Monday, February 28, 2005


New Funny Flash

Fucking Fork

Today's Song: Blink 182 - Easy Target

"Holly's looking dry looking for an easy target
Let her slit my throat give her ammo if she'll use it
Caution on the road lies lies and hidden danger
Southern California's breeding mommy's little monster"

[NOTE TO SELF: 1) Go to rona and pick up huge fucking bolt for the fork
2) Kill the asshole at Axiom who decided to fucking weld the hugest starnut into the steertube
3) Go to Fucking Bow and hope those fucktards have some Headset bearings.
4) Find out who Justing's MGX is...]

Good day today. Robo woke me up around 1130 or so, then went to Milly. Rode there for a long time. Did some grinds, X-ups, Tables, 180 to rollbacks. Robo was impressed that i had gotten so good scince we last rode. Went and ate lunch, at the Pizza place. I fell once and hit my Elbow on the cement... No biggie. So Robo wanted to header. and as we are leaving he mentions how badly he needs to... Um.. Do a number "Two" SO i go to the cross walk while He goes to cross the busy highway. I get to his car and he is nowhere. I looked across the street and the MOFO isn't there. I saw his bike laying by the door to Staples. So i rode over there and waited... 20min later He comes strollin out. And he mentioned that it was a "Photo Finish". We left like 345.

So, I came home hung out ate, played on the comp, watched TV. Then Sean calls and says he needs to go to Milly.... HELLS YES. So we headed down at like 1045 or so. Rode the bathtub. hit the Grinds. After i decided to try a new trick, a "disaster". What you do is: You ride stright up a QP, Then hop up, 180, land with front wheel IN the QP, with the back wheel on the deck. Then hop back into the QP. Landed them first few trys on a smaller QP. Then moved to the Bathtub where the First time tryin it in the Bathtub, i landed it off centerm and i had to leap over the bars into the bathtub. Didn't hurt, just sketched me out a bit. But then landed it a few time no prob.

The whole time i was at Milly with Sean the fucking fork kept getting looser and looser. It was driving me crazy. SO i stopped riding. But with the new trick and what not it was a Good Session.

~Good Night

Sunday, February 27, 2005


Click Here to DL a vid of me biking


Today's Song: Tiger Army - Rose Of The Devil's Garden

"My love, it is a black rose (My love it is a black rose)
Held out to you by hand of fate (Held by the hand of fate now)
And as this dark romance grows
It's not from the sun, but the starlight that's so far away
Above the devil's garden"

I think Eric will like this song...

Tonight at work was ghey. Not only was it pretty busy, John pissin me off by talking to Megan more then doing shit.... But Joe came in.... Joe, The same Joe who's name is ON the restraunt...

So after everyone if freaking out and whatnot... I try to remain calm and whatnot. Not too nervous. Then Kevin calls out a shitload of stuff to be cooked on the Grill. and then he says: "It's for Joe's table". Super... No pressure. So i managed everything pretty well. Except fucking oysters..... Fucking oysters. Mark came back and said: "I dunno who taught you to make oysters, but you gotta make like this....". So pretty much They were shit. He didn't say that in so many words, but the fact that he had to come talk to me about it made me feel like shit. I mean i was all confident and proud of my work up untill then. Fuck, I'm ashamed of myself. I mean, i probably not only made shit for mark Big Dave and other managers and staff, but i gave the worst impression to the guy who fucking OWNS the chain....

So, i felt the need to go riding or some sort of activity with friends. No luck... So it was Jeffrey and SNL... Tomorrow will start out good because Evan and i are gonna hit Milly. Still riding the Rigid. I vow to find SOME way to get a clip of me landing a 180 to rollback and host it on the interweb.

~Bad Night...

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Good Session.

Today's Song: Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)

"Seasons came and changed the time
When I grew up, I called him mine
He would always laugh and say
"Remember when we used to play?"

Bang bang, I shot you down
Bang bang, you hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, I used to shoot you down"

Work was FUCKING busy... At one point i was 40+ Fish behind....Ugh... Got home from work at like 11.

Peetie started his first day today. He said it was alright. I'm glad, there is another friend of mine comin to work.

So, waiting for a ride home from work and Sean Tarnizzle calls me up and Says he wants to hit up Milly. Well i still had the Rigid fork on and i was a bit nervous about riding with it. But it was all good. Dropped in soo smooth, And fast too. It really made me notice how much my super soft DJ3 soaked up everything, especially when i was pumping the turns.

I had a good session, Because i did some nice X-Ups and some Tables.... But what REALLY rocked my world was the fact that i landed a bunch of 180 to rollbacks. I'm getting pretty good at them. I couldn't hop nearly as high as i can on my DJ3. I mean i can hop over two feet with the DJ3... With the rigid... maybe a foot? It was sketchy in some spots but nice in others. I'm definatly gonna ride it some more. It didn't make grinding any diffrent, so i hope to get more confident on it.

Good Session.
~Good Night.

Friday, February 25, 2005


Here is the FUNNIEST Fucking thing Ever... It's like Bash, Ebaums and Newgrounds all rolled into one!!:

Click Here

Thanks That Was Fun

Today's Song: Barenaked Ladies - Thanks that was fun

"Thanks that was fun.
Don’t forget, no regrets (’cept maybe one)
Made a deal, not to feel (god, that’s dumb)"

Stayed up late last night watching Troy. Brad Pit is a babe.

Went to school, Did ok on a test. Learned some more shit. Came home, Went biking. Nothing H-Core because the leg still hurts. But it wasn't a bad session at all. Landed a few 180 to rollbacks.

After a bit of light riding. Went to Emo Mike's to check out some stuff he wanted to sell and/or lend me. The bars weren't what i thought they were. But he had a Rigid for that i could borrow. Mind you the last time i rode a Rigid bike was a BMX and when i hopped a three set i almost broke my wrists.... But i'm lookin forward to playing around on this thing. Hopefully it'll make me a better rider.

Here she is:
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Rigid Fork
Single Speed
One brake (V-brakes)

It almost seems my bike is getting less complicated every season. Well, less things to break right? I can't wait to ride it tomorrow.

~Good Night

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I Hate My Life

Today's Song: The Mars Volta - Televators

"One day this chalk outline will circle this city
Was he robbed of the asphalt that cushioned his face
A room colored charlatan
Hid in a safe
Stalk the ground"

Everyone seems to like my Hair, which makes it even better. Went in to work, They liked it.... And commented on my "Baby Face"... Ugh...

Friday, March 4. 2005 Will be Jeffrey's FIRST hosting shift. I'm all excited. Work went alright today, Not especially bad... Not good... But thats better then a day where i want to kill myself.

Came home. Needed Shower... So as i am in the shower i notice:
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This is to show that i'm not just a big pussy. It fricken hurts. You can see the nice array of colors that are represented... Blue, Purple, Red... They are all there.

I decided to call a girl to come over and watch Troy and or Hero. So suprisingly enough she did come over. We started to watch Troy then about 3 min into it she wanted to see Dawn Of The Dead.... GOOD CHOICE. She jumped at a few parts, but it was good, We enjoyed.

So During the movie i noticed that she was sitting close to me and whatnot. And so i took the hint and put my arm around her, then she leaned into me... Everythign is going well is it not?

Well Leave it up to me to Fucke it up....

I told Eric about my Embarassment:

G * U * M * B * I [] says:
And i TRIED to kiss her cheek, but i got her earlobe

G * U * M * B * I [] says:

»Eric« says:

»Eric« says:
It's becoming a Macarone classic
Yes, Let's all laugh at my folly. Frick. It's hard.... Your all nevous, your trying to get a moving target....Ugh... I am gonna aplogize to her.

~Good Night

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Today's Song: REM - Losing My Religion

"That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough"

My friend Sara came over last night and hung out. She's a good kid. Watched alot of TV and ate some Pizza.

Today was Haircut day. Went in for my appointmet at 1115 I describbed how i wanted it, And then there were piles and piles of my hair. She went on snipping away. It was weird but funny at the same time, because i normally don't talk to the hairdresser because i have no idea what to say. So ANYWAYS, I told her i have to get this hair cut becaue i wanted to be a server. SO she mentioned that when servers have tongue rings she can't stand it and loses her appitite. And then i said that i wanted to get my ears peirced for a while, Or if i got a tatoo when i get old and wrinkly that it will look so dumb. Then she talked about how i seemed to be a conservitive person because i didn't go out and get tatooed and peirced and was pretty quiet.... She dosn't know me well...

ANYWAYS... Here's what you have been WAITING for:

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So, There it is.

Everyone so far seems to like (Except my mom). Anyways I'm really likeing it. And i do not think that i'll be able to serve with it styles so. But it's easy enough and long enough to do otherthings with.

~Good Day

[EDIT: I just realized i'm wearing the same shirt... Fucking crazy]

Monday, February 21, 2005


Today's Song: Dave Mathews Band - Two Step

"Hey, my love, you came to me like wine comes to this mouth
Grown tired of water all the time
You quench my heart and you quench my mind "

Didn't work. Woke up early (for me) around noon or so. Played on the comp. Watched some Indianna Jones movies with my mom. Played iSketch with Eric.

Went to a Shindig at Jamie's. Would have been funner if a) I was drinking b) I knew more then two people there.

So Sean called around 1130, and said he wanted to hit up Milly. Damn Rights son. So i left, Walked home gor changed and went to Milly. It was goin awesome ay Milly. Takin pics and vids and whatnot.

X-Up out of the Bathtub:
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So blah blah blah, More riding. Then this very drunk girl about our age came up and asked for the time. It was like 230. she's like: "Oh's late". So then she stumbles over to a place about 25 - 30 feet away, and Kinda ducks behind a corner. Sean and i were discussing how drunk she was. Then Sean says: "Holy fuck, her pants are down". I'm like WTF? And then i see her and her pants are up. So then we decide to ask her if she's ok or if she needs some money for a cab or something. And we see this puddle where she is standing... And she was on the phone and says: "Nah, thanks i'm half wya to getting a ride already"... Then she drops her smokes into the puddle... (I try and hold back laughter) She says: "Aw Shit" Picks them up and wipes them off on her pants. You see, This puddle was obviously Piss... I'm sorry but When a fucking drunk girl takes a piss in the middle of Milly and then drops her smokes in it and picks them up and wipes it on her pants, I find it funny/sad. What has happened to today's Youth?

I dunno

ANYWAYS. We go to the spot to get a vid of some 180 to rollback action. And i try one, didn't land it. Then ride back to try again. But on the way back i tried a barspin off a curb (A simple trick i have landed many times). SO....I fell and almost lost my left nut. The wheel landed 90 degrees and i went over the handle bars. and i put my hand down, on the gravely road, and then the end of the bars hit my theigh like 2inches below my testicles. My hand was cut up and bleeding... No Biggie. Hit my elbow pretty hard and it's swollen. And i ripped a good pair of pants from where the bars stabbed me. When i looked i saw it was a cicular cut. But it's gonna be brused like a MOFO. But when i took my pants off when i got home there was blood on my pants and on my boxers. My nuts are intacted and unscathed.

When i told Justin this story he said

"boo hoo, my pussy hurts!"

No.... "Boo Hoo I almost lost the ability
to procreate!"

So after receving no simpathy aswell as getting made fun of by Justin. I think i'll take it easy for a little while. I mean i was about 2 inches from not being able to make babies...

~Good Night...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Video Hosting?

This is a vid of me riding Milly last summer: Me Riding

Hosted by:

Nothing To Report

Today's Song: Rise Against - 1000 Good Intentions

"How could something so right turn out so wrong?
You spent your time making excuses
For the ways of life that you are choosing"

Today was SOPOST to be a 5 - 9 shift. But OH NO i walk in the fucking door and i have to close. Fucking John, Your useless. I have no tolerence for people that i have to work harder to pick up their slack. I go to work to do my job. From when i punch in to when i punch out i am going to work, and get paid for it. One would think that you'd there for the same reasons.

Is it really asking so much that you come in on time, pull your own weight, and just generally be a useful co-worker? I guess it might be. Fuck.

So the day is Tuesday... Tuesday i am getting the hair cut. I'm excited to rock the new style, but at the same time apprehensive. It took about a year to get my hair this long. And i know this sounds vain, But when i wear my helmet with short hair i look like a fool... But i guess my only consolation is the fact i will be a fool making more money.

Joeclyn and Laura (Cait's Room mate) came over and watched Cellular tonight. The movie wasn't bad. Nothing special. They are some good kids.

BTW> One of you fools left your keys over here.

Lookin forward to seeing some kids home for reeding week.

~Good Night

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Wish You Could Have Seen That.

Today's Song: Rise Against - Dancing for Rain

"if i held my ground would you ask me to change
this drought bleeds on now were dancing for rain
we drink the air but its so not the same
these worlds colide but the distance remains
we point the finger, never accept the blame and i know... i know

Had to work till close tonight. It was pretty busy on Grill tonight. And fuckin Sarah (Stupid server) Says: "Wow, It's really busy on grill tonight Eh?" Me and Kevin reply: "Yea it really is". Two minutes later She says: "Uhh, Why is it taking so long for my orders?" Well you fucking moron. Your welcome to come back here and help me out. What's that? NO? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP. I mean really, You do not have the right to complain if you are not going to help to solve the problem.

So, My mind has been made up for me... The hair is getting CUT.... A manager told me that she schedualed me for some hosting shifts in a week or so. Thats awesome, I totally thought i was going to have to push to get them to let me work up front. So, i've decided how to get the hair styled....

BTW> I mentioned to Kevin that he was amazing and then i asked for his autograph:
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He told me to hold on to it, Because when he rapes and kills someone important i could sell it on eBay for alot of cash. Thanks Kev.

Lets just all remember my gloryous locks one last time:
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Well, the last time i cut my hair was grad... I had it trimmed once, but they just shapped it a bit.

Got home from work at like 11 and Sean left a message on the MSN sayin that we should hit up Milly again tonight. HELLS YES. So i called him... i msged him... Nothing... That fool was sleeping. So when we woke up around midnight we headed down and it was awesome. We brought with us a broom and a shovel so clean up some run-ins and that made a huge difference. We got the x-ups dialed in. We were playing around with Airing in the bathtub. Sean decided to show me how AMAZING he is at rollbacks when he did 10 in a row, He would go up one side rollback then up the opposite. Before we left, We went by the science center. Right by the front doors there is a speed bum type of deal. More like it has a little ramp up then it's flat for like 15 feet then it goes down again. Sean had done coutless 180 to rollbacks on this thing. But tonight was MY night to shine. i FINALLY landed a 180 to rollback. Fuckin rights. I was soo exhilarated, that i was yelling and whatnot. And in all this commotion i woke up a near by bum who was trying to get a little shut-eye.

Definatly a good night. Dialed the x-up, Kinda aired in the bathtub, and fuckin landed a 180 to rollback. I landed like three of them before we decided it was too cold to go on.

~Good Night

Friday, February 18, 2005

Happy Sarah Day

Today's Song: Rise Against - Give it all (It rocks my world.)

"Rock bottoms where we live
And still we dig these trenches,
To bury ourselves in them, backs breaking under tension"

So, After i got home from bikin with Sean, and blogging. I went about throwing some WORKING brakes on the bike. Done and done. Minus the fact that the cable hit my foot then i pedal... Minor annoyance. But they work.

Working Brakes:
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Here you can see how close the cable is to the pedal:
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So, with the bike workin and whatnot i went to bed. Woke up around 3:30 or so, Called Sarah to wish her a Happy Bday, She was glad i called. Then she went to eat.

I don't know that to say? I'm bored and wish the fucking snow would go away so i could ride.

Can't wait for Dickie to come back. We plan to Ignore Lauren, Eat at The Chalet, Drink, and go shooting. Well maybe go drinking AFTER shooting... The other way could be dangerous.


~Good Night

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Bike Therapy

Todays's Song: Rise Against - Give it all

"Break through the undertow, your hands I can't seem to find,
pollution burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I

stop my struggling, then I float to the surface,
fill my lungs with air, then let it out"

Worked tonight, Nice short shift. 5 - 830. So i talked to a Manager and she said that i might be able to get a few shifts as a waiter... But i'd need to cut my hair. I mean, I want to get a few shifts here and there of being a server. I mean you'd get some nice tips. That i like. But i like my hair as well. I guess my biggest hangup is that i don't know how to get my hair cut. I mean... How many Emo kids do you see with SHORT hair?

So. Aparently to get in on this my hair cannot touch the collar of my shirt. Maybe i just need to look out there because i know what i'd like my hair to look like...

So around 10 Sean Tarnizzle suguested that we go bikin. Definatly. I jumped at the chance to see how the my bike works with all the new bits. BEAUTIE... Minus the brakes...Literally. They stopped working so then i took them off because they were in the way. I gotta sat that at first i wasn't down with riding with no brakes. but it was easy. Mind you Sean and i were just sessioning the same thing for the whole time we were there. Drop in to the bathtub, air out. over and over. I had an awesome time. you might think that this is boring or repetitive. But not at all. Biking is Cheap therapy. No matter what mood i am in i hop on the bike and go riding and it makes me feel better. It's even better to go riding with a friend. Because you not only push eachother to get better but you can talk about whatever is on your mind. (yes snicker about guys talking about their feelings...It's just a Verbal Blog)

I have never been super comfertable with droping in to a QP or airing out. But tonight was definatly a night to get way better at it. Sean and i were trying x-ups and tables out of the Bath Tub. Definatly a good session. Afterwards to the pizza place. Props to Sean for comin out for a late session even though he has to work tomorrow moring.

PS> Jeff has no school OR work tomorrow and i am very excited about it. If some one wants to grab some lunch or do something tomorrow Call me up.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It'll Do...

Well... After spazing out about the brake situation... I took a break, Ate some Pizza. Watched some movie about Mozart. Then i came back online and chatted to Justing and Sean. Justing was talking about how he was talking to some asshole and whatnot.

Sean and i were talking eariler...about the time i freaked out. You see... Sean was on MSN while he was at work... He works HARD for his money... So he said: "Dude, Calm down it just needs some adjustments." Then a min later he was bitching about some dumbass lady who pulled up to his booth.

ANYWAYS. When talking to Sean tonight i decided to throw on some old V-brakes... Well it sounded easier then done. I have plenty of the crap sitting around the house. So i went and took the Vs off an old bike. My frame came with Removable V-brake studs, So i had to grab those. and blah blah blah. I have rigged up some brakes...

Actually i'm surprised how well they are workin so far. Mind you i've only ridden from my room to the back door... But the stop well, so i can stall. Then rub a bit, but it's nothing that bad. The cable was kinda in the way of my leg a bit. So i zip-tied it out of the way. I'm just glad i have some sort of stopping device on the bike...

I know you are all wondering about what my baby now looks like... Well here she is:

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Here are the changes:

New Bars (Axiom Cro-bar)
New Stem (.243 BMX)
New hub (Shimano LX)
New Rim (Alexrims Supra-D)
New bolt on axle

~Good Night.

Fuck Off

Today's Song: Killradio - Where Go We

"Where go we, It's Unknown.
Where go we, It's Unwritten.
Where go we, come what may
but how much can it hurt to stop and think.
Cause i don't mind a little dose of pain

We raise a new flag so we can share this view"

I'm soo fucking livid right now. I have been trying for over an hour to get the brake to work. I don't know what the fuck happened to it. I can't even describe how it's fucked... I have tried everything i know and it's useless.

Either the wheel won't turn because the brake is too tight. So i loosen it, and then i have NO braking power. Tighten it up, Wheel won't turn.

I'm furious. After spending $380 to get it this far and to have my brake which was working fine before to just suddenly go and die on me. Looks like i'm going to have to spend another $100 - $150 on another brake.

Monday, February 14, 2005

V-Day Failure...

Today's Song: Killradio - Penis Envy
(Yes it's a repeat STFU already)

"Let me build a bigger bomb for you, let me build a bigger bomb for me.
Let's blow em all away, Third nations got pay.
Let me build a bigger bomb for you, let me build a bigger bomb for me.
Let's blow em all away, I'll blow them all away

When will it be enough?"

What should we address first... My lack of date of Vday? Or how incredably busy it was tonight?

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So, Work was surprisingly busy. I mean Mondays are normally pretty slow. But one would think that on V-Day everyone would be taking their dates to some fancy or romantic restraunt Right? NO Everyone came to Joey's Only Romantic Seafood...

So it's Vlad Terry Chris and i working... Vlad Terry and i are all functioning at NORMAL brain levels... Chris the idiot is not. I swear every time i work with him i feel like i am babysitting him. He will not shut up. And nothing usefull comes out of his mouth.

Anyways. Terry was takeout and fries/apps Vlad was calling,Chris was doing fish... He does little damage there. and i was Grill Dish and whatever else needed to be done. I portioned popcorn shrimp, Did some plating, bussed a table, threw some fries, all of this while still being able to cook shit on the grill and do dish... I'm fucking amazing. After Chris left 15 min early Terry and i got some work done.

Chris is a retard

So i got home and i had no V-Day date, I gotta admit that this is DEFINATLY a downer. I should have called some girls. But the thing was that none of the girls i had in mind seemed like the girl that i could have be romantic with... There wasn't a girl that i thought: "THIS is the girl i want to be with on V-Day"

I guess it is my fault. But i mean i had some people on my side... When i talked to Sarah last she said: "It's ok if you don't have a date." And i said: "Well thanks for have faith in me..." Eric, I think he was curious as to how spectacularly i could make an ass out of myself. Oh well...

So tonight it was time for a little Jeff and Bike time. Oh Yea... I thought about it and i didn't have the patients to wait till tomorrow to get some spacers, plus too many spacers can make your bike look Ghey. And the fact that i have a WARRIENTED fork tells me that i won't sell it after i am done with it. I mean EVERYONE has broke a DJ III Ah Well. So, another problem was that if i cut it down, i won't be able to use bigger stems, But i mean, this stem is soo BEFFY and sexy, i don't see it breaking any time soon. I think I will expire before this stem does....

ANYWAYS... Here is the fruit of my labour:
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Shop Till You Drop/ RUBBA' GLOVES

Today's Song: Killradio - Penis Envy

Today was shopping day.

I got up around 2, Because the phone rang. I picked up. It was Kelsey, She told me to wake my ass up because we had to go shoppin.

a quick shower and change and we are off. We felt like we needed some energy for this adventure, So we made a quick stop at the food court for some Pizza. First to Old navy where i got a pair of Jeans. Then to HMV where they didn't have my Killradio CD, But i saw Jordan. Kelsey got some Movies. Then to Zellers, the old workplace of Some Fine people. Such as Eric Woo and Sarah Caine. There i got a pair of Dickies pants. Then to Below the belt because Kelsey wanted to get some pants as well. I got to sit there in the middle of the women's section holding her purse and wait... I felt akward. After that we went to PLAY where i did something that i hadn't done in like 5 or 6 years... i bought a CD

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Killradio, I like. Funny CD cover.
After we were done shopping we went to Starbucks, Got a FREE cinnimon Bun at Cinizoe. and that was it.

So today i ran into a few friends like Jordan, Kevin, and Jerry.

On the way home we saw an old man picking his nose.

All 'n all, a successful day

~Night all.

BTW> As of yet i still have no Vday date... I feel like a failure. i don't want to be around my self.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

$380 Poorer

Today's Song: Billy Talent - Cut the Curtains

Sarah called me this morning. She was in the middle of a track meet layin in the middle of the feild waiting for her next race later that day. So her and her roommate, made some calls. Sarah and i talked about everything under the sun, Then she passed the phone to her friend Megan who i had like 3 sentences with. But she said i didn't have Canadian Accent... I talked like "Normal People"... Altough Sarah found it funny that she thought i was Asian.

After that, Went to the bank. Deposited some paychecks. Then off to Cochrane Cycle

So with in the 10 min i was there i had spend $380... I mean i needed all this stuff for my bike. But WOW... That hurts me right in the Wallet. So the shopping list was:
1) Fix rear axle in the rear wheel. I'll have it back Tuesday.
2) New front Wheel. I thought i would have to order in the hub, rim, spokes. but that and a sweet wheel built just waiting for me. So i snapped that up
3) New Stem. A Beautiful BMX style .243 stem.
4) New Bars. Because of the diameter of the handlebar clamp on the Stem i needed to get new bars. Axiom Cro-Bar... This thing is made from the same metel as my frame.

Grand Total: $379.85

So as soon as i get home i start changing stuff over. Put the tire and tube on my new rim. Took Gumbi and changed him over to the new wheel... A definate must. Then the bars were SUPER long so i cut them down. put my brake lever on and grips. As i go to put the stem on my bike i realized that i need more spacers for the stem to fit the steer tube. That all fine and well. Run to bowcycle for them... FUCK YOU. Bow is fucking useless. Those morons have them all packaged up for when they move next week. What assholes. So i came home empty handed. I thought well i'll just cut down the steer tube... But then the tube would be too short to run any other stem. frick. So i'm gonna ask around and see who has some spacers laying around for jeffrey.

So as i was doing all of this, my fork slipped out and i noticed that all the fucking bearings were fucked. so i just now finished re packing them. What a piss off.

Wheel and Bar/Stem:
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Sweet ass Stem of sexyness:
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My bike as it looks right now:
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Today's Song: AFI - Girls Not Grey

"I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Swim in the calm tonight
This art does drown"

Work was CRAZY tonight, I mean literally non-stop orders. First off i come in get changed and i am already "In the shit" (As they say in Full Metal Jacket). There were at least 30 orders up for take out alone. I was working Fries and apps. So i have 2 fryers with 2 baskets in each. I would have all four baskets full of fries, with more orders coming in, and stuff like Clam strips, Popcorn Shrimp, Onionrings, Calimari... I had a huge line up. Wasn't overly difficult job. But i think i muct have made like 300lbs of fries tonight.

On top of that, I singed the hair on my arm... These fryers have the wonder feature of having the exaust ports (which sometimes have small flames shooting out) pointed at me while i am pouring fries into a basket... I'm glad i didn't have to close.

After work Candice and i went and saw Boogeyman.
Image Hosted by

I gotta say that i actually got scared in some parts. Well done. I didn't expect the 7th Heaven actor to do so well. I thought that Mat camden took on the boogeyman so well.

So, i was thinking tonight, How far is too far and/or who can dictate what goes into my Blog?

As i was pondering this. The obvious abswer is that I am the only one that controls what goes into this here Blog. But there are things that affect what i put in. Social values and the way i was brought up. I think i write down pretty much anything that i am feeling or whatever. But i mean i do follow a code of conduct of sorts. I don't mention names in certin situations. But i mean when i name the people i went drinkin with or whaterver seems innocent enough?

But then how am i sopost to know if that person is/is not comfortable with their name or story partaining to them on the internet? Written concent? Nah, Blogs are informal righ? I mean it is just me sitting here telling you, Whoever it might be, What i did and what i felt.

If we look back at My First Blog We see that i mention that i just want to have a place to put my opinion. So, Does that mean that if you donot like what i say you can Hate me?

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Voltaire

Well, then this quote sparks the questions about Racism and hate crimes. I wonder how many people would defend someone saying something about killing minorities or something like that. But i guess that the principal behind this is that Defend free speach for everyone.

Thats enough thinking for one night...

Friday, February 11, 2005

"Your As Cold As Ice"

Today's Song: Foreigner - Cold As Ice

"You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You want paradise
But someday you'll pay the price, I know"

Here are some HALARIOUS Flash Animations:

Ah yes, Bananna Phone. It's been a while. I hope you Enjoy
Bananna Phone

Just saw this one today, And i was amazed but how well it is animated and how well the sound matches the animation. Plus it's funny.
Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Then Me

I really don't know what to Blog about right now...

I guess i could talk about how i'm annoyed by some of the things that someone has done recently. Lets start with defining the word "Friend" Shall we?


  1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
  2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
  3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
  4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.
  5. Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker
Ok, So.. Now that we are all on the same page... Lets ask our selves, What does one DO to be a friend? We listen to problems, Share moments of humor, fright, sadness. We converse regualary. We make plans to do something because we enjoy eachother's presence or have fun when they are around....Correct?

Let's all just reavaluate our title's are "Friends" And then make the concious effort to be a better one if you are going to call yourself one. Wouldn't you find it annoying i said i was your friend but didn't act like it? I think i'm just going to stop trying, My efforts could be Better spent on a real friendship. Not one that you make up to pretend like you care. Or block out the fact the you can crush someone.

This song fits...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

My Sweet Valentine, Will You Be Mine?

Today's Song: Slipknot - Wait and Bleed

"I've felt the hate rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander over where you can't see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed... "

First day of school down. I liked the teacher. He seems like an interesting person and a hell of alot more animated then the last math teacher i had.

So i am about to get dressed ad ready to go to school when i realize that neither my mom or i have thrown my clothes in the dryer. Well poop. So i was goin crazy and whatnot. But i threw them into the dryer for like 30 min and they were mostly dry. My pants were damp as i sat in class. I think i have learned my lesson there.

What else... Oh yea, As of yet i still have to get the ball rolling on my bike upgrades. But i just need to get my ass in gear and that'll be sloved.

As of yet... No Vday date.... This is shaping up to be the worsest Vday planning ever. Well, I MENT to call a girl today, but i got side-tracked and forgot. What a dumbass move.

i was talking to a friend from Highschool, She is in gr 12 right now. and awhile ago she said that we should hang out sometime. And i said: "Sure". So the other day she said it again and so we made plans for sunday. I'm looking forward to it. So today i was talking to a Girl who i had fooled around with and then became friends with. And we were talking and i webcamed with her to show her my sweet ass BB Gun (which i had just used to shoot another fucking spider.... Fucking spiders) And she said: "Your looking Good". That was definatly an ego boost... But i'm sure her BF thinks i'm good looking aswell......

So I was thinking to my self: "Self, What do you think is missing from your life right now?" After thinking about it for a while. i came to the conclusion that i want a Girlfriend. Someone to care about and someone to be cared by. Well to solve said problem Jeff just needs to meet a nice girl and then things will all fall into place right? Well, Back in high school it was easy because i was around girls, We would be at the same place for six and a half hours. Now that i am in the real world. What am i to do? Go to bar? Ok i like the bar, But i always go with my friends to have a good time. And if i went Solo... Then how do i meet said girls? Walk up and start talking? Not likely. OK.. Ok... Maybe the setting is wrong. Robo goes to Tequila and hooks up with some randoms. Let's see, Sexy dancing, Drinking... Hot girls. Ok all the elements are there. Oh Wait... Jeff dosn't dance. Jeff dosn't belong at the clubs.... Jeff dosn't want to catch Gohnaherpasyphlis from some random. Well Jeffrey, Looks like your SOL. I don't know how i am sopost to meet some nice, interesting cute, non-infectious girls now that i'm out here. Here's an idea, Maybe some of my Female friends could help me out... OH WAIT... any female friend i think i have had in highschool has moved out of this City... Well Shit Jeff, Maybe your destined to be that lonely, Bitter, Angst ridden Blogger for the rest of your life. Fuck... Definatly looking forward to that.

(I can see Eric or Justing saying something like: "You want some Callgirls? That'll be expensive". Well thanks for your support in advance....)

So the other night was the Celebration of Kevin and i's Birthdays in January. It was hella fun and i called both the girls i wanted to take out for Vday. But sadly, Neither came. Well i gotta say that it definatly hurt and has put me off a bit.... Maybe thats why i'm dragging my feet a bit.

BTW> New Comic

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Today's Song: Killradio - Do you know

"do you know
what they say
do you know what they say
what they say about you"

So, Yestderday (Superbowl Sunday) Kevin came over and we watched the game. Wasn't anything special. But after we were lookin forward to "American Dad" a new cartoon from the makers of Family Guy. It was pretty funny. I'm lookin forward to more of the show. After that we watched the Myth Busters Marathon and it was awesome. I love that show.

After Kevin left i went and played on the computer. I was watching the streaming Videos that Winamp has. And i came across "Killradio" And i liked. The Do You Know video was interesting. The singer reminds me of Billy Talent lead singer in the way that he rocks out while he sings. You should check them out.

Today i had to close AGAIN. I hate closing. But it was ok cuz i worked with Vlad. And it wasn't bad because we were done at like 915...

So i start class tomorrow. 415 - 7. Well. I'm liking the whole not waking up early deal. But Dosn't leave alot of time to do something after school. OH WELL... I know that i'll be able to do this math so i'm so so worried about it. But the fact still remains that i am not at Uni and that sucks ass.

BTW> New Comic

Friday, February 04, 2005

Run Rent-A-Cop Run

Today's Song: Oasis - Wonderwall

"Backbeat, the word was on the street
That the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now"

Went to work... long and ghey...

Schanks aftwards. Got wasted... Got chased by Rent-a-cop...

I sleep now


So i was sitting here minding my own business when i notice something out of the corner of my eye. Some black speck on the wall. I look over and see a fucking spider crawling up the wall.

So i quickly messaged Justing and asked whether i should smash it or shoot it. I didn't even give him time to reply because i was already loading the BB gun.

I loaded like 10 shots, Took aim. And pulled the trigger.

FIRST SHOT and i hit that fucking Spider. I was soo proud. I was soo surprised.

That made my night.

|Edit: Justing JUST made this for me|

Thursday, February 03, 2005

"bash is the best non-porn site on the interweb"

Today's Song: Franz Ferdinand - Micheal

"Michael you're the only one I'd ever want
Beautiful boys on a beautiful dance-floor
Michael you're dancing like a beautiful dance-whore
Michael waiting on a silver platter now...
and nothing matters now"

I slept in so i didn't get to go to the bike shop. i'm kinda pissed at myself for that And now i have to close the next few days. What a piss off, I mean i had to close last shift because of THEIR fuck up.

Today was spend mostly around Here is Dickie's Comments on the site:

Dan-New bumper $100, New Rad. $100, not telling the chump I sold the truck to that it was crashed: Priceless says:
bash is the best non-porn site on the interweb

G * U * M * B * I [Anyone Need A V-Day Date?] says:

So true So true.

Here are some of my Favs:

* rax humps Arwen`
arwen> rax: down boy!
* rax humps lower

raxor> I love the way my mom bursts into
my room while I'm masturbating
raxor> then when I suddenly lean forward to cover my
genitals she stands there and pretends nothing happened
raxor> just looks straight at me and says "come set the
then she kept standing there until I finally
said, "okay..."
borisyen> she was waiting to be asked to 'help out'
raxor> then as she was leaving I noticed I never turned
the porn off, so there was some girl sucking on a dick
on the screen the whole time
raxor> well bbl.. I've got to do some awkward table

snoody> Banky, are you still a virgin?
banky> Ask your mom.
snoody> She said yes.

doogul> Capitalization is the difference
doogul> I help my uncle Jack off a horse
doogul> and
doogul> I helped my uncle jack off a horse

broox> so my speakers haven't beeen
working for a while
broox> they were plugged into the mic port
npl> umm, i think they are color-coded
broox> haha, i know
broox> i usually just reach back there and guess which
hole it is
* npl has set the topic on channel #cell6 to: broox> i
usually just reach back there and guess which hole it

dublyner> I was up in Winnepeg and some
guy on the street asked me if I had two loonies for a
toonie. I thought he was going to rape me or something.

harlequin> shut the fuck up
harlequin> all of you make me fucking sick
jewbagel> Im sorry
harlequin> what has irc become
jewbagel> ...I like bacon if that helps at all

"Girls only want guys with great Skills"

Today's Song: Jamiriquai - Canned Heat

"Dance nothing left for me to do but dance,
Off these bad times I'm going through just dance
Got canned heat in my heals tonight baby "

So, i worked tonight, It was ok cuz i only had to work till 9.... Oh wait Let's make Jeff call. So after geting really behind and going crazy, and haveing mark save my ass. Fat Sarah started giving me shit. That really pissed me off... Then Terry, A new guy. A hard worker. Was closing. So he starts to ask the other guys if they are closing. And they all said they were off at 8... Well fuck. So i turned out that i got to close tonight on top of having to call. What a piss off.

Came home, Showered. Then i decided to mellow out and re pack the bearings in my rear wheel. Not a terribly hard task, I've done it before. Pretty much disassemble. Clean. Re greese. Re assemble. Then ride. BUT NO FUCK YOU. As i go to take off my sheel the fucking skewer is bent to shit... So i try and strighten it without ruining the threads on it. That didn't work. I snapped the damn thing. So i pulled it out and took off my wheel. You can definatly feel that somethign is messed up in there, So i take it apart no trouble. Then i am looking at the berring race and i notice the big hole in the metel. GREAT, just what i wanted to see. So Tomorrow i am gonna go to Cochraine Cycle and get the ball rolling on that crap. It's hard for me to see so much of my hard earned money leave me so quickly....

Well while i was covered in greese i decided to rotate my bash gaurd, Because of all the grinds i hav worn it down a hell of alot more quickly. Then a re arranged the pins on my pedals (The pins on the gripper side of my grind pedal were all small and slippy)

Well, i got bored so i decided to change the voice mail message on my phone. Before it was: "Hey, I'm not here you know what to do" Boring. But now! it's a clip from Napolean Dynamite... I'm not gonna tell you because it'd ruin the surprise.

Frick i can see it now. I'm gonna get a bunch of calls and when i pick up people will be pissed that they didn't hear the message.

So The hunt for a Vday date isn't going well. I gotta say i thought it'd be easier...

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

"I tried so hard,And got so far,But in the end,It doesn't even matter

Today's Song: Linkin Park - In The End

"Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me,in the end

Havn't done much Went to work, I had to close. Wasn't bad at all. The shitty thing was that i had to close with a new guy. But he was done dish pretty quick so he could help out in what ways he could. Mostly been watching TV or playing on the comp.

So Tonight Sean called me up and offered a Milly session, At first i wasn't down, But then i decided what the heck, Why not. It was definatly a good time. Played around on the usual stuff. Then Sean had me try some roll backs. I gotta tell you that i tried to learn these most of last season, and i never got them down. I pretty much just got bitter and hated whenever someone mention the trick. So tonight Sean broke it down for me and whatnot. and i FINALLY laned some nicely. I was hyped about that. Then i can drop in, but i've always been a bit scared of it. But after the trip to the LB where it was all Quarter Pipes i think i got more confidence. I also landed a few 270 hips into the bath tub bowl.

Then Sean and i went to Mac's got some Slurpees and on the way back got a slice. Then back to Milly. i was tired so i was just playin around a little bit. Mostly riding the MTB line. Then i was trying some Double bar spins coming up the big roll in. I landed one and a half. But a fell like 800 times. Like the wheel would land sideways and i'd eat it.

In the LB my rear hub felt pretty gross, and i'm thinkin that it needs a tune up, So i think sometime soon i'll re pack the bearings. Maybe i'll do that tomorrow. Well another thing is my front wheel is gonna need to be replaced. Frick, I've had that front wheel ever since my Sassy. Well, Anyone who has seen the sassy knows how much that thing was junk. Well to sum it up I'll need to:
1)Re pack Bearings in rear hub
2)New front hub
3) New front rim
4)New stem
5)New Tires (Not as important as the others)

So Basically, To do all of this i'll cost a lot. But... If i go to my FAV Bike store (Chocrane Cycle) I'll get some Deals. Thats where i got my frame and rear wheel. They are awesome. Great people and AWESOME work. I got them to make me a single speed out of a Deore Hub. So basically, throwing spacers around one gear. My chain line is soo stright. I plan to go to them to get this crap done.

Any one need a Date for Valentines Day? Well i have promised myself that i will not be alone on that night. All i am looking for is the company of a nice pretty girl.

I kept Justin up a little late tonight getting some feedback on what i should do/Who to ask. And that young man is wise beyond his years.

I got an idea, Why don't all of you Blog readers post on what you think the perfect Vday date is, It'll help me out.