTW> If the Vids don't work it's because i have used up my daily transfer allowance. So please try later.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard" (LP - Faint)

Today's Song: Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose

"There's nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There's nothing to gain
But the days don't seem to change"

I am tired of the same routine. It's all the same, Everyday.

All that i can think of to discribe how i am feeling is that i donot like where my life is right now. I feel like i am stuck in limbo.

I wish it were diffrent. I look for better times.

Monday, March 14, 2005

So Long Sweet Dickie

Today's Song: AFI - Girl's Not Grey

"I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Watch stars go out tonight
On sinking ground"

Well, i dunno when we all woke up. But i think we were all feeling the night before. After watchin some TV and eating some leftovers, Kev and Dickie when home.

Later tonight Dickie, Kevin, Justing, Sandra, and i went to see Hostage:
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Awesome movie, I very much enjoyed it. Great action, great acting, GREAT gun fights. I would definatly go see it again.

While watching the previews i saw an interesting trailer: Sin City This movie looks very interesting, They style and the way it is filmed looks really good. It reminds me of Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow, But less Ghey. What i mean is: You In Sky Captain you can easily tell the backgrounds are CGI but the foreground is real. Well, because of the style and whatnot of Sin City, the CGI isn't as obvious. I am not a big fan of comic book movies, but this looks good. I will definatly see it even if it's just to see how the movie is filmed.

After the Movie, and dropping Sandra off, and Shooting Justing. Kevin, Dickie, and i headed to Denny's for some foods. Then back to my house to hang out. I am gonna miss that Dickie kid. I can't wait till he moves back here.

~Good Night

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Today's Song: Blink 182 - Always

"Come on let me hold you touch you feel you
Kiss you taste you all night

So, Had to run to catch the bus to work today. Fucking close...

Work was fine, nothing hard. Soo glad i didn't have to close.

It was crazy, Dickie came to joey's to pick me up, but i wasn't off yet. Then at 9 (When i was finally off) Evan and Kris were there to give me a ride home.

Went home, showered, changed, and went to schanks.

So glad i went out tonight. Even if i only went out to get right wasted. It was koo to run into some old friends and whatnot. Thats one thing i really like about Schanks, You'll most likely see someone you know. So about 45 min into the night i had already had like 7 drinks. I lost count after nine. Tonight i was drinking: Chartruse, Broken Down Golf Carts, China White, And Long Island Ice Teas. Quite the good combo. Didn't puke, which is awesome.

Came home watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off and ordered Pizza. Kevin and Dickie slept over here. Hopefully tomorrow is the shooting range.

BTW> Spending like $80 - $90 is not a good thing. Hopefully i have some paychecks coming in soon.

So tonight i called some people who i wish would have showed up. But it didn't work out that way... I just hope i can see them soon.

~Good Night

Saturday, March 12, 2005

What Is Missing?

Today's Song: Blink 182 - Easy Target

"She's on a mission, and I'm collateral damage (That's what she wanted)
She's the flower that you place on my casket (That's what she wanted)
Savor the moment cause the memory's fleeting
Take a photograph, as the last train is leaving

Well, Rents have left for a few days. Work was ok, I was bustin my ass becauce i am a machine. No only was i kicking ass up front, but i was kicking ass in the kitchen aswell. Fuckin Jon... What a moron. He thinks he's hot shit. But he is not. Today he was sopost to cook on grill and do dish. Something which i can do decently even when busy. He couldn't do either. I wasn't even working in the kitchen tonight and i was bossing him around. Fuck.

I never thought of myself as a good leader in any sense of the word, but i do get some results when i tell his to stop standing around talking.

So. I almost killed my manager tonight. She has an INTENCE nut allergie. So when i spilt a bucket of, pecans all over the place.... She had to run and take some medication. Fuck i felt soo bad.

Dickie and Kev picked me up at work, when back to my house, ate pizza and watched TV. Went to Dennys for Ice Cream.

Ever wish you could read minds? I'd really like to know what people think of me, or how they see me. I'd want to know what is said about me. I'm curious because certain people's opinions are held over others. I dunno, I guess i am worried about some stories that are told about me.

~Good Night

Friday, March 11, 2005


Today's Song: Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister

"Hey sister are you all alone?
I'm standing out your window
Hey little sister can I come inside there
I want to show you all my love
I want to be the only one "

Went to Class. Wrote a test. Went to Dickie's. Picked up Lauren, Had Coffee and Dinner. Hung out, and then hung out.

~Good Night

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I Wish You Could Make This World Make Sense

Today's Song: Killswitch Engage - End Of Heartache

"Sleep brings release
And the hope of a new day
Waking the misery
Of being without you "

I read someone else's Blog a while ago and it made me thing to myself:

What am i doing?
Where am i going?
What is my plan?

I have no idea. I am just filled with a somber feeling everytime one of these questions arises in my head. Maybe it's my skewed perspective. The way i count: "I wish i hads" Instead of counting "I'm glad i haves". I wish i new the answer, i wish it was in my grasp. I see the road ahead, It's filled with many trials and tribulations. I don't have the self confidence to be strong and take this head on.

I'm drowning in this pool of self doubt.

I do not know what i need to get me in the right frame of mind. I guess i just want it all to fall into my lap, But the world dosn't work this way.

Maybe i am envious of those around me. They are so Solid, Stable, and Happy. I want to be able to live each moment as they come and enjoy each and every one.

How i ache for an end to this feeling.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I Want To Be Miles Away From Me.

Today's Song: The Distillers - City Of Angles

"They say
this is the city
The city of angels
All i see is dead wings"

I have been feeling Depressed as of late. And i found myself looking at old posts.
Here are some Quotes from Better Times:

"i gave Sarah the recipt and she was like: "I don't want it" and i walked away. She said she was "TRYING" to put it in my back pocket... But she pretty much just Sexually harassed me infront of a bunch of people in safeway by touching my bum. I'm not the type of person to be violated and not say anything about it, So i loudly told everyone in safeway that Sarah had just sexually Harassed me and that it wasn't right. Sarah learned her lesson."

"The Evil Dead... Two zombi thumbs up... Sarah Fully enjoyed this flick...hahaha We plan to rent the sequals and watch them back to back, We'll have to alert the Local EMS because too much Zombies puts Sarah into a Coma (NO DICKIE!)."

"Last night was So funny, It was Movie Night Monday, This means on Monday we pick out a movie that we think will scare the shit out of Sarah...And i think we succeded. It was awesome because Sarah was walking down the drive way to her car and i grab her and yell:"BLAIR WITCH", and i swear she jumped like 3 feet into the air and screamed soo loud, it was Priceless."

"So there i am having a nice little sleep and i am rudely awoken but the ringing of the telephone, and who is it that was calling? It was my pal Robo calling to say that we should have a BBQ at Bowness Park. Man that was fun, we called up a nice little gang of people and we headed down. We had some delicious half cooked E-coli Bergers cooked by our very own Justin K. We played some some Sweet ass Ultimate Frisbee, and watched Megan chug a liter of coke, and also watch half of it come out of her nose."

"So, i am sitting here sipping on a slurpee pondering what one ponders while sitting infront of their computer on a tuesday night sipping on a slurpee, and it occurs to me...Tomorrow is my last day of high school...Holy shit, quickest three years of my life. and i start to think about all the good time i've had, Throwing my lunch into the FAR garbage can, Finding some good fastion in the lost and found, Some DAMN good frisbee, AND of course Girl watching...Witch i must say took up alot of my three years at Bowness."

"After the movie i came home and vegged for a while before meeting up with Dickie, Sarah and Vanessa at the Chalet. We decided we needed to watch the Fireworks and a prime spot would be from the tramp at Mike's house...So Mike invited us over and we watched the show from there, It was quite romantic...Except that eric tried to touch me....I would have perfered that the lovely lady i've been chasing were there, but hey. it all can't be the way i want."

"So i walk inside the house no lights are on and i still have my shoes on and i walk to the hall to turn on the light and i step on something soft (Dog Toy?) So i flip on the light and look down.....

I had just stepped in a pile of dog shit....BAD KARMA"

"So Between Dickie telling me how i was gonna get mawled by a bear in his dream (He said he was disapointed in me because it was only a small one and i could have taken him) and almost getting sick a couple times, it was a fucking fun trip!"

"The movie ends and it's time for HER to go home. The part of the night i like the least. And as i am walking her to her car i am thinking about Kissing her, and about last nights events, and about how big of an asshole Dickie is. So we hug and we are staring into eachothers eyes, and i can tell she knows what is on my mind and she laughs and we catch eyes again and i move in and kiss her. Then i said: "I wanted to do that eariler but when Dickie laughed it kinda ruined the mood", She laughed, then we kissed again before she left."

I Hope you enjoyed these memories as much as i do. I miss those times.

~Good Night

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Dickie Experiments.

Today's Song: Distillers - Drain The Blood

"All my friends are murder
All my bones are marrows in
All these fiends want teenage meat
All my friends are murderers"

Did nothing, till like 7 or 730, When Dickie, Kevin Justin and i went to Dinner at Montannas. After eating Justing went home, He has some schoolin to do tomorrow. Then Kevin Dickie and i played GTA: San Andreas. It was hella fun. Just going on a Chainsaw killing spree. PLaying with a Sawed-off Shotty and whatnot. Definatly had fun shooting Dickie with the BB Gun. I'm sure he enjoyed it just as much.

So, when we grabbed the game from his house. I decided to put an end to the stories. Which Stories you ask? Well there have been some Rumors floating around that Dickie has had a love affair with Dingo... His Dog. Well I have Photographic Evidence to put this story to rest.

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As you can see his hand has wandered on to the "Doggy Booty"... We have had our Experts here examine this pic and have come to the conclusion that Dickie has used this same maneuver on most all Human females he has dated. They figure that Dickie is currently "Practicing" with Dingo so as to sastisfy his Girlfriends. We suspect that Dingo also taught Dickie to kiss aswell.

I have been trying to steal this pic for a LONG... LONG time now. And FINALLY i have it.... Well i stole and Scanned it. But a Digital copy is enough for me.

Well Dickie...

Your a SICKO.

~Good Night

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Sixth Of March

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Happyness By The Kilowatt

"So where has all the day gone?
And why are my lungs aching when I breathe?
Is there something wrong with the heat?
Why am I so cold?
And my heart feels sick
And it hurts when I speak
And this is not what I hoped for"

No work today. Woke up played on the comp. Called Dickie.

630, Went to dinner with Megan and Dickie. Megan had to something MORE important then us to do. Then picked up a sober Kevin.

Went and Saw Be Cool.
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Definatly liked that move. It had a Pulp Fiction-ish taste about it. I would highly recomend this movie.

After Movie, went to Milly with Sean. Busted out. Got home at like 4.

Jeff go Sleep now.

~Good Night

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Kevin McPukey Pants

Today's Song: Weezer - Hash Pipe

I can't help my feelings
I'll go out of my mind
These playas out to get me
Cause they like my behind
I can't love my business
If I can't get a trick
Down on Santa Monica where tricks aren't for kids"

Ugh.... Work...

Schanks.... Drunk...

Call Candice....

Kevin puke on Dickie's Car...

~Sleep Now

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Funny Bash Quote

ptp`R-N-C`efegege> how many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
The_only_Vanilla_Willy> HOW MANY?!
ptp`R-N-C`efegege> none they just sit in the dark and cry

Hostess With The Most-est

Today's Song: Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice

"Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice
Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice"

So, Went to work. I was surprised how nervous i was. But it was all good. I know i did well becuse i kept busy doing whatever. So the Ghey thing is.... When i work out front... I will only make $6.50....Ahh well... In four hours i made $14 in tips... Not to shabby... More then i have ever mad being a cook and the work was a hell of alot easier. Plus i look DAMN sexy in my host gear.

Then went to The Chalet... Fuckin Dickie didn't pick me up till like 10 so the we got to the Chalet at like 11. Ate, Went to Bugs to see Dickie's GF.... That was....uh... Interesting. After leaving called Justing, Went to Timmy's. Hung out for a few hours. Then came home because "Dickie was Tired". Pussy.

So i came home and attached a laser sight to my BB Gun.... IT FUCKIN OWNS... Enough said.

~Good Night

Friday, March 04, 2005

I Got Adickied To The Dickie

Today's Song: Wilf Connors - My Nova Scotia Home

"I'm Blue for My Nova Scotian Home"

Woke up hella late. Went to class, Couldn't wait to leave so i could see my Dickie Poo...

Called him and he picked my up from Brentwood. Went back to my house and hung out, Called Kevin. Went to Taco Bell and ate some DELICOUS fries Supreme. Talked to Sarah. Went back to my house, Hung out. Prank Called Lauren. Shot Dickie with my BB Gun. Then Dickie got tired so he went home. I'm super excited that kid came back.

So tomorrow is Hosting day... YAY... I gotta dress all pretty and whatnot. Then after work we are gonna go to The Chalet for some Dinnah. Dickie and i plan to walk in through the back door and see what happens... It'll be good.

Tomorrow is gonna be a good day

~Good Night

BTW> New Comic

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Today's Song: Sum 41 - Still Waiting

"This can't last forever
Time won't make things better
I feel so alone
Can't help myself
And no one knows
If this is worthless
Tell me..."

Steeze is ghetto slang for Style. Well that what the ghetto dawgs down at Milly were sayin. It funny to see some drunk, g-unit wiggers skateboarding. Don't think it could get better then that?... Well, two of them weren't skating and were bustin some phat freestlyle rhymes. It was quite dope.

So, I rigged up something to get the rigid working. Sean and i were riding the bathtub, but we were trying to launch out and hip to the landing of the table..... In the pic it is shown by the Red arrows.

The kid (Peetie's younger bro Stephen) Is doing a Disaster, same place as i had landed it.
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So, after hitting the grinds and crap, we hit MTB line and hopped over this 1.5 foot thing. So after that we got bored and sat down and drank our slurpees. We also waxed up this other grind that was WAY more sketchy. But we both got it at least once.

So now i don't really have anything that i want to try, because i have landed all the new tricks i have learned. So i was trying to think of a new one.... so i decided to 180 out of the bathtub (In above pic) and then rollback. It took me like 1000 tries, But mi finally landed one... Wasn't pretty but it counts. Later i came back and tried them again and i landed another that was way higher and way smoother. Perfect session

So... DICKIE COMES TOMORROW... err today... Well in like 9 hours. I CANNOT WAIT!!! It's gonna be awesome to see that fool.

~Good Night

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lactic Acid = Ouch

Today's Song: My Chemical Romance - Hang 'em High

"Wait until it fades to black.
Ride into the sunset.
Would I lie to you?
Well, I've got something to say.
Grab your six gun from your back.
Throttle the ignition.
Would I die for you?
Well, here's your answer in spades.

Shotgun sinners, wild-eyed jokers.
Got you in my sights.
Gun it while I'm holding on. "

Well, Didn't do anything last night, just cahtted and whatnot. Watched Collateral. I fell asleep towards the end. And i woke up to miss the whole ending.... So aftwe having this nap i wasn't tired at all and porceeded to watch lota of TV and stayed up way too late. So i pretty much woke up just before school.

So, chatted to Sarah for like 10 min... So she went and shot a rifle today. Kinda sad about it, but i cannot hold her back from wicked experinces like that.

Went to class. Saw mike as he was Leaving. Wasn't soo bad today, it went by really quickly and i got out early. While i was in class i noticed that my pocket started to vibrate.... I liked it... SO i let it go and i didn't answer. At the break i checked my voice mail and Aaron a former Joey's employee called and wanted to go biking. I was totally down. But i wanted to Call Candice. She had tests, and was too koo to come over... Maybe it was the fact that i invited her over to fix my bike... Ah well.

So Milly it is. Got home at like 7. Threw on the DJ3, Rode to Dalhousie, Took the train to Milly. There wasn't anything i NEEDED to do or try. So it was just playing around, on the usual stuff, with some Disasters too. Rode milly for a while rode down town for a while. Took the train back to Dalhousie and then rode home.

Frick i am one tired kid. I know i am out of shape. But having a single speed AND brakes that are rubbing didn't help. The whole way home my legs were going Crazy, Burning like hell. I think i might have been riding alot lately and i can tell by the fact that EVERYTHING is sore... I finally got home at like 1130.

Tomorrow: Go to bank, Go to Bow, Take Mom to lunch, work 5 - 8.

Almost forgot:
So Sarah's Roomate at Uni has a Blog and i read it to find out what Sarah has been up to.... So here are some Pics from Megan Ziarek's Blog

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

I DO NOT know what they teach at that school... But if it involves Girls in their Underwear i like!

~Good Night

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Today's Song: Jet - Look What You've Done

"Take my photo off the wall
if it just won't sing for you.
cuz' all that's left has gone away
and there's nothing there for you to prove."

So, Work wasn't that bad. Finished closing really early because the place wasn't busy at all. I like working with Vlad. Chris is FINALLY pulling his weight... I'm so proud of him.

Before work today i went to Rona to see if they had a bolt for the fork... they didn't. So i ran over to this Sports Traders place where a kid i know works. And i got the headset bearings i needed.... FOR FREE.

So... I FINALLY found out who MGX is, I had guessed many a time. But out of respect to Justing and Ralph, I won't say his name.

So, tomorrow is deposit paycheck at bank. Go to bow and hope those morons have my bolt. Call Candice, Go to class.


So Dickie is back in town Thurs at lunch.... Man i can't wait to see that kid. It'll be soo much fun.

BTW> I just remembered back in the day Eric an i posted our pics on this site notornot.com, and you get rated on how hot you are...

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Looks like i'm a SOLID.... Average..

~Good Night